Wow, damn, Sweet! lol. Especially for Northern growers and wanting early finishers!!

Plain and simple....... .....northern growers and people wanting early finishers I think should be bookmarking that site right quick like, lol

Wow because I can't believe I never heard of this site before.....damn because I just placed a large order with the tude for their bday promo......Sweet because without a doubt this will be the next place I buy from and will probably (hopefully) end up being my new go to spot!!!....I mean frick....if I was to buy both of their specials right now which are both 2 bags of seed for price of 1 (all are 12seed packs except for a couple that are 10 it looks and ALL packs are $45!!!) and then add in their automatic 15free mixed seeds (and there are even some choices as to breeders/out/indoors for those 15freebies!!) basically for $100cad ($45x2+$10shipping) a person gets 63seeds if I seen it all correctly which im sure I did!!....ok it would only be 59seeds and one of the promos is for one of the 10packs of seeds.

Still hell of a deal at 59seeds for a flat $100 ($1.70seed!) and they cater more to northern/colder climate clientele......perfect for me up here in BC! :) I have no affiliation with them in any way shape or form...just found out about them through surfin the net a bit and reading threads tryin to learn up, lol!....Just though many others here could benifit from them as well.


Well-Known Member
Maybe you should try to order and see if you get what you paid for before recommending it to others?
Just a thought!


Well-Known Member
why not just get a spring cleaning pack from the mr. nice auction you'll get a better deal from a reputable breeder. theirs a link at and check out the exclusive limeted editions section.


Well-Known Member
Maybe you should try to order and see if you get what you paid for before recommending it to others?
Just a thought!

That includes not just making sure you GET the ceeds you paid for, but that they are actually viable and end up making plants worth growing.

Finding ceeds is no trick, even cheap ceeds. . .the trick is finding ones that grow into plants you WANT!
Maybe you should try to order and see if you get what you paid for before recommending it to others?
Just a thought!

Only posted it to help others out......if you research the name some and look for reviews (especially on canadian forums) you will see the same as I did in that from everything I have seen they are quite excellent with everything including customer service......seen their name mentioned a few times from reputable growers, best seed bank lists and now knowing about them I have as well asked a few of my local growers if they have heard of them and the ones that have and have ordered from them love them.

I am no idiot and I would not post a recommendation to people if it is not something that I already know is a good bet.
And I will let all know how things turn out as even though I already have a crapload of seeds right now, I am still going to go ahead and order the Guerilla Gold #3....haven't decided yet on the freebies that I will go for...will decide that after more research on some of the strains today....either way though I will be happy im sure...pretty hard not to be to get 39seeds for $55.......and the guerilla gold has come recommended from one of my local mm growers who has had the pleasure of sampling.


Active Member
so are these bred for canadian outdoor and indoor or all kinds of conditions? also, not to take away from anyones bidness but breeding loosely is easy as fuck, just never approach the plant with more than a dab on a qtip or wet finger of pollen and I got super precise results and only ended up with 6-10 seeds per plant, the rest of buds stayed sensi and I must admit I havn't harvested yet but my homebreeds are looking so lush and symmetrical(vegging nicely), also crossed either bigbud or bluemystic pollen with jack the ripper and northern light blue and I can't wait to see what I get.
I plan on cloning the nice ones untill I figure out whats worth keeping but I gotta say sofar they All look good and noone will have them but me;)
-but yes I am still interested in rcmc
will indeed keep all posted.....I plan on putting half of the gg I get and maybe some of the freebies along with some THC Bomb, Magic Man and then maybe some other single freebies from tudes bday promo......vegging inside until may sometime, hopefully be able to sex them before transplanting outside with any luck..........The guerilla gold, thc bomb and magic man will be out in the bush behind the house somewhere and the other 2-5singles that I will grow will be in my yard more than likely as I have a fairly private yard a ways from town and such. Will see how it all pans out once all the seeds arrive and will go from there! Happy planting all!

Rising Moon

Well-Known Member
Many of the Canadian bred strains I have smoked/grew lacked flavour and smell. Compared to the newer hybrids coming out of the west coast, most Canadian genetics are boring.

In fact, I'm sorta sad to say my friend and I decided to discontinue the Texada Timewarp we were running. Too many other better more interesting strains. It grows like a champ though, with nice outdoor yields, early October harvest and nice blue coloring, just missing smell and flavor, and a bit sensitive to botrytis. But I will hit it with my Space Mango male before she hits the dust so to speak.