Well-Known Member
sounds right except your throwaway container has to be fruited in a fruiting chamber, on the bottom of the fruiting chamber (generally a tote) is where the perlite would go.
yes im going to put the layer of colonized corn in the bottom of a throw away turkey/cake pan, then case with my pasturized soil/peat mix that has been brough to "feild capacity" and then into a garbage bad so no light gets in, once the mycelium fully colonizes the casing i am going to place a thin layer of dry vermiculite and remove from garbage bag and start fruiting them right in the throw away container....
sound about right?
WOOT!! got some white shit growing on my popcorn, hopefully its mycelium and not mold...just a couple really small spots right now but will be back over there tomorow to check on it again and see how its looking. hopefully by tomorow all of my jars have something growing inside.
also, when using popcorn tek is it uncommon to find black spots on some of the kernels? io have a few jars with them and they dont really look like a contam as much as they look like they me be part of the corn kernel. i also looked at a fresh bag and notices some darker spots in the tips of some of the kernels but they were inside the kernel so couldnt see if they were actually black or not. im thinking with boiling the kernels it revealed some blemishes that you dont really notice otherwise.
not really sure what you mean here ^^
i used regulat bagged yellow popcorn, i looked at some images and seems alot of the images i looked at have the same black specks as mine do...i guess time will tell.
Kernels in bulk can have large amounts of contamination
the tote that i put the corn in to dry after i soaked and boiled it ended up really green moldy from sitting out in the house, as soon as i saw it i sprayed everything down with bleach water and promptly removed it from the house and siposed of it.
what i think is in the jars is part of the corn kernels, but im not sure. will have to wait to find out. unfortunatly i am not blessed with a verry clean houshold to grow them in. i wont take any chances though, first site of contams i will chuck em prob jar and all.
i do plan on cleaning out a area of the house and letting it air out well before i start my casing and fruiting, will also be disenfecting the area and closing it off with new shower curtains. not sure how im going to do it but ill think of something. and i seen a site someone linked on here that had lots of pics of when to and when not to harvest and i think i have a pretty good idea when they are done.
another question arises though, even if you harvest your mushrooms when they are at prime time (when the ring is starting to stretch down the stem but hasnt not yet broken) does the mushroom still release spores as it dries and that ring breaks.?
Well, it's friday and I have nothing better to do today than smoke this blunt and fornicate.
i might hit you up on those extracts... how long is the trip would you say? i got a guy who likes to smoke them as is. and he gets some effect so he says, bet he would pay out the shizzle for some extract.