Just to be clear....


Well-Known Member
was it an impossibility to get the votes (couldn't)? or did they simply not get the votes (didn't)? better than trying to pass of neo-nazi white supremacist studies as fact!
couldn't and impossible aren't the same. "they simply not get the votes" = couldn't. You should buy a dictionary.


Well-Known Member
correct, they didn't. what kind of political capital do you suppose they would have had to spend to get that vote?
No they wanted no part of it, just like they don't now. AWD ban crippled democrats and it took years to recover they have no desire to go down that road again. You have a handful of loons and media fueling this whole debacle.

Rancho Cucamonga

Active Member
It doesn't matter, no bans or new gun laws will pass in congress. By state it differs but most will not be passing any new laws. All this will really do in the end is boost the firearms industry and the dems will lose face on the political block.


Well-Known Member
No they wanted no part of it, just like they don't now. AWD ban crippled democrats and it took years to recover they have no desire to go down that road again. You have a handful of loons and media fueling this whole debacle.
But here they are, going down that road again. Don't they have news broadcasts or newspapers where you live?


Well-Known Member
No they wanted no part of it, just like they don't now. AWD ban crippled democrats and it took years to recover they have no desire to go down that road again. You have a handful of loons and media fueling this whole debacle.
you mean they didn't want any part.

remind me who signed the bill into law and got reelected :lol:

so crippling!


Well-Known Member
But here they are, going down that road again. Don't they have news broadcasts or newspapers where you live?
Democrats are turning their back on their liberal constituents, most don't want any part of it. You have a few idiots that find their self standing very much alone right now. Gun have always been a career killer for dems, the smart ones are isolating themselves.


Well-Known Member
Democrats are turning their back on their liberal constituents, most don't want any part of it. You have a few idiots that find their self standing very much alone right now. Gun have always been a career killer for dems, the smart ones are isolating themselves.
LOL!that must be why joe manchin is saying "everything should be on the table".FAIL!


Well-Known Member
and republicans took control of congress
do tell me more about this phenomenon whereas the opposing party gains seats in the midterm after the president is elected. that must have never happened except when gun control was signed into law, right?


more FAIL!


Well-Known Member
no, i'm not full of shit.

joe manchin said "everything should be on the table".*

even your article says 49 out of 55 democrats would be in favor. that doesn't seem like "most" opposing it, as you claimed.

more FAIL!
It didn't say 55 approved it said at least 6 completely disagree


Well-Known Member
It didn't say 55 approved it said at least 6 completely disagree
you said: "Democrats are turning their back on their liberal constituents, most don't want any part of it."

yet, 49 out of 55 DO want some part of it.

only 6 out of 55 oppose it OR expressed skepticism.

jesus fucking christ. FAIL more.


Well-Known Member
Democrats are turning their back on their liberal constituents, most don't want any part of it. You have a few idiots that find their self standing very much alone right now. Gun have always been a career killer for dems, the smart ones are isolating themselves.
And the stupid ones have a large majority of stupid voters to keep re-electing them. The population is getting dumber every year. Eventually, stupidity will win.


Well-Known Member
you said: "Democrats are turning their back on their liberal constituents, most don't want any part of it."

yet, 49 out of 55 DO want some part of it.

only 6 out of 55 oppose it OR expressed skepticism.

jesus fucking christ. FAIL more.
Yeah they are most are staying fucking quiet and kicking this shit around until it stalls, Biden and Reid have both said it isn't likely and Biden even down played the bills importance. All media pointing to its failure you fucking know different right?


Well-Known Member
i never made any false claims like you did though.

49 out of 55 is not "mostly turning their backs", you fucking retard.

sorry to keep catching you in lies.*
It not false you have a handful even talking about a ban, the rest arent saying shit how in the fuck do you know they're going to vote for it and avoiding even commenting on it? They know damn well they would have to swallow the pill in 2 years. Reid and Biden don't give a fuck its a hopeless bill