Active Member
I have severe insomnia... among other things. What would I do all night if it weren't for Weed Nerds, FarmerJohn420, and the occasional Koma vid?
I try to find small battery powered led's maybe? Just so some light is on em. The vhs case seems ok, but theres prob some better packaging ideas....hey nerds,
any of you have experience shipping clones or cuttings? I have a friend in Cali that wants to hook me up with a couple clone-only's and I'm not sure how to advise him on the shipping method. I will have the option of rooted clones or fresh cuttings.
there are, but being as shipping via mail is a crime, not many people may be willing to throw out answerstheres prob some better packaging ideas....
if you can store clones in the fridge, why not ship in a cooler?
I can see that being disconcerting but in all likelyhood, any slight chance that eggs that were to hatch, they would need to be near the surface so keep an eye out for activity. Without knowing what species you are dealing with it is hard to say if any eggs would survive the composting process. If you have pics of the moths, you could post pics in the plant problems section or at to identify them and find out if you really have a problem or not.I picked out all the ones I could see but im still scared theres a bunch of eggs and in 6 weeks ill have 3 trashcans full of moths.
Full moon tonight, I'm taking advantage and popping Chernobyl, expecting monster girls.Can't wait to pop my Space Queen beans... soon my pretty's