The Lost Art of Foliar Feeding

Cannabis is not an epiphytic plant but it's leave's have 8x the absorption capacity of the the roots and carry immobile elements immediately to their place of need. The benefits are rapid greening, lush leaves, insane growth, large reductions in cycle duration, and a great fat healthy plant. It is the most visibly effective way to encourage growth.....that is always fun.
Gotta keep the stomatas open and clean, free of dirt and dust. I agree and so do the plants.....also the day prior to taking cuttings I rinse the mother and the dome is cleaner, seems like a good idea. I use coco so my process is different. I would say give em a bath every 2/3 weeks if you can get away with it. It gets dry where I am so foliar spraying more often is beneficial.
bored.. so i looked up dutch master liquid light, and got this off their website:

"Gold Range LIQUID LIGHT puts your plants into overdrive by helping to restore their lost natural photosynthetic power. Liquid Light does this by providing your plants with selected minerals, carbohydrates, amino-acids and phyto-nutrients that optimizes the Calvin Cycle, a critical cycle of photosynthesis. By restoring a large portion of a plants’ natural genetic photosynthetic speed, or power, plants are able to use a lot more of the precious light you provide them. Indoor lighting is expensive to provide and the running costs can be enormous. Doesn’t it make sense to maximize your plants natural response to that expensive light? "

--so this thing speeds up the Calvin Cycle?

Hang on i think im about to :spew:
Cannabis is not an epiphytic plant but it's leave's have 8x the absorption capacity of the the roots and carry immobile elements immediately to their place of need. The benefits are rapid greening, lush leaves, insane growth, large reductions in cycle duration, and a great fat healthy plant. It is the most visibly effective way to encourage growth.....that is always fun.

It's true that plants are advantageous of their environment and do utilize foliar uptake of nutrients and water. But outside of rain or in my case, rain and/or snow water for a foliar spray, could any of those aforementioned products be containing anything more than what the plant can or needs to take in?
Never gave this much thought till now and I am sure that this has been done but I would like to know if anyone has come up with making a foliar spray from distilled water that comes close to re-creating healthy rain water without the powdery mildew and other microbial nasties. Now that would be an interesting product.
Unbelievable, eh? About the same thing I said. This kind of blatant fraud is so absurd it's frightening.

You won't find one legitimate agriculturally based program, nurseryman, or university recommending crap like this.

Uncle Ben, unlike some of these morons I took your advice, shelved (and eventually tossed) my mmj specific nutrients and picked up a bottle of dyna-grow and jack's instead. Nearly a pound off a 600w lamp. Thank you sir, I bow to you.
Uncle Ben, unlike some of these morons I took your advice, shelved (and eventually tossed) my mmj specific nutrients and picked up a bottle of dyna-grow and jack's instead. Nearly a pound off a 600w lamp. Thank you sir, I bow to you.

My perpetual hydro grow gives me about 2.5 oz's of prime bud every two weeks under a 1kw hps.
It's true that plants are advantageous of their environment and do utilize foliar uptake of nutrients and water. But outside of rain or in my case, rain and/or snow water for a foliar spray, could any of those aforementioned products be containing anything more than what the plant can or needs to take in? The product I was suggesting Is meant to be absorbed and utilized extremely quickly, the levels of nutrients are much lower and when using every 3-4 days not a lot of build up or extraneous residue. If applied too often or too concentrated more than necessary sure. As far as toxicity it is non-toxic.
The way you just described the I said I ain't peticular about fertizer (plant food). But anything else and I'll need clearance from the food and drug act to show it's safe for humans to smoke it. Like what was mentioned earlier, nitrogen is the main fert consumed by the plant. A fan leaf can live for weeks dettached as long as the humidity is high enough so it can draw the moisture from the air. Of course mj can consume water and nutrients through its leaves... Clean makes it easier for them to use the available light source(s) more effeciantly. After all, we're here to grow bud, not roots.
It never touches flower sites, it is non-toxic, can be rinsed away with just a surfactant and water. 8 weeks later your plants should look much growth is untouched. Look get the FDA to approve it, I might trust it less...scumbags.
Uncle Ben, unlike some of these morons I took your advice, shelved (and eventually tossed) my mmj specific nutrients and picked up a bottle of dyna-grow and jack's instead. Nearly a pound off a 600w lamp. Thank you sir, I bow to you.

Welcome to the real world.

Bueno suerte,
Tio Bendejo
Do your homework, learn what makes a plant tick, learn plant nutrition. The cannabis industry, the hydroponics shysters, are out to rip you a new asshole.

Edit: WOOPS! I didn't read all 6 pages only your first response. Thanks for the review on the products. Hope I didn't come across as too big of an asshole if you got a chance to read it already.
The price is high? I thought you got it free?

Correction, DM's Saturator/Penetrator is a wetting agent aka a surfactant. If not, you're getting penetrated more than one way, hah! Again, what are the solids in it, the %? You are either not really using it, can't read, or it's not listed on the label like most snake oil products.


Yes, I knew it was a wetting agent, but thought for the low price I should just get it along with the DM Reversol. I've read the "science" on why it is supposed to work. Do you know anything about it or heard of anyone using it? Gimmick or not, they can still be used for light nute foliar feedings and the gold bottles are sweet! lol
The boiling point of Barium is 1800 degrees F, as well as most heavy metals, to inhale heavy metals in smoke would require flux to lower the melting point. Metals in general cannot become volatile with the heat of a lighter, a kiln perhaps. Just Sayin.
Yes, I knew it was a wetting agent, but thought for the low price I should just get it along with the DM Reversol. I've read the "science" on why it is supposed to work. Do you know anything about it or heard of anyone using it? Gimmick or not, they can still be used for light nute foliar feedings and the gold bottles are sweet! lol

Yeah, lov dem gold bottles! Getcha some Brawndo, it's got electrolytes. Plants crave them!
My perpetual hydro grow gives me about 2.5 oz's of prime bud every two weeks under a 1kw hps.
20 oz every 8 weeks under a 1kw? Good job. What are you trying to say?... I'm doing just under 16oz every 8 weeks under 600 watts with less work (other than a big trim job every couple months). Thanks again UB.

Edit: Soil too.
I have a question that may have been asked in the previous pages. But in case it asent here goes.

What happens after vegging a plant by foliar feeding and stunting its roots system. Then when flower time comes and it becomes harder to foliar feed how do you effectively feed the plant during flower? Even more so how does the plant feed itself through a most likely stunted root system?