Whoa whoa whoa guys, lets settle down, this shit is out of control.
1. Why would you want GM weed? How about drought tolerance, off the top of my head. O but no one wants tougher plants, they're less respectable to grow right? There are lots of opportunities to GM in helpful ways. Like abortion, if you don't want it, don't get it.
2. I fed my rats homemade mixes of grains and fruits and ALL 3 of them developed and succumbed to tumors like those we saw. Not to mention the doses that lab animals are subjected to... If you ate 5lbs of anything a day, you'll get tumors too.
3. The flavr-savr tomato was pulled from the market NOT because it lacked taste, but because the tomatos had weak skin and couldn't survive shipping. Also, the plants didnt yield as well as was originally projected.
My point: know what you say before you say it. Lets speak truth here people. We are all friends, no?
Research, learn, spread truth.