The Lost Art of Foliar Feeding

I explained to him that I get my nutrients for nearly free and he called me retarded.

Just how smart are you? Please take the time to tell me what you use and whether or not you know what's in your Wonder Juice and whether or not it's been reviewed by an agricultural authority.

Here's some truisms. Learn them well.

It was either U. of Oregon or Washington that reviewed hundreds of these vendors and their products and Advanced Nutrient came up with fraudalent claims all the time and/or harmful ingredients like heavy metals, barium and such.

Bonzi isn't cheap. Do you feel it is worth the money?

Definately. I originally bought it for use commericially on other crops but applied it at least 3 times to some outdoor plants. What would have turned into 9' trees leveled off at 5' - 7' depending on the strain (Peak19 and O. Haze). I was scared to use it on cannabis at first as I don't like to mess with mama nature's natural hormonal processes, but the results were excellent. It flat shut down the long internode space drills without no ill effects. I mean, to like 1/4" or so....amazing.

There is a very cheap source for Paclo, I mean cheap, but it doesn't come with any instructions and when you're dealing with this type of stuff, a call to a tech or a label read can spell the difference between success and failure.

It is so hard to get good info and this guy has a lot of people going down a road to 1981.

Damn right it's "hard to get good info", because you're looking in the wrong places. Are you kidding me?

The finest, most down to earth solid book on gardening that stresses plant culture over hype is yes, a 1980's book by Mel Frank, "MJ Insiders Growers Guide". And I'll give you some friendly advice, stay out of cannabis forums and participate in regular gardening forums. You'll soon weed out the bullshitters and find folks that know what they're doing.

As an aside, I can spot you noobs a mile away - you're always trying to reinvent the wheel using some gimmick, aspiring to another silly trend, another mutt from a pollen chucker which are now in the hundreds, and then there's the snake oil salesmen that hook you with their jive, charts, and schedules. It's all bullshit.

You don't get it Gramps, this is about respect and I just feel bad that you are lost in your pathetic ego and drag your obsolete bullshit onto other lazy newbies that fall for your routine. Guess what? Nobody wants your popcorn!!! I will take the Pepsi challenge any day with you and put you in your place (an apple farm). Don't call me names because I don't like me names because your time is over and you are sad about it. You don't know a thing about me, but you will if you want to. Nevermind, you would actually need to be listening to another person and that isn't your style. I am not looking to grow what you do for a nickle. Go find someone else to force your religion on, some fatherless submissive without money and a father. What I am smart enough to realize is that even if you were the messiah you behave like, you are still a punk. Go eat a brick and stay off my lawn.
You don't get it Gramps, this is about respect and I just feel bad that you are lost in your pathetic ego and drag your obsolete bullshit onto other lazy newbies that fall for your routine. Guess what? Nobody wants your popcorn!!! I will take the Pepsi challenge any day with you and put you in your place (an apple farm). Don't call me names because I don't like me names because your time is over and you are sad about it. You don't know a thing about me, but you will if you want to. Nevermind, you would actually need to be listening to another person and that isn't your style. I am not looking to grow what you do for a nickle. Go find someone else to force your religion on, some fatherless submissive without money and a father. What I am smart enough to realize is that even if you were the messiah you behave like, you are still a punk. Go eat a brick and stay off my lawn.

Are you through?

Keep flippin' those hamburgers and dodging my questions porkchop.
I do use a wetting agent that is by Dutch Masters called Saturator/Penetrator along with Liquid light at 1/2 strength. Anytime I am spraying with the lights on I use this otherwise there are more affordable options. The formula does not include a wetting agent. The price is high but the results....WOW!!!

The price is high? I thought you got it free?

Correction, DM's Saturator/Penetrator is a wetting agent aka a surfactant. If not, you're getting penetrated more than one way, hah! Again, what are the solids in it, the %? You are either not really using it, can't read, or it's not listed on the label like most snake oil products.

So are you saying that the Dutch Master Penetrator and Reverse are junk? I've read many reviews, many saying it works,....

Many will say anything just to say anything.

If you are referring to the Jack's veg and flower not the DM, definitely let me know what you think would be such a great option that I should throw them away and get something new. The Jacks was cheap and I know has been around for many years (another name), and after a little research I thought it would do just fine as my first nute purchase.
Thanks, I appreciate it!

Jack's is one of the best for quality and value. I meant that it may not necessarily be your use of Jack's that induced your "explosive growth". May be that you have genetics you like and the plant is going through its natural cycle of bulking's just that's what plants do IF grown well with a lot of healthy foliage and roots.
Why? so you can show me the truth about something you have no idea about? You should already know professor....It works and people deserve to hear it. Listen to someone else once in a while....practice the blind faith you demand from everybody else. If you want info look it up yourself. I can read the label on the box of crap on the bottom shelf UNCLE BEN.
Don't much care fer posers.

Why? so you can show me the truth about something you have no idea about? You should already know professor....It works and people deserve to hear it. Listen to someone else once in a while....practice the blind faith you demand from everybody else. If you want info look it up yourself.

You just gave some bad advice and you're preaching to me? Blind leading the blind. I just cleaned up the mess you made. If you don't know and refuse to answer some easy questions, shut the fuck up.

I have a sense of integrity and honesty and you're wrong, people don't need to "hear it" if it's bad advice.

I can read the label on the box of crap on the bottom shelf UNCLE BEN.

OK, for the 3rd time, what's in it?

Just how smart are you? Please take the time to tell me what you use and whether or not you know what's in your Wonder Juice and whether or not it's been reviewed by an agricultural authority. Here's some truisms. Learn them well. It was either U. of Oregon or Washington that reviewed hundreds of these vendors and their products and Advanced Nutrient came up with fraudalent claims all the time and/or harmful ingredients like heavy metals, barium and such. UB
I would prefer that you continue telling me that what I use is bullshit without knowing what I use. The assumptions you produce are amazing, just keep on going, I love it. You tell me what the golden ratio is.
I see very well, nobody except you has asked me anything and I don't wave my dick with someone with an enlarged prostate. The advice is solid. USE LIQUID LIGHT!!! You create problems to fix.
Straight from the res and I blast the shit outta them whenever I feel like it. Don't use exessive water pressure on seed plants because they have hollow stalks and can break much easier than a cloned plant. I'll use any kinda fertilizer as long as the NPK is somewhat in the correct range for flowering plants. On occasion I also rain the res full at the end of the hps shift instead of just topping up. This is straight water. You absolutely need a good pump up sprayer to run your grow op properly. Remember to rain downward on your plants because the underside of the leaves are for breathing air and not designed to be drenched.
bored.. so i looked up dutch master liquid light, and got this off their website:

"Gold Range LIQUID LIGHT puts your plants into overdrive by helping to restore their lost natural photosynthetic power. Liquid Light does this by providing your plants with selected minerals, carbohydrates, amino-acids and phyto-nutrients that optimizes the Calvin Cycle, a critical cycle of photosynthesis. By restoring a large portion of a plants’ natural genetic photosynthetic speed, or power, plants are able to use a lot more of the precious light you provide them. Indoor lighting is expensive to provide and the running costs can be enormous. Doesn’t it make sense to maximize your plants natural response to that expensive light? "

--so this thing speeds up the Calvin Cycle?
bored.. so i looked up dutch master liquid light, and got this off their website:

"Gold Range LIQUID LIGHT puts your plants into overdrive by helping to restore their lost natural photosynthetic power. Liquid Light does this by providing your plants with selected minerals, carbohydrates, amino-acids and phyto-nutrients that optimizes the Calvin Cycle, a critical cycle of photosynthesis. By restoring a large portion of a plants’ natural genetic photosynthetic speed, or power, plants are able to use a lot more of the precious light you provide them. Indoor lighting is expensive to provide and the running costs can be enormous. Doesn’t it make sense to maximize your plants natural response to that expensive light? "

--so this thing speeds up the Calvin Cycle?

It might make sense if people wasn't smoking the stuff "mj". It might be good for the plant but what about the people? A good start is ensuring that your plants are clean for the next light cycle. You can do this with a good pump up sprayer and some clean fresh water.
bored.. so i looked up dutch master liquid light, and got this off their website:

"Gold Range LIQUID LIGHT puts your plants into overdrive by helping to restore their lost natural photosynthetic power. Liquid Light does this by providing your plants with selected minerals, carbohydrates, amino-acids and phyto-nutrients that optimizes the Calvin Cycle, a critical cycle of photosynthesis. By restoring a large portion of a plants’ natural genetic photosynthetic speed, or power, plants are able to use a lot more of the precious light you provide them. Indoor lighting is expensive to provide and the running costs can be enormous. Doesn’t it make sense to maximize your plants natural response to that expensive light? "

--so this thing speeds up the Calvin Cycle?

Unbelievable, eh? About the same thing I said. This kind of blatant fraud is so absurd it's frightening.

You won't find one legitimate agriculturally based program, nurseryman, or university recommending crap like this.
It will increase growth by 50-75%, just observe it and then form your opinions... be skeptical it's healthy. Oh UB, I was shown this by a great grower a genetics whiz, so put that in your pipe and smoke it. Use it prior to flower formation. "it is better to remain quiet and be thought of as a fool, than speak aloud and remove all doubt." Water sound a bit like snakeoil.
It will increase growth by 50-75%, just observe it and then form your opinions... be skeptical it's healthy. Oh UB, I was shown this by a great grower a genetics whiz, so put that in your pipe and smoke it. Use it prior to flower formation. "it is better to remain quiet and be thought of as a fool, than speak aloud and remove all doubt." Water sound a bit like snakeoil.

Let's see you go eight weeks without a bath and see how you feel about it. For people who are interested my hydro res gets one sixth per gallon as the fertilizer product recommends for dirt. I use domonite lime and sometimes depending on where I get the water I also add refined wood ashes to ensure that my plants recieve all the micros that they need and balance the ph. I do a fllood and drain hydro table setup using lava rock mixed with hydroton. I don't know shit about growing in dirt except what I did over twenty years ago. I don't own any books relating to mj growing.