New Member
So within the context of the Michigan Medical Marihuana law , how do we dispose of unwanted medicine and the waste materials as well .. Had this question asked today and I agreed to post and see how other in Michigan or other legal states view this issue of legality ..
Please no replies with send the Medicine my way, that wont be happening lol and in the end it will most likely just be tossed into the burning barrel .. Do you think putting it in the trash is wise even if you are legal ? Many seem to agree with this after conversing this issue today....
What is your take on legal disposal ? I have found nothing in the law pertaining to this subject .. Thanks in advance RIU
Please no replies with send the Medicine my way, that wont be happening lol and in the end it will most likely just be tossed into the burning barrel .. Do you think putting it in the trash is wise even if you are legal ? Many seem to agree with this after conversing this issue today....
What is your take on legal disposal ? I have found nothing in the law pertaining to this subject .. Thanks in advance RIU