he's right ! The top shelf gets snatched up quick here.. You guys on the east coast have probably never even seen our top shelf. Snickelfritz.... lolol
And another thing, the east coast will never get its hands on the genetics we have out here. You will end up getting the snickelfritz from cali connection or Dr. Chronic Seeds. Good luck with those under achieving hermies.
wow bro you either need better connections or if you're selling at that price you are a crook...can get top shelf there and in boulder for $2000 easily if I so desired...and I am NOT from there nor do I live there...and probably lots cheaper now even due to the legalizationPound of marijuana in Denver, Co. top shelf $3500 period point blank If its purple you could easily sell it for $5000 now if it is real deal like say pre 98 bubba kush who knows
wow bro you either need better connections or if you're selling at that price you are a crook...can get top shelf there and in boulder for $2000 easily if I so desired...and I am NOT from there nor do I live there...and probably lots cheaper now even due to the legalization
looks like a really chaotic chess game to me...very interesting indeedsounds like colorado is catching up to oregon prices now! i have witnessed a huge drop in prices with a rise in quality in denver over the last 5-8 years. even arizona prices are going down, washington too. cali somehow stays higher though.
i'm sure that we're going to see top shelf ounces for $100 in many places within the next few years, whereas prohibition areas will remain about the same. it's kinda fun watching all this new re-legalization take place.
looks like a really chaotic chess game to me...very interesting indeed
Well then, bro, you are not smoking high quality weed because I know a dealer in Warwick who only deals in fire and he's in tune with current prices and the average an oz goes for to those buying them is 375. So I don't know what you are smoking but that is what he sells them for, that's what his competitors sell them for and that's what people are paying. They can bitch all they want, unless you are a dealer connected directly to a grower, you are not paying less then 3k a lb in that area.
Bullshit.....Lol, RI is tiny so anywhere in state is considered in that area. I know ton of cardholders in warwick. Guys you must know are too old and are stuck in their ways. They prob hear a normal price an refuse to believe its any good stuff. There is 35% thc stuff for that price.
I do not believe there is ANY 35% bud anywhereObviously its not ALL 35%... come on now.. im talking prices. Even the person with the strand which was tested at 35% sold his shit at prices i was saying. If anyone deserved 350-400 an oz it is deff him and he doesnt charge that.
i think it goes for more in CA for the same reason it does in ND, to some extent. more money there.
Lol, RI is tiny so anywhere in state is considered in that area. I know ton of cardholders in warwick. Guys you must know are too old and are stuck in their ways. They prob hear a normal price an refuse to believe its any good stuff. There is 35% thc stuff for that price.
i dont deal dudekite high yeah i need your connects, next time you are in the area personal message me and we will see how true your statements are
I have no idea why Cali would have high prices...
Lol, RI is tiny so anywhere in state is considered in that area. I know ton of cardholders in warwick. Guys you must know are too old and are stuck in their ways. They prob hear a normal price an refuse to believe its any good stuff. There is 35% thc stuff for that price.
but east cost indor bud it's equivalent on quality to the cali one if not better in some cases
I laughed hard when i read this part. You're too funny.