1. The nute game is one of the biggest hustles I have ever seen
2. Shut Up
3. Cure your med's right...don't let others rush you cause They can't wait
4. Buy the best when you do decide that you must buy something cause you Need it..even then do research first.
5. Respect the plant. She has a certain energy to her...she is alive in her own way.
6. Friends will use you so follow rule #2
7. Respect others, don't cheat them, disrespect them or act a fool...even if they are.
8. Never think you know it all. Listen Listen Listen...Then research.
9. Save your money. Don't waste it on Stuff...it does not fill the void.
10. Help others. If God blesses you...pay it forward my friend...Karma works both was - and +
11. No one started off as a Guru everyone made there mistakes and when people are jerks...rise above it. They made mistakes too.
12. Get a Medical card and keep it on you at all times
13. Assert your rights while also being Respectful to any law enforcement (they are people too) it goes along way. But know your rights.
14. Don't be greedy... it's not worth it.
15. Stop trusting people. Most cannot even trust themselves.
16. A little hard work with a good set up will save alot of time in the long run.
17. Smile. Love. Laugh...this day might be your last.