free pot--

My sore spot is this; the thread is "free pot". The thread is about a disp giving away pot for food. The good doctor hops in with legal advice. Doctor.....Legal advice. I find the doctor to be a shit stir. If I was the type to believe in conspiracy theroies I'd say the guy is a mole trying to fracture the community and get some in-fighting going on. I am not so I think the doc is a shit stir with a a my-way-is-the-only-way mentality about his OPINIONS. If the doctor doesn't see himself as part of a criminal organization he is wrong. we are all criminals and a little honor among theives would be nice. live and let live. we can all help patients without pissing contests to see who is more compliant with our (fedreally illegal) Michigan laws. I like a good discussion. This is quickly becoming an argument though. I got to tend my federally illegal garden with my criminal ass. I just donated food and pot to canna cares cause BTW. it didn't hurt that I'm sort of rubbing it in the docs face LOL. Hope you know doc there are cancer patients and the like suffering because there are dispensaries following your line of thinking and closing up. PEACE OUT the ladies are calling and thirsty.
the way I see it the guy is practicing 'civil' disobedience....

you want 'free pot'...?......go to hash bash...the shit will be everywhere by thousands practicing civil disobedience-

you have 5 days to get free joints from this guy and help the food banks-

mayb he is just trying to give his inventory away before they close him down......?? pts?
I say we should all support him and help him get rid of his inventory and doa good service forthe community-

as far as free pot if you cash in your needles at the methadone clinic they will help you get free methadone...what's less harmful?

and for you conspiracy theorists---

you can bet $$ there are some folks here in mich in the mmj community working with LEO and trying to fracture the community at large and keep us all arguing instead of unifying in opposition--
so the law the way the authorities want it will shake out...jmo

can you say 'provacatuer'.....?:eyesmoke:
and for you conspiracy theorists---

you can bet $$ there are some folks here in mich in the mmj community working with LEO and trying to fracture the community at large and keep us all arguing instead of unifying in opposition--
so the law the way the authorities want it will shake out...jmo

can you say 'provacatuer'.....?:eyesmoke:

Most of my brothers from back in the day are currently working in law enforcement and politics :(

yeah man, pretty sad stuff theman13-mine too. lots of guys who were my teammates on the wrestling squad are now cops. I take some satisfaction in that they are local cops and our local politicians and cops are on our side. They do have to take orders so it's totally possible that my boy from back in the day will be appologizing while seizing my shit should it come to that for me. civil disobediance is exactly what I was getitng at and I lied...I do think there are conspiracies.
Dr. Bob, don't you have any actual beliefs of your own that aren't directly based on the laws? Its like your opinion isn't ever what you believe is actually right or wrong, just legal or illegal. I usually like reading your views on things, not because i agree with them but because you seem to look at things from a different angle than most but your views on this topic are pretty sad...

Would you still recommend your patients to use cannabis if we didn't have medical marihuana laws in place???
Dr. Bob, don't you have any actual beliefs of your own that aren't directly based on the laws? Its like your opinion isn't ever what you believe is actually right or wrong, just legal or illegal. I usually like reading your views on things, not because i agree with them but because you seem to look at things from a different angle than most but your views on this topic are pretty sad...

Would you still recommend your patients to use cannabis if we didn't have medical marihuana laws in place???

Heroin is a pretty good pain killer and no I don't recommend that, it is illegal.

I've never felt marijuana was a drug of abuse. I've never been bothered by patients using it and that is since the early '90's.

So let me get this straight. I point out the illegality and poor press of this publicity stunt by a dispensary in the days following McQueen, and you are upset that I base many of my opinions concerning safety on the laws governing my field of work. Has it ever occurred to you that perhaps when you are at the top of your profession in a particular field that maybe, just maybe you might be expected to have at least a passing familiarity with the laws governing that profession? And the same line of logic and reasoning that allows me to reach a correct diagnosis would be the same type of reasoning that you need to read a court opinion related to what I do?

As for most of this crap about federal illegality, really that is a reach to simply divert attention from the very sound argument I was presenting. Too many are struggling with the basic concept of something being legal or illegal under the law. Giving away cannabis at a food drive is clearly illegal. Apparently you don't get that. If you don't get that, my discussion of the effect of that activity on public perception is clearly beyond your grasp.

Apparently you can't explain common sense to people who lack it. Y'all have fun. But I will remind you, if the MMMA were to be overturned by the voters or the courts tomorrow, I'd continue in my profession. I really don't have a vested interest in explaining common sense concepts or pointing out some really idiotic behavior, so take it for what it is worth and do what you wish.

Dr. Bob
McQueen case? Truthfully it is the Compassionate Apothecary case. Yes, McQueen was one of the owners, but not the only one.

To say that case in itself changed the law is not correct. The law never allowed for dispensaries in Michigan.

Do I believe that dispensaries should be legal in Michigan? Yes, I do. It is beneficial not only to the medical marijuana community, but also to the local businesses near the dispensaries. It was creating jobs, stimulating the local economies.

Now, as for the law. As a citizen, I would happily respect the law if the law was upheld by honest people (law enforcement, courts, etc.).

I thought our country was going to be improved with all that stimulus money the feds promised. All that money went to a slew of banking criminals. I thought our President said that the DEA was no longer going to be harassing legal patients and caregivers in legal medical marijuana states. I could go on for pages, but I think you will get idea.

The point is, fuck the law, because the law is fucking us! The way I see it, the government is filled with a bunch of treasonous bastards. LEO are a bunch of violent, corrupt abusers. In the court system, most are not given the right to free speech. With all of this, how can we feasibly respect the laws that those who create and are paid to uphold the laws do not? They are the criminals, not us. LEO are the ones busting in on legal grows, doing so with assault weapons, threatening and hurting people.

I was growing before the law and I plan to continue to grow either way.

I would like to be clear, I am not suggesting to anyone to purposefully break the law, just pointing out how it is difficult to respect a law that those who are paid to uphold said law do not, and those same individuals also have no respect for the citizens constitutional rights.

I am all for giving away free meds. I guess I would be considered a criminal since I have helped cancer patients get medicine they need, at no cost to them.

I have given up on our political system and courts. They are completely broken and pretty much worthless. They seem to do much more damage these days than any good. If the courts really had any value, they would have written into the law that dispensaries are legal. Is that not what the people want? It seems that our courts rule on what the politicians want, not the will of the people.

Okay, so that is my rant. I hope to not have offended anyone, it is not my intent to do so.
With all the struggling hungry families out there I would be stunned to see anyone give this Guy a hastle. For doing a good deed...I could be wrong, there. May be some prick outthere who arrests this Guy but doubtful IMO...good for this Guy.
Heroin is a pretty good pain killer and no I don't recommend that, it is illegal.

I've never felt marijuana was a drug of abuse. I've never been bothered by patients using it and that is since the early '90's.

So let me get this straight. I point out the illegality and poor press of this publicity stunt by a dispensary in the days following McQueen, and you are upset that I base many of my opinions concerning safety on the laws governing my field of work. Has it ever occurred to you that perhaps when you are at the top of your profession in a particular field that maybe, just maybe you might be expected to have at least a passing familiarity with the laws governing that profession? And the same line of logic and reasoning that allows me to reach a correct diagnosis would be the same type of reasoning that you need to read a court opinion related to what I do?

As for most of this crap about federal illegality, really that is a reach to simply divert attention from the very sound argument I was presenting. Too many are struggling with the basic concept of something being legal or illegal under the law. Giving away cannabis at a food drive is clearly illegal. Apparently you don't get that. If you don't get that, my discussion of the effect of that activity on public perception is clearly beyond your grasp.

Apparently you can't explain common sense to people who lack it. Y'all have fun. But I will remind you, if the MMMA were to be overturned by the voters or the courts tomorrow, I'd continue in my profession. I really don't have a vested interest in explaining common sense concepts or pointing out some really idiotic behavior, so take it for what it is worth and do what you wish.

Dr. Bob

Do you really believe heroin is what certain patients need and there are no legal alternatives that can do what it can do for them? Thanks for side stepping my question....

Your field of work? This has nothing to do with your field of work. You're a doctor who signs off medical Marijuana paperwork for people although you don't necessarily believe in it yourself. Laws about the transfer of cannabis between patients has nothing to do with you as a doctor.

You don't seem to understand the facts that the legalities of a certain issue shouldn't effect your beliefs in it.
you need a microspoe to see the diference from heroin and morphine. clean heroin is not bad for the body and is effective. (social work text book as source) addiction, dirty needles and trampled on fouled up un-medically fit product do the damage.
Not to mention how many people get prescribed opiates when the should have been told to just deal with the pain and heal! (not that people should hurt, but I'm amazed what I've seen my friends prescribes oxys for!)

you need a microspoe to see the diference from heroin and morphine. clean heroin is not bad for the body and is effective. (social work text book as source) addiction, dirty needles and trampled on fouled up un-medically fit product do the damage.
I don't need any explaining too. Read up on being an all organic anarchist with a serious problem with authority! I'm not just picking on you doc, I'm pretty sick of everyone who can't see that our country is regulating us out of house and home. We have no say over labeling in the supermarket, we can't drive or own guns if we medicate, its legal to use vicodens and oxys and still hold a real job own a gun and drive. There is a double standard! My kids won't learn it in school but I'm teaching them to care for themselves and not rely on Doc's and the government to take care of them! You see doc, the problem for me isn't in the Marijuana laws it the whole system, one you clearly have too much invested in to care about whats really right or wrong! Thanks though!
I don't need any explaining too. Read up on being an all organic anarchist with a serious problem with authority! I'm not just picking on you doc, I'm pretty sick of everyone who can't see that our country is regulating us out of house and home. We have no say over labeling in the supermarket, we can't drive or own guns if we medicate, its legal to use vicodens and oxys and still hold a real job own a gun and drive. There is a double standard! My kids won't learn it in school but I'm teaching them to care for themselves and not rely on Doc's and the government to take care of them! You see doc, the problem for me isn't in the Marijuana laws it the whole system, one you clearly have too much invested in to care about whats really right or wrong! Thanks though!

That's fine you have a political philosophy you wish to promote. More power to you. I am simply discussing things for folks that want to keep legal.

No problem. Just approaching it from different directions.

Dr. Bob