First grow, CFL, Hempy, Training Table LST, Micro cabinet SCROG

Damn looks really good nuts! im in the middle of my first grow right now and i think im gonna try your method for my next grow once i have some experience under my belt


Active Member
what did you get for dry weight?
1.8 ounce first harvest...all the colas and larger buds. I let the lower stuff go another week before I harvested that.
I am drying rhose little buds now...I'm figuring maybe another .25 oz.

I have had the first in bottles for a couple of weeks now. I pluck a little bit to smoke when I open the bottles. Its not as potent as I was hoping. But...smells good smoking and tastes good,; not harsh. Don't get me wrong, I catch a nice buzz...and it seems to be getting a bit better as it cures. Which reminds me, its time for more research....Chockfullonuts


Active Member
I have been meaning to post a pic of my harvest on the scale. Well, I finally got around to it. Here it is. The other photo is of the clone of the plant that I harvested last month. The clone is the result of; after using the Uncle Ben topping method, I smeared cloning goop all over the cut stem of the top and stuck it in a rockwool cube. It grew really slowly, but it survived. The bottom row of pics in post number 101, above, is that clone on Feb 11, 2013. About three weeks ago I partnered up with some one and we set up a new much larger grow cabinet. We transplanted the clone into a much larger, (4 gallon), container (new training table, new screen and new light valances) and changed the lights to 600 watts (real, not equivalent watts). I have never seen anything grow that fast. The photo that I posted is after 16 days in new home with new light. When we transplanted, the clone was looking kinda puny, not nearly as healthy looking as pics in post 101. We are switching over to 12/12 tomorrow. We will have 396 watts of 2700K CFL lighting on this plant, I only had 208 watts on the plant that I just harvested.
I will post updates if there seems to be interest.....ChockfullonutsIMG_0572.JPGIMG_0573.JPGIMG_0586.JPGIMG_0587.JPG