favorite fruity strains?

Blue Dream has a great taste, There's a Juicy Fruit clone that's been around CO for quite some time that absolutely lives up to its name. .

I would say Juicy Fruit and Blue Dream have a great fruity smell and taste.
Either should also leave a fruity aftertaste in your mouth/throat for a lil bit.
Sweet to the pallet. The Blue Dream that I grew is so insanely fruity that
my friends dubbed it "juicy fruit". I had to take a cut same day as harvest and
turned it into a mother.
If you like candy, I grew a SSH one time that had a
unmistakable very sweet mixed candy smell and taste. Could be some genetic freak
SSH or is this normal for SSH? Maybe a mislabeled
Dinafem's Sweet Deep Grapefruit was the best tasting smoke I've ever had w/ TGA's J. T. R. coming in a close close 2nd.
Hey, figured I'd chime in. Still uneasy to post pics/grow threads as I'm in a non medical state with pretty harsh possession charges let alone cultivation ha
Anyways, just grew out a pack of Sannie's Chocolate Rain (dna's chofolope x dj short cocoa kush) wow! I ended up with a different phenos, one had a raspberry/blueberry tone and no hints of chocolate bjt still great taste. Then to the chocolate pheno, I was lucky to get one, sative like structure but the taste will blow you away. Very subtle on the inhale but it was like I was exhaling a Hershey's bar with very subtle fruity undertones. Imagine a chocolate covered strawberry ....there are many fruity buds out there but in uniqueness of smell/flavor...never had anything like it
Since you keep bringing up the metal halide being better in every thread lately.

Why do you say metal halide is better than hps?

I have smoked and seen strains grown all MH, all HPS, and mh/hps and in my experiences those with metal halide then hps come out better.

And don't freak all out and get paranoid thinking I am attacking you, I am asking a serious question.
Mr ganja, I do not know you personally, however your words and attacks of others is fairly sad. Every grower has his/her own techniques and philosophy of what works best. Sadly, most of them cannot explain it.
I strongly disagree that MH enhances flavor and quality. It can however enhance qualkty, if and only if the correct spectrum of bulbs are used which is expensive. When people argue hps/mh, you see a lot of dealings with lumens and foot candles and spectrum. Period of plant growth etc...when the biggest factor is PARwatts, or the light that is sufficient for photosynthesis. Every intensity measure labeled on lights is for human relevance not plant. Mh bulbs do produce more PAR watts than an hps, however most MH bulbs emit light in the blue/green spectrum. HPS is more yellow-red spectrum.

HpS is a more versatile bulb where you can veg with HO CFLs with nearly same results as MH. Atypical MH bulb will not be sufficient for flowering. You need to be specifoc as to the type of MH bulb you use, the spectrums of light you mimjc, amd the PAR watts obtained to validate your arguments and the name calling (shame, marijuana is a drug of peace amd healing)

Also, taste is not and never will be a direct result of light. Photosynthesis does not affect taste. Ask a botanist or any educated person in horticulture. And taste is a variable. Some people have different pallets, what tastes great to you may not to another. Imo, organic growing provides the best tastes in cannabis, we spend so much time mimicking nature indoors. Obviously, nature impacts taste so why not grow organic? Also, the curing process is another huge factor in taste as well, as it pulls remaining chlorophyll out of the plants and allows the natural genetics to shine thru. Next you'll say to flush your plants before harvest? Understand that the marijuana industry is the most lucrative agricultural trade in the world.

I've been growing for 10ish years since I first started college to pay my way thru. I've done soil/less, dwc, bato bucket drip, e/f, aero...name it I've tried it, some more successful than others. I've used magnitides of different bulbs and lights and etc. I've found that the best way to grow is organic, its as cloae to mother nature as possible and if anyone wants to enhance the power of an hps bulb to equal the ridiculously expensiveMH technology is to supplement the grow with a couple t5HO bulbs and also take into consideration the genetics of the strains and just because you can crossbreed plants doesn't make you Sannie or Shantibaba....be open minded man, not an asshole on these threads. Marijuana is a drug that promotes peace and mental clarity (as your a fan of highs not stoned) so pleaze act like it and show some respect to others. You'll never convince anyone to use MH by being rude and belittling others' thoughts/beliefs...
Since you keep bringing up the metal halide being better in every thread lately.
Why do you say metal halide is better than hps?
because, just as i learned from the 80s when i literally re-read jorge cervantes' indoor marijuana horticulture a dozen times, halides promote full terpene expression by simulating daylight, while limited wavelength sodium mostly simulates warm summer sunsets that trigger flower, and only allows the chemical processes in the plant that use that particular spectrum with green being the most useless spectrum. that's why my very first lamp was a halide.

bottom line... halides for quality, sodiums for quantity

when someone yet again implied i was full of shit and/or lying about the terpenes i expererience from LSD, C99, and especially super cali haze, i had to look the explanation up, at first getting a link or two about terpene expression under full spectrum in general, then remembered DJ shorts talking about it too in his article here:
where he suggests halides especially for landrace sativas. it's also why there's a metal haze by whoever bred that and named it after the halides he grows under. i don't have the link to the info, but if you keyword spectrum and terpene expression, you should be able to fiind the info easily if you still need further proof.

then there's utraviolet which many growers are so afraid of that they refuse to use it, even with tanning bulbs, but studies have shown that it helps improve THC production. halides might not produce UV as that's filtered in the glass if there is any for safetly, but the fuller spectrum definitely gets closer to it than red/orange sodiums whose spectrum probably overlaps into the infrared more too and heat destroys THC. i seem to remember recently reading that sodiums do p[ut out more heat and need more spacing than halides. that could just be a factor of their higher lumen output per watt though. all i know is after reading up on he subject, i always called sodiums stoner lights in my head. they're all about quantity over quality. i'm surprised no one even runs both light types much anymore as that was considered best in the 80s, and often the ratio of 2 sodiums to one halide has been given, but i'd go the other way myself.

there's a graph somewhere online that lists the exact spectrums plants need for certain processes with one, around 420nm (or less, red) and another in the blue spectrum, maybe 700 something nm. red isn't the only spectrum plants need, and they don't do much with green, yellow or orange i think.

it's just like with most people. you get vitamin D from sunlight, and when winter grey skies come around, a lot of people get seasonal affective disorder. plants are happier with natural light. sodiums are the equivalent of sweatshop bulbs.

this link looks familiar, i think it was the first reference i found trying to prove WHY my LSD & super cali haze had fruity grape phenos, less so in LSD, but that also expressed just a bit of haze catpiss pheno in early flowering that faded that REALLY pissed someone off that i reported that.
Metal halide bulbs are recommended for sativas, with some from the cannabis community coming out in support of these during flower! Claims of lower yields but tighter, more potent buds with more terpene expression have emerged.

that's what cervantes knew at least by 1985, as well as predicting SCROG when everyone was still growing 3 foot sea of green plants in 3 liter soda bottles. i can't find the more technical description of terpene expression. it was at some general gardening website i think, and in looking it up again, the heat issue came up regarding terpenes on an ICmag thread, but i'm pretty sure it has more to do with specific spectrums for specific processes with red definitely being needed for flowering, and blue helping vegetative growth.

i thought a lot of my different strains had a pretty similar fruity flavor under sodium. if both my C99s and ESPECIALLY super cali haze had a more specific grape flavors under halide, i expected their offspring to have at least some of that same flavor, but it was as generic and fruity under sodium as several other jacks, thais and hazes.

so far, my personal experience agrees with what uncle jorge taught me. i don't like red in general anyways, and i don't like working under that color either, but that's just a personal preference.

i really miss my copy of indoor marijuana horticulture. it had 3x the info of my other two guides combined that maybe added a couple dozen tips cervantes missed between them to justify their existence. i really should get his most recent edition and re-read it a few times, but i'll still keep skipping the college level genetics chapter like the even deeper info in the copy marijuana botany i still have.
because, just as i learned from the 80s when i literally re-read jorge cervantes' indoor marijuana horticulture a dozen times, halides promote full terpene expression by simulating daylight, while limited wavelength sodium mostly simulates warm summer sunsets that trigger flower, and only allows the chemical processes in the plant that use that particular spectrum with green being the most useless spectrum. that's why my very first lamp was a halide.

bottom line... halides for quality, sodiums for quantity

when someone yet again implied i was full of shit and/or lying about the terpenes i expererience from LSD, C99, and especially super cali haze, i had to look the explanation up, at first getting a link or two about terpene expression under full spectrum in general, then remembered DJ shorts talking about it too in his article here:
where he suggests halides especially for landrace sativas. it's also why there's a metal haze by whoever bred that and named it after the halides he grows under. i don't have the link to the info, but if you keyword spectrum and terpene expression, you should be able to fiind the info easily if you still need further proof.

then there's utraviolet which many growers are so afraid of that they refuse to use it, even with tanning bulbs, but studies have shown that it helps improve THC production. halides might not produce UV as that's filtered in the glass if there is any for safetly, but the fuller spectrum definitely gets closer to it than red/orange sodiums whose spectrum probably overlaps into the infrared more too and heat destroys THC. i seem to remember recently reading that sodiums do p[ut out more heat and need more spacing than halides. that could just be a factor of their higher lumen output per watt though. all i know is after reading up on he subject, i always called sodiums stoner lights in my head. they're all about quantity over quality. i'm surprised no one even runs both light types much anymore as that was considered best in the 80s, and often the ratio of 2 sodiums to one halide has been given, but i'd go the other way myself.

there's a graph somewhere online that lists the exact spectrums plants need for certain processes with one, around 420nm (or less, red) and another in the blue spectrum, maybe 700 something nm. red isn't the only spectrum plants need, and they don't do much with green, yellow or orange i think.

it's just like with most people. you get vitamin D from sunlight, and when winter grey skies come around, a lot of people get seasonal affective disorder. plants are happier with natural light. sodiums are the equivalent of sweatshop bulbs.

this link looks familiar, i think it was the first reference i found trying to prove WHY my LSD & super cali haze had fruity grape phenos, less so in LSD, but that also expressed just a bit of haze catpiss pheno in early flowering that faded that REALLY pissed someone off that i reported that.

that's what cervantes knew at least by 1985, as well as predicting SCROG when everyone was still growing 3 foot sea of green plants in 3 liter soda bottles. i can't find the more technical description of terpene expression. it was at some general gardening website i think, and in looking it up again, the heat issue came up regarding terpenes on an ICmag thread, but i'm pretty sure it has more to do with specific spectrums for specific processes with red definitely being needed for flowering, and blue helping vegetative growth.

i thought a lot of my different strains had a pretty similar fruity flavor under sodium. if both my C99s and ESPECIALLY super cali haze had a more specific grape flavors under halide, i expected their offspring to have at least some of that same flavor, but it was as generic and fruity under sodium as several other jacks, thais and hazes.

so far, my personal experience agrees with what uncle jorge taught me. i don't like red in general anyways, and i don't like working under that color either, but that's just a personal preference.

i really miss my copy of indoor marijuana horticulture. it had 3x the info of my other two guides combined that maybe added a couple dozen tips cervantes missed between them to justify their existence. i really should get his most recent edition and re-read it a few times, but i'll still keep skipping the college level genetics chapter like the even deeper info in the copy marijuana botany i still have.


So you are basing this on technology of 10-25 years ago... That is so outdated it isnt even worth mentioning.

DJ Short was in 2002...

You do realize bulbs and spectrums have come a LONG way for indoor growing in the past 25+ years. Heck even in the past 5 years.

For instance my MH has some HPS spectrum and my HPS has some MH spectrum....

You should throw that way outdated material out the back door.
What was Jorge's opinion on LED back in 1985?

It has also been pretty well established that plants need much more than just red and blue spectrums, LEDs are starting to figure this out.

Have there been any studies on this in the past couple of years that includes current bulb technology?

I am not saying it isn't true, but info that old is suspect IMO.
LEDs weren't around in 1985, and you should know even now they're irrelevant! no serious growers use crazy expensive LEDs, but that doesn't stop them from being marketed or used. if you had enough money, you probably could make them work in a SCROG, but that's not exactly practical. of course i know about enhanced spectrum bulbs that were designed specifically for growing including ceramic metal halides that i haven't heard much about since around '04.

you seem to think that "enhanced spectrum" equals FULL spectrum though. an enhanced spectrum sodium will still lean towards the red end of the spectrum.while most modern halides aren't as blue as they used to be. yes lighting has improved, but there's no comparing even an enhanced spectrum sodium to a halide except if all you care about is lumens and productivity.

what worked in 1985 still works today, not that you even bothered to follow that link that proves sativas like halides better as it replicates full spectrum equatorial light better than orangish sodiums. so today's sodiums are an improved form of suck. big deal. my point was that cervantes knew what people are re-discovering TODAY all the way back then as he was so far ahead of his time.

the way your mind works is busted. you only seem to think in terms of dismissing. you know.. no matter WHAT automotive technology comes out, you can still walk to the store. newer isn't necessarily better, though you're right about full spectrum HIDs. they are better than the narrow spectrum originals from 1985. my generic halide isn't very blue at all and pretty much full spectrum white where early halides were electric blue practically.

if you want to argue, then go to thatlink where sativa growers prefer halides and argue with all of them, or the breeder of metal haze, or talk to DJ shorts directly today and see what he has to say. the same tech that worked in 1985 or even 2002, still works today. i'm not a fan of $90 bulbs myself, but my generic 39k lumen halide is more than enough full spectrum for me. i can see every color of the rainbow with it. sodium will never do blues that well, just better.
Show off some of your badass plants, hazey.
LEDs weren't around in 1985, and you should know even now they're irrelevant! no serious growers use crazy expensive LEDs, but that doesn't stop them from being marketed or used. if you had enough money, you probably could make them work in a SCROG, but that's not exactly practical. of course i know about enhanced spectrum bulbs that were designed specifically for growing including ceramic metal halides that i haven't heard much about since around '04.

you seem to think that "enhanced spectrum" equals FULL spectrum though. an enhanced spectrum sodium will still lean towards the red end of the spectrum.while most modern halides aren't as blue as they used to be. yes lighting has improved, but there's no comparing even an enhanced spectrum sodium to a halide except if all you care about is lumens and productivity.

what worked in 1985 still works today, not that you even bothered to follow that link that proves sativas like halides better as it replicates full spectrum equatorial light better than orangish sodiums. so today's sodiums are an improved form of suck. big deal. my point was that cervantes knew what people are re-discovering TODAY all the way back then as he was so far ahead of his time.

the way your mind works is busted. you only seem to think in terms of dismissing. you know.. no matter WHAT automotive technology comes out, you can still walk to the store. newer isn't necessarily better, though you're right about full spectrum HIDs. they are better than the narrow spectrum originals from 1985. my generic halide isn't very blue at all and pretty much full spectrum white where early halides were electric blue practically.

if you want to argue, then go to thatlink where sativa growers prefer halides and argue with all of them, or the breeder of metal haze, or talk to DJ shorts directly today and see what he has to say. the same tech that worked in 1985 or even 2002, still works today. i'm not a fan of $90 bulbs myself, but my generic 39k lumen halide is more than enough full spectrum for me. i can see every color of the rainbow with it. sodium will never do blues that well, just better.
Dinafem - Sweet Deep Grapefruit - amazes me, smells exactly like a grapefruit when growing, when cured its almost got a sharp acidic smell its freakin great!

The original clone only Ohio Lemon G is GREAT just like Lemons......

TGA Agent Orange, SUPER yield, just like an ORANGE how do they fuggin do this?!?!
How do you know all that if you aint flowered any???
people need to read your past posts then make up if to count your word as viable info..

You get best flavours from Organic strains. Grown under any grow light... Just cause you want everyone to use 100% halide dont meen it will happen.. Best bet is to mix both or use full spectrum HPS.

Take a look at every plant pic from Hazey then think do I want my plants burnt like that... Dont look to hazey for info unless you want duff stuff.

He says his freebies tasted awsome nder halide... lol it was probably nutes he could taste as they went no more than 4-5 weeks

Im with Racerboy on C99 being my fav strain both taste and smell are damn fruity.

Blueberry pheno of Blue cheese i keep is pretty tastey to (Organic)

O yer ad s real sweat TGA Chernobyl
how does the blueberry pheno look In veg I got 3 bluecheese from BF starting right now
oh yeah and F.C.J. is the shit too aswell as mk ultra the one I grew last time had baseball sized nugs that were rock fuckinghard and had a very powerful piney,rotting fruit,lemon smell and a very earthy fruity flavor and my veneno from eva seeds had the most crazy fucking sour grape kool aid smell wile growing unfortunately non of that came thru really in the flavor a little bit in the smell but nothing even close to how it smelled with flowering I was a bit upset about that
I got this purple gorilla I cant seem to find mutch info on other than its mother was a strain by the name purple rainforest, (which my husband and I think is actually purple rain) but anyways it stays purple through and through and has an overwhelmingly strong grape smell with a slight rotten banana musk (like the smell they used to pump into the king kong ride at universal studios)...its great smooth up smoke that tastes....well....like grapes...2012-09-20_09-01-10_600.jpg
if you want the best flavors, don't grow under pure sodium! full spectrum halides are better for terpene expression. keep that in mind if you really want the fullest flavors

for the authentic tutti fruity (aka juicy fruit) flavor, and probably the trippy buzz too, if it weren't such a fussy refusing to flower for MONTHS and then turn hermie anyways, sativa seeds' full moon (highland thai) which is not to be confused with koh chang or meao thais that taste different totally reminded me of oversized rainbow lollypops when i was a kid.

DNA genetics sweet haze. it's VERY fruity, moreso than several other hazes and thai hybrids i've tried and clearly more trippy too. it's really awesome for a 9 week strain even if it's still stretchy. their golden glowing lemon skunk with a nice high and lemongrass taste was nice too, though more for the overall package than the flavor, but the cream cheese with hints of fruity yoghurt sour cream by them was REALLY delicious to making me think that chocolope must be at least yummy.

my super cali haze freebie from short stuff tasted like straight up grape juice under a halide and made a really nice fruity geneic haze cross with joey weed's C99. the cross only tasted like fruit under sodium where the C99 & barney's LSD all hade grape notes under halide, but the SCH tasted very much like grapes. the high wasn't as trippy as sweet haze and as an auto, you can't clone it.

licorice is technically a spice flavor, but the durban poison i was gifted in the 90s tasted like straight up licorice sticks! (not my favorite flavor at all though) and had a respectable high that wasn't as trippy or visual as columbian gold even though it's always compared to thai for trippiness. i don't know whose version i had, but would avoid dutch passion after seeing so many reports of hemies. holy smokes has their own mozambique poison that doesn't have the same candy taste as durban, but more of a dried anise and basil spice flavor. i think durban poison gets it's name from the dry heaves it's expansive hits can induce at least in people that hate licorice

were it not for the offensive name, i'd really like to try TGA's agent orange as it's supposed to be delicious AND psychoactive, much like what i wanted to do with lemony and trippy malawi gold and compact burmese crossed with california orange. their jack's cleaner 2 has an AWESOME complex high and the breeders have a huge following so i';d imagine ALL of their strains have superior buzzes and/or flavors. i'd like to find a pina colada pheno of third dimension which is on my shopping list. jillybean is supposed to be very euphoric with an orange creamsicle flavor, but sounds too stony for me, so i think i'll try chimera's C+ (not critical) which is supposed to be delicious too according to a member here

i haven't tasted it yet, but the cherry flavors of buddha's sister, BS x G13 haze and reclining buddha by SOMA sound very interesting. there's a flavor not being grown out by many

i REALLY want to try DJ shorts' grape krush for both the flavor and the color to breed with blackberry liqueur tasting ace oldtimer's (purple) haze for something more inspiring than super cali with a better flavor and purple color too, but there are several other grape strains that are supposed to be awesome too, particularly gage green's grape stomper, and TGA has that flavor in one or two of his strains as well. super cali is where i got my handle from as under halide, the grape taste was stronger and more authentic than any blueberry (probably all grown under sodium) i've tried with a better high vs skunk #1 stone too. improving on the buzz, flavor and color is a goal for me

i don't know exactly what pineapple i had, but i had some buds once that had a very authentic pineapple flavor and decent, but not spectacular middy buzz. that's a popular flavor with some including pineapple express, but C99's "best" pheno is called potent pineapple too, though mosca is still out on that.

there's a lot more flavor variety in mid hybrids to stony gear, but i don't like being stoned one bit, so i avoid that stuff generally, but for getting high, mostly, these are the best strains i've tried or want to. i can't wait to test chocolope. a lot of hazes and thai hybrids have a similar fruity flavor and generic haze high that isn't trippy, but is euphoric and motivational, but sweet haze really stands out in flavor, buzz and even how sticky it is compared to the ones i've tried myself. some day i'd really like to try DNA's cannalope haze and see how it compares. as a more expensive regs only strain, i'm guessing it's a pride variety worthy of the price or at least really good as nothing i've tried by them so far is schwag.

DJs Grape Krush is super fruity and decent Yield, with foliar coloring and some flower color as well.
My av is DJ GK grown in Summer with night temps around 70-75*f
Sharksbreath was nice when I grew it..miss my pheno but had to tear it down one day...fruity in my grow is purple haze..I think g-13 labs..it was a freebie..got a guava smell with a haze funk..have 8 other strains in a gallon glass jar and all you can smell is the purple haze fruit.