The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Yeh they some powerful shit arnt they lol coco storming round the room ha ha. So u got a posh hood then have ya.does it blow air over the bulb or suck it lol?
i can dasy chain if i had more of em got a 6" hole for the ducting and a 1/4 inch sheet of glass slides in the bottom, which ive gaffa taped up for better extraction, with just that light in the room, i dont feel the ehat from the bulb,PERIOD,

and ikodde yeh mate the cunts for sure, they aint allowed to touch u, let alone starting to dig u in the ribs, let alone a KID! as much as ther cunts, hes too young for in cell licks just yet


Well-Known Member
I'm goina give them two weeks of ripen, probly give them that on Friday or might let them go to the following Friday for the ripen, decisions decisions??


Well-Known Member
Yea round here if sombody seen the police diggin somone im pretty sure sombody would intervene an prolly end up with a mini riot, police are pretty carefull round here they aint even got tazers yet so they should be brickin it haha


Well-Known Member
looking good them master ,, il have sum wen its ready, that ripen u know, im not sold on it, not 100% but why ont u go the full 10 for a chnge?

just been upto mine to water em, ther taking just under 3/4 of a litre a day, and omg ther getting big, i noticed on sum branches thers sum budsites that just dont look like ther gunna produce much so maybe thinking of cutting em off, i think thers 3 that are magor wide, ther all touching 2ft,

wat i have notuiced is a iahve 2 lights, and the ones ive kept under the aircooled hood, i mean close havent stretched, but the ones under the smaller light, while they have bushed out, they have stretched sumwhat,
so all thhis physcostretches noncense is BS just keep that light inches away, my uncooled light is maybe a ft away and u can see the diffrence,

aw i love this shit!!


Well-Known Member
looking good them master ,, il have sum wen its ready, that ripen u know, im not sold on it, not 100% but why ont u go the full 10 for a chnge?

just been upto mine to water em, ther taking just under 3/4 of a litre a day, and omg ther getting big, i noticed on sum branches thers sum budsites that just dont look like ther gunna produce much so maybe thinking of cutting em off, i think thers 3 that are magor wide, ther all touching 2ft,

wat i have notuiced is a iahve 2 lights, and the ones ive kept under the aircooled hood, i mean close havent stretched, but the ones under the smaller light, while they have bushed out, they have stretched sumwhat,
so all thhis physcostretches noncense is BS just keep that light inches away, my uncooled light is maybe a ft away and u can see the diffrence,

aw i love this shit!!
Its like this m8, used ripen the last run with the psycho and she was lovely, lovely taste, so just doin the same this time just a week longer before the ripen. If I start the ripen the Friday after next, when I cut them they'll be about 3 days from 10 weeks


Well-Known Member
Its like this m8, used ripen the last run with the psycho and she was lovely, lovely taste, so just doin the same this time just a week longer before the ripen. If I start the ripen the Friday after next, when I cut them they'll be about 3 days from 10 weeks
its like this? lol il give u"its like this" on the end of your nose u paddy cunt!! lol

ye i ran it but wasent 100% on if it actually did wat it said on the tin,. i guess it did for exo to finish in 8 weeks, duno, il keep it natural this grow i think, but again i have no yellow leaves noffink,
the pe im running from seed,the stalks are like tree trunks, ive got 3 so i lollipopped em all at diffrent hights, 1 is over a foot tall and thats the on i lollipopped the highest,,looks fucking nuts, even the fan leaf stalks are as fat as my cock,, whicj belive me is fucking huge

easy rolla,, doing the anonyops thing yeh?


Well-Known Member
its like this? lol il give u"its like this" on the end of your nose u paddy cunt!! lol

ye i ran it but wasent 100% on if it actually did wat it said on the tin,. i guess it did for exo to finish in 8 weeks, duno, il keep it natural this grow i think, but again i have no yellow leaves noffink,
the pe im running from seed,the stalks are like tree trunks, ive got 3 so i lollipopped em all at diffrent hights, 1 is over a foot tall and thats the on i lollipopped the highest,,looks fucking nuts, even the fan leaf stalks are as fat as my cock,, whicj belive me is fucking huge

easy rolla,, doing the anonyops thing yeh?
Lmao, just cos the cops wer goina knock ur fuck in earlier ur on here acting the big guy tryin to get a confidence boost lol, ITS LIKE THIS, if it ain't broke don't fix it. Had to bring out the caps there


Well-Known Member
This guy i meet from time to time allways has some weed on him, he loves his exo cheese an psychosis he's allways gettin an oz here an there of it from this mystery grower who aparently lives 5 minutes from me haha, need to meet him. the clone onlys go for 1.5g for 25 round here.