first time grow... how they look?


so first time here. start of just for shit and giggle in the kitchen window sil. after months of slow tall growth i took an intrest into it and now this is where i am.

Nuts = G.H trio

4 cfl 40wt 2 per plant
both started in soil and grew slow for about 2-3 months after intrest i went out and bought a bunch of goodies to help support and monitor them. i am in the proccess of building a box for everything so they are just chilling in the closet for now. however here is the story. me and a buddy decided to keep one soil and move one to hydro anf that we would transition into flower while doing the switch. so we washed away the soil of one and drop her in a 5 gallon and hydroton in a 6in net pot. we water from top for about a week or so to help the roots drop and she is starting to grow well. soil has been doing alot better now that we have good ph water and liquid nuts added too."same one as our hydro". we flush the bucket once a week and water soil as need" usally everyother day or soil depending on how dry the soil is. soil plant has drain hole on bottom too. we think the transition took longer then we thought since i thnk we are behind our floweing its going on 4 weeks of flowering and we are thinking of bumping two week back on the feed charts. ill provide pictures of before we went hydro and where she is at now. but all in all whats your thought on the plant how she look and how much longer of slowering do you guys think.



I am a new grower but they look good to me, it's always great to sit back and enjoy the fruits of your labor. Have you ever thought about doing some low stress training (lst) to increase yeild?


Well-Known Member
They all look like beautiful healthy plants, keep it up.:weed:
Just a suggestion but if you are a reading person and you want to really get into it get Jorge Cerventes book "Marijuana Horticulture the indoor/outdoor medical growers guide"
Best book to help out new and experienced growers.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
They look stretched out and sparse but that is typical for a severely under lit plant. Cfls are for reading books not for growing plants.


Well-Known Member
so first time here. start of just for shit and giggle in the kitchen window sil. after months of slow tall growth i took an intrest into it and now this is where i am.

Nuts = G.H trio

4 cfl 40wt 2 per plant
both started in soil and grew slow for about 2-3 months after intrest i went out and bought a bunch of goodies to help support and monitor them. i am in the proccess of building a box for everything so they are just chilling in the closet for now. however here is the story. me and a buddy decided to keep one soil and move one to hydro anf that we would transition into flower while doing the switch. so we washed away the soil of one and drop her in a 5 gallon and hydroton in a 6in net pot. we water from top for about a week or so to help the roots drop and she is starting to grow well. soil has been doing alot better now that we have good ph water and liquid nuts added too."same one as our hydro". we flush the bucket once a week and water soil as need" usally everyother day or soil depending on how dry the soil is. soil plant has drain hole on bottom too. we think the transition took longer then we thought since i thnk we are behind our floweing its going on 4 weeks of flowering and we are thinking of bumping two week back on the feed charts. ill provide pictures of before we went hydro and where she is at now. but all in all whats your thought on the plant how she look and how much longer of slowering do you guys think.

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Yeah bro looking awesome but with CFL if you did LST would be awesome for light sig shows my plants LST :) i did them 12/12 from seed so there wasnt really a need but to even out growth and stuff i am doing it with all my plants from now on


Active Member
I agree with bigv1976, I do have to say I have seen much worse with CFL grows. So thinking on how good you have done with garbage tools, think of what you could accomplish with HID's....


Well-Known Member
Though I agree with bigv1976, I do have to say I have seen much worse with CFL grows. So thinking on how good you have done with garbage tools, think of what you could accomplish with HID's....
I hear ya. I am certainly not shitting on his grow just giving my opinion like he asked.


We plan on getting some Good lights once we get the box finished and order some good seeds.

"Big "should I add some more cfl lights. We have the myler just haven't added it


Active Member
I hear ya. I am certainly not shitting on his grow just giving my opinion like he asked.
Oh I didnt think you were. I was really just agreeing with you because you pretty much stated what I thought when looking at the pics. Now that I read what I wrote it does seem like that though doesn't it? So I edited it. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
We plan on getting some Good lights once we get the box finished and order some good seeds.

"Big "should I add some more cfl lights. We have the myler just haven't added it
I would certainly add some cfls until you can throw some big boy lumens in there. The mylar will show a noticable increase of usable lumens also.


--Other Adam in now.

I'll just do a quick sumup again like my buddy did.


-4x 26 Watt "100 Watt" CFL bulbs. Two are warm white, two are cool white. Each plant has a warm/cool above them.
-General Hydroponics Grow, Micro, Bloom PH up and down
-4 Port 16 watt EcoPlus air pump with variable air controller
-5 Gallon DWC with netpot and hydrocorn
-Nutra-Dip Tri Meter (PPM PH Temp)
-Milwaukee PH600 PH tester (Missing PH probe on Tri Meter)
-Programmable Timer
-Soil/Vermiculite/Perlite mix on for the soil plant (Started soil, added V&P)

The Box

-OSB Plywood & 2"x3" (Going to seal to keep moisture from being absorbed)
-6-8 26 Watt CFL
-Mylar Lined
-Exhaust fan with Carbon Filter
-Passive intake

The Story

Started these many months ago just to see "if I could" basically. I love to burn, and I love building things and seeing progress, so I combined the three! I had a few beans from (probably) some reggies laying around. I normally only smoke the dankest of herbs, but hey we all slum it sometimes right? :lol: Anyways, I dropped these in a shot glass of water, they popped, I dropped them in a seedling greenhouse until they sprouted to a nice inch or two and dropped them in dirt on a window sill for a while until you could tell what they were. Well then *sigh* I was dating a girl, and it was a little hard to move my babies to and from the window with her sleeping over all the time, so they were neglected for a few months during early veg. Sometimes no water, no lights, etc.

Fast forward to after she was gone, I picked up some cheap LED panels. 1 at first, and another later. They were 13 watts a piece (LOL). Even though they were underpowered, it was a huge step up from the sill or worse, no light. They started stretching for light and looked scraggly. After a while of this whole limbo to stay alive, I finally got really interested in my project. That's where my friend (the other Adam that posted first) came in. He saw my grow and wanted to be a part of it, so we went and bought all the hydro supplies and switched one over to DWC, and kept the other in soil. We also bought the supplies to build the box, which is a work in progress.

The plant in soil has always been the stronger looking plant, even though they both were weak little guys. The one that switched to DWC was stunted for a while, but finally picked up again probably 3 weeks after the switch.

This whole grow started as a trial to see if I was interested before I went balls deep in equipment, money, and problems with a real grow. After several months of them struggling along, I finally knew that I was truly interested in this and REALLY wanted to grow it. Just like anything in life, money goes where it's needed first. So all the nutrients and proper equipment were added on until I had a semi decent setup going.

As far as the harvest? Man I'm not expecting much. These plants went through hell and back and still hung on. I never even knew if they would show gender let alone start budding. This wasn't for a huge yield, or tons of money, or even good weed. This was for the experience that few people try, even less succeed at, and generations of growers and smokers alike that are in it for the love of the green :bigjoint:

I've got some pictures throughout the grow too, they are basically all of the soil plant. The Hydro plant is budding but its stretching a lot, is skinnier, and just looks iffy. I'd guess too much stress in it's life to rebound any better. It's got 40+ budding sites with hairs growing everywhere though, so maybe it's just more of a scraggly looking strain. The soil plant is much bushier. I think it also has to do with the soil plant being in the corner of the closet, so the light is reflected better. The other plant is in the middle of the closet.
Grow 01.JPGGrow 02.JPGGrow 03.JPGGrow 04.JPGGrow 05.JPGGrow 06.JPGGrow 07.JPGGrow 08.JPGGrow 09.JPGGrow 10.JPGGrow 11.JPGGrow 13.JPGGrow 14.JPGGrow 15.JPGGrow 16.JPG


Guy at the garden store said they were "2 gallon" pots. I think around 6-7" in diameter and about the same in height. The one plant is out of there and in DWC with a net pot, the other definitely needs more room for roots, I'm well aware, but I didn't know if it was a good idea to switch it to a new pot while flowering. I was thinking of just pulling the whole mass out and dropping it in a bigger pot so the roots wouldn't really be disturbed to shock it less. On the flipside, if it's too rootbound it will have a hard time growing out into the new soil, right? What should I do?


Well-Known Member
Since its just for learning purposes I would re-plant. Pick up a 5 gallon and fill with soil just take your plants before you would water and flip it upside Down pull the pot off as easy as possible leaving the dirt and root mass intact and cover with fresh soil in a bigger pot. The roots will find they're way and it will stunt a few days but at least it won't get root bound and die completely before your harvest.. just my .02 cents but overall nice job considering