Things You found Out on your own

One thing I learned and still stick to is that sea weed can cause a lot of cabbage growth during flower and can make it so 9 weeks into flower your scratching your head wondering why there not done .....I also learned that the hormones in hormex rooting concentrate can help reverse this ...I now stop using sea weed 2 weeks before I put them in flower was a tough thing to learn but if you don't learn something new and better yourself each grow your doing something wrong ..
I've learned that organic gardening is this SHIT! Figuratively and literally!
Phuck a PH!
I don't know how growing could possibly be made any simpler!

And more importantly, everyday it seems that I learn just how much I DON'T KNOW!
Everyday is a new day and a chance to learn something that I didn't the day before :joint:
1. The nute game is one of the biggest hustles I have ever seen
2. Shut Up
3. Cure your med's right...don't let others rush you cause They can't wait
4. Buy the best when you do decide that you must buy something cause you Need it..even then do research first.
5. Respect the plant. She has a certain energy to her...she is alive in her own way.
6. Friends will use you so follow rule #2
7. Respect others, don't cheat them, disrespect them or act a fool...even if they are.
8. Never think you know it all. Listen Listen Listen...Then research.
9. Save your money. Don't waste it on does not fill the void.
10. Help others. If God blesses it forward my friend...Karma works both was - and +
11. No one started off as a Guru everyone made there mistakes and when people are jerks...rise above it. They made mistakes too.
12. Get a Medical card and keep it on you at all times
13. Assert your rights while also being Respectful to any law enforcement (they are people too) it goes along way. But know your rights.
14. Don't be greedy... it's not worth it.
15. Stop trusting people. Most cannot even trust themselves.
16. A little hard work with a good set up will save alot of time in the long run.
17. Smile. Love. Laugh...this day might be your last.

I (humbly) see that this post is getting some attention....which has lead me to ponder posting my biggest lesson thus far. After considerations I've decided to share for the benefit of us a whole.

18. Gree(n)d: Green + Greed = Gree(n)d. Whereby "Green" is = to Money & Med's (hints "Green").

First one must inspect themselves ..daily if you must. Then wait and look for it to appear in others as it always does. Again I say...Always. You can only control yourself and your actions...being aware of this potential narcissus of the mind and spirit however you cannot control others. This has been one of the biggest lessons I have "found out on my own" thus far. I coined it Gree(n)d.

ie: "Nah bro I don't mess with him anymore. Dude was cool...I's like he changed all of a sudden. I'm pretty sure Gree(n)d got him."
I learned to get rid of paper towel method and not to over water...
A squirt of fly spray with good extraction does good to kill scariad fly (adults)
Perpetual flowering makes me happy!
That when you grow your own weed... even an oven dry 4 week old bud is better than most of the stuff they sell on the streets...
learned that there are alot of cheifs and not enough indians.....

alot of know it alls in the forums with no real knowledge or hands on experiences but cant tell you what your doing wrong

I have learned that you can leave the lights on 24/7 for 3-4 days at the end of a crop to increase trichs...makes um pop
A couple barky yappy terriers patrolling the property are EXCELLENT. Their hearing is incredible - they can hear a person walking on the sidewalk before the person is even in front of my house (before a person can even see them).

Nobody comes near my property without being noticed. There have been two burglaries on our neighborhood in the last three months/

Noisy dogs are especially handy when I am really stoned and spacing out and don't want to be surprised by an unexpected visitor. NOBODY IS SNEAKING UP ON MY GROW ROOM.


You got that right! This little critter can hear a knat fart at 100 feet.

-I learned not to work in your garden when stoned but only enjoy the plants then and listen really close to what they require next.

-Flowering plant's stems emit a smell that is quite interesting when rubbed between your fingers. Try it!

-Less is more when dealing with "additives".

-If you're not sure, don't do it large scale.

I found out you don't need any fancy stuff to clone. RO water with a mild mix of grow nutrients in a cheap aero unit will produce transplant ready roots in 5-8 days for just about any type of plant.

Also wooden toothpicks under a humidity dome is a bad combination. Mold.

Fancy 17 parts nutrients work and work well in a lot of instances. But so will simple 1-2 part mixes. Most plants don't seem to care a whole lot.
I have learned that you can leave the lights on 24/7 for 3-4 days at the end of a crop to increase trichs...makes um pop

imma have to try this out myself. i always hear more the opposite honestly, less light towards the end(and lower temps) have always resulted in more resin/trichs than plants i didnt do it to but never tried increasing light time.
Always finish mine off with 72hrs dark with the temps slightly cooler than normal night time temps
I found out there is nothing new under the sun, translated=there is nothing man can try with a plant that hasn't already been tried.
I found out there is nothing new under the sun, translated=there is nothing man can try with a plant that hasn't already been tried.

the problem is always figuring out to trust somebody because it works or because of placebo effect or the grower's perception. unfortunately, we will never know because nobody is doing formal research, statistic analysis, and publishing the results so that they are replicable.
the problem is always figuring out to trust somebody because it works or because of placebo effect or the grower's perception. unfortunately, we will never know because nobody is doing formal research, statistic analysis, and publishing the results so that they are replicable.

Once you start getting decent results, who wants to play super-strict scientist? The hobby is time consuming enough as it is. I try to experiment with one thing each grow. My results are good enough for me but certainly not formal, with statistical analysis, etc. You just need to try things yourself and go with what works for you.
Once you start getting decent results, who wants to play super-strict scientist? The hobby is time consuming enough as it is. I try to experiment with one thing each grow. My results are good enough for me but certainly not formal, with statistical analysis, etc. You just need to try things yourself and go with what works for you.

i don't want to turn this into a debate so i will relate this to the thread topic.

i'v learned that when a new industry is emerging such as the marijuana markets in Colorado and Washington that the free market will drive research into making the best possible product so that they can make as much money as possible.

i've also learned that when industry is making money hand over fist, the government looks for a way to interject itself so that it can wet its beak mafia style.

btw, who is that fine girl in your profile pic with fantastic proportions?
i don't want to turn this into a debate so i will relate this to the thread topic.

i'v learned that when a new industry is emerging such as the marijuana markets in Colorado and Washington that the free market will drive research into making the best possible product so that they can make as much money as possible.

i've also learned that when industry is making money hand over fist, the government looks for a way to interject itself so that it can wet its beak mafia style.

btw, who is that fine girl in your profile pic with fantastic proportions?

Yea...let her know she needs to get with me...I might be able to put her on my team if the front is as proportional as the back 8)

However she needs to have her own bank roll I don't divide dollars for chicks = One of the lessons I've learned so far :hump:
I found out lady bugs are actually vicious little predators!

...and I love them. They make good buddies. Sometimes I just sit and watch them do lady bug stuff. They have their own "world" and feel a need to protect the plants. If someone comes into your garden and the lady bugs do not know the persons scent ..they will start landing on him/her and misting their stinky "go away" spray (it does not hurt...they do not just smells funny). They feel a strong urge to protect and love the plants.

Honestly...I think they only help a little with mites. Yes they eat them but they are not as effective as a good organic spray. However having said that I have also noticed with 100% certainty another effect the lady bugs have...they make the plants "happy". The plants are aware the lady bugs are there and they (plants) respond in a noticeably stellar way.

Their positive energy is in the air and it makes me smile.