My first class with the golden teacher


Well-Known Member
yeah the mycelium seems to be growing fairly quickly in a couple jars, noticable difference in 24 hours.

grabbed some lasagna pans for casing in and should be gtg soon i hope


Well-Known Member
sweet, good replies and vibes guys :)

i went and checked on them and the black dosent seem to be spreading but the white is going crazy!! every jar has some white growth in it so keep them good vibes coming!!!! hopefully by thursday they are colonized enough to begin casing...

Shake your jars.


Well-Known Member
Fok, I still ain't got shit going on, no white stuff no contam. nothing, nada. hahah it's been 9 days since I knocked the jars up maybe it's just my temps. they don't go over 69F, I hope I'll see something by week 2, if nothing I'll just have to knock some more jars up with a new spores that should be arriving this afternoon.


Well-Known Member
Its the temps acid, they really like to be at warmer temps to colonize, and a bit cooler temps to fruit.

technical dan

Active Member
Hope you see some growth soon acid.

I just inoculated 2 pints and a 1/2 pint with the P. galindoa syringe I made. I do not see any signs of life/ growth in the GT jars yet. Hopefully there will be some myc when I get back in a couple days. I get to go play outside in canyon country! :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Its the temps acid, they really like to be at warmer temps to colonize, and a bit cooler temps to fruit.
Thunder, but I still should be good even with lower temps. rite? it's just going to take a bit longer then if I had used TiT or something similar.


Well-Known Member
Hope you see some growth soon acid.

I just inoculated 2 pints and a 1/2 pint with the P. galindoa syringe I made. I do not see any signs of life/ growth in the GT jars yet. Hopefully there will be some myc when I get back in a couple days. I get to go play outside in canyon country! :mrgreen:
Dan yeah I hope I see some growth soon, if not I got more spores coming in today from a different vendor (sporeworks)

Sounds awesome!! Can't wait for the weather get a bit warmer and off into the woods we are haha


Well-Known Member
Hey Dan, have you visit my new thread in my sig? if not stop by and check it out, I'm not sure if I saw you there haha


Well-Known Member
i got my spores but some folks on here have said they have bad reviews...

3 jars no sign of life other 9 are colonizing fast, i got pics will uplload later


Well-Known Member
Matt, I got my order in from and let me tell ya WOW what a difference, I can clearly see big ass clumps floating around, the syringes from spores101 were clear like water not these, plus extra needle some alcohol wipes nicee.

Here's a picture of the syringe IMAG0735.jpg

And here some pictures of my incubator, I'm using my old aquarium with a plastic tote in it with a black light above that keeps things nice and warm at constant 82.5F, that black light is emitting heat only no usable light spectrum, I was test driving that thing all morning long and finally I got the light in the right spot at where I want it with the temps I want it.



Well-Known Member
Matt, I got my order in from and let me tell ya WOW what a difference, I can clearly see big ass clumps floating around, the syringes from spores101 were clear like water not these, plus extra needle some alcohol wipes nicee.

Here's a picture of the syringe View attachment 2553456

And here some pictures of my incubator, I'm using my old aquarium with a plastic tote in it with a black light above that keeps things nice and warm at constant 82.5F, that black light is emitting heat only no usable light spectrum, I was test driving that thing all morning long and finally I got the light in the right spot at where I want it with the temps I want it.

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Hell yeah man! Thinking I am going to need to get a heating pad for my jars, the spot I have them sitting in right now is just too cool. If not a heating pad I'll come up with some other ingenious idea on how to get the temps up just a bit. :)


Well-Known Member
Hell yeah man! Thinking I am going to need to get a heating pad for my jars, the spot I have them sitting in right now is just too cool. If not a heating pad I'll come up with some other ingenious idea on how to get the temps up just a bit. :)
MJ, I got like 10 jars sitting knocked up since last saturday in 68F and nothing not a sign of life.


Well-Known Member
Checked my "incubator" and it's keeping it's temperature at steady 81.5F after hours of running so I think I'm happy with it haha


Well-Known Member
Matt, I got my order in from and let me tell ya WOW what a difference, I can clearly see big ass clumps floating around, the syringes from spores101 were clear like water not these, plus extra needle some alcohol wipes nicee.

Here's a picture of the syringe View attachment 2553456

And here some pictures of my incubator, I'm using my old aquarium with a plastic tote in it with a black light above that keeps things nice and warm at constant 82.5F, that black light is emitting heat only no usable light spectrum, I was test driving that thing all morning long and finally I got the light in the right spot at where I want it with the temps I want it.

View attachment 2553457View attachment 2553458View attachment 2553459View attachment 2553460
you would be better off using the red light vs that "black light" 460nm -420nm helps to initiate pinning.


Well-Known Member
MJ, I got like 10 jars sitting knocked up since last saturday in 68F and nothing not a sign of life.

Yeah that's what I am trying to avoid, I want to at least see + life by this weekend! :) I now have my a box with a heating pad in the bottom of it lined with a couple pairs of old jeans to disburse the heat a bit, then another layer on top of that. Will check it every couple hours to make sure it doesn't get too hot. Going to look into getting a thermometer to monitor temps tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Matt, I got my order in from and let me tell ya WOW what a difference, I can clearly see big ass clumps floating around, the syringes from spores101 were clear like water not these, plus extra needle some alcohol wipes nicee.

Here's a picture of the syringe View attachment 2553456

And here some pictures of my incubator, I'm using my old aquarium with a plastic tote in it with a black light above that keeps things nice and warm at constant 82.5F, that black light is emitting heat only no usable light spectrum, I was test driving that thing all morning long and finally I got the light in the right spot at where I want it with the temps I want it.

View attachment 2553457View attachment 2553458View attachment 2553459View attachment 2553460
dont give up on your current jars too fast man, with the teps you have been keeping them they are going to grow much slower, nice to see you have a incubator going but like poly said the light may cause pinning, try spray painting the bulb to get the heat but not the light :)

MJ, I got like 10 jars sitting knocked up since last saturday in 68F and nothing not a sign of life.
you should see something man, i am so i want to say the spores101 syringes arent BS just gotta give it some time m8


Well-Known Member
you would be better off using the red light vs that "black light" 460nm -420nm helps to initiate pinning.
Thank you Poly, I'll get rite on it I have some extra "red" bulbs around. Poly you know that "black" light isn't a really a black light like you got at a club, these are black night lights for reptiles, they emit very little or any usable light just heat but you probably knew that, same with the "red" light same thing, but Thank you and I'll get on it.


Well-Known Member
dont give up on your current jars too fast man, with the teps you have been keeping them they are going to grow much slower, nice to see you have a incubator going but like poly said the light may cause pinning, try spray painting the bulb to get the heat but not the light :)

you should see something man, i am so i want to say the spores101 syringes arent BS just gotta give it some time m8
Matt I'm not giving up yet, I'm not that kind that gives up easy :)
I'll keep them jars for another week maybe two? and will see what happens.

I'm not bashing spores101, just can tell the difference between spores101 and sporeworks.