Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

Somethings still missing....

Probably this guy..

you near Cen Valley?

Not too far about 30 miles east of Jackson @ 4000' the rain has turned to snow. I did my monthly SD/LA turnaround and seen bikes every where. coming out of riverside a rider on a HD 48 (just like mine) rode along side me for about 2 miles, got me thinking how nice.
But now...
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Out in the garage I stumbled across some old LP's and being in a baked frame of mind...
rolled # 3 for the am...

rain bringing me down...

gioua you should never move to Seattle. lol

Got Family in Or and WA.. they love it.. I love the rain... for 1-2 days tops... then I need the blue skies and happiness!!

this song..........still makes me HAPPY@@

Good morning. Time to bake I'm already a wake.
Morning Kids!!

was moving a bit slow this am.. but pain is gone now.. made a larger J then normal this am with Strawberry Queen.. (this stuff smells soooo good and fruity)

Today's Pics and Vid



Oh.. and here is the Future Mrs Gioua. (current Mrs Gioua has ok'd it.. lol).. singing.. Sunrise..
damn I love her

Morning girls and boys, just got back from work.. Shoes off, Flame on.. :leaf: :)

Heard this song on the radio. I haven't heard it in a while, still makes my eyes watery. :cry:

Seasons in the sun. Man that takes me back and when it was done there was a whole bunch of song there from the same time. Thats great music even the Archy's well maybe not them. LOL
And for those who didn't know Judas Priest covered this.
today is already awesome,went to 7/11 foor gas and seen an old lady trying to work her car jack to take off a tire... well she looked kinda confused lmao, so i went to help her and when i was done i lit up a cig while she was talking to me.. she asked me what i smoke, went and bought cigs with 100 for me then gave me all the change.
didnt know people were still like that...
