and all you fine people are the reason why I am here. The other forums treat noobs as idiots without brains. I was an idiot when I first started. The questions, what's wrong, how to tell sex, it is ready yet, were all questions I asked. That said, I have found this wonderful new invention called YOUTUBE. Jorge Cervantes (sp) has some great stuff, no deposit required. Plus Grow420guide is an excellent resource for noobs, from starting to sowing to harvesting, hell he even covers topping, fimming, and LST (low stress training) which I found very helpful. The rest I read, on this forum and on Grasscity. Also hit a few botany sites. Never joined it, just read a lot. So much my eyeballs were falling out. But you know what? I'm proud of myself because when I first started growing not many folks here showed anger to me, they were very helpful and blunt with their advice. Knowledge is for the people and I by chance, am a computer tech, so I've heard some pretty silly questions on that end, so I can understand. Peace out ya'll, its nighty night for Rosey.