Spread the truth


Keep hold of your guns...real or metaphorical

(Edit) should of waited until posting though...it gets worse!
The entire interview brings to light quite a few scary WTF moments...if what this man says has any credence then we're all fucked!
Obvious organized crime is obvious.

You must be talking about the entire republican party and the tea baggy movement.

Now that Ron paul is retiring
Do you think he will be the keynote speaker at the John Birch society........again?
"Why do you think 9/11 happened and then nothing has happened since then? Do you think our security is so great here that these people who pulled off 9/11 can't knock down another plane? 9/11 was done by people in our own government and our own banking system to perpetuate the fear of the American people into subordinating themselves into anything the government wants them to do. And to create this endless 'war on terror', which has no real enemy"
"Why do you think 9/11 happened and then nothing has happened since then? Do you think our security is so great here that these people who pulled off 9/11 can't knock down another plane? 9/11 was done by people in our own government and our own banking system to perpetuate the fear of the American people into subordinating themselves into anything the government wants them to do. And to create this endless 'war on terror', which has no real enemy"

Stop watching TV and read a book bro..
Fear mongering, everything being conveyed by this message has at it's core, fear as a basic premise.

There can be no providence with out hope.
"Fear is the main source of superstition, and one of the main sources of cruelty. To conquer fear is the beginning of wisdom." ~Bertrand Russel