Monsanto cannabis yes or no? The DNA Protection Act of 2013

Genetically Engineered Cannabis yes or no?

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Go ahead and tell me all those farmers just made up theyre stories. Do it spin doctors. You guys have perfected ignorance of the truth so lets see if you can deny this..........aaaa, here it comes, "show me the court case number and lie detector tests saying those farmers arent lying"
quick, head in the sand and spiiiiiiiiiin :):):)

replying to yourself is pretty weak.

your allegations are just allegations if you dont drop any proof on the table.

i could allege that youre a fat turd with skid marks on your underpants, a hanna montana body pillow "waifu" propped in the corner of your twin bed, and semen stains on your faded Spongebob Squarepants sheets.

while i may not have any proof of my claims, at least my allegations sound probable.
1000 calories is a 1000 calories, right?

so have 5 twinkies and a 64 oz coca cola, i'll have some eggs fresh from the vent, a baked potato, and a salad with peas, carrots and maters out of my own garden. maybe some fresh squeezed lemonade to wash it all down with that came straight from my citrus meyeri tree.

i mean, 1000 calories is 1000 calories, right?

I've already addressed that. Leyt's compare organic to GM in category: eggs, grains, meats. I don't think there is such a thing as an organic Twinkie.
But to be fair, keep calorie count (and subsidiary ratios of fat, protein, carb) equal.

Got any studies to support your claim that organic is plainly healthier than the non-organic equivalent? cn
1000 calories is a 1000 calories, right?

so have 5 twinkies and a 64 oz coca cola, i'll have some eggs fresh from the vent, a baked potato, and a salad with peas, carrots and maters out of my own garden. maybe some fresh squeezed lemonade to wash it all down with that came straight from my citrus meyeri tree.

i mean, 1000 calories is 1000 calories, right?

Only to a calorimeter.
hey dipshit. if you eat any product of any modern farm youre pro monoculture too.

do you even know what that word means? nope, didnt think so.

without monoculture we would have no modern farming, so no urban centers could develop, and you would have to actually toil away growing your own food, thus most of the worthless twats (like yourself) would never have the opportunity to exist, much less air your weak arguments on the interwebs.

monoculture was pioneered by ancient rome, to provide the food for their urban centers. if we went back to smallholders and subsistence farming your fat ass would starve.

if i'm hitler, the leader of the theird reich, then youre just one of the nazi SS goons pushing jews into the shower so you can go home to your tiny apartment and a supper of boiled cabbage greasy sausage and sour beer.
you sure do sacrifice a lot for so little. but the Fatherland knows best.

have another hotpocket fatty.
it exists because of monoculture farming, and so do you.
image.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpgUmmm, i think id do just fine without your GM products, ya, weve growen our own food for years and its not hard so i dont think my "fat ass would starve". I dont eat hot pockets by the way, id rather eat all these....I dont need your GM food, i dont need your monoculture, and nobody needs your BS monsanto hitler ;)
Calories are an extremely inaccurate unit of measurement.

Dissenting opinion. Calories are measured in calorimeters, very sensitive instruments. And the energetics of metabolic reactions are known to a high degree of precision.
Can you point out a systematic error that allows these quantities to be very precise and yet "extremely inaccurate"? cn
I've already addressed that. Leyt's compare organic to GM in category: eggs, grains, meats. I don't think there is such a thing as an organic Twinkie.
But to be fair, keep calorie count (and subsidiary ratios of fat, protein, carb) equal.

Got any studies to support your claim that organic is plainly healthier than the non-organic equivalent? cn

i'm not even gonna google to see if there are any studies. but if you're trying to tell me there is no difference between 1000 calories worth of mcdonald's GMO fed, antibiotic ridden, packed in like sardine beef and 1000 calories worth of grass fed, free range, hormone and antibiotic free beef, i'll go ahead and proudly proclaim that no human being who is capable of looking at their own feces should need a study to tell the difference.
replying to yourself is pretty weak.

your allegations are just allegations if you dont drop any proof on the table.

i could allege that youre a fat turd with skid marks on your underpants, a hanna montana body pillow "waifu" propped in the corner of your twin bed, and semen stains on your faded Spongebob Squarepants sheets.

while i may not have any proof of my claims, at least my allegations sound probable.
Nice spin, so are you denying that farmers have been sued into submission by monsanto? Do you deny that theres many, many farmers that would rather spit on monsanto employees rather than save them from drowning?

your have published proof of it or it doesnt count argument is getting pretty weak, because everyone knows you cant publish against monsanto genetic engineering without millions to spend on lawsuits. We see through your smoke show :):):)
I've already addressed that. Leyt's compare organic to GM in category: eggs, grains, meats. I don't think there is such a thing as an organic Twinkie.
But to be fair, keep calorie count (and subsidiary ratios of fat, protein, carb) equal.

Got any studies to support your claim that organic is plainly healthier than the non-organic equivalent? cn

I would like to see this experiment done.

Here is another experiment I would like to see done:

1. Raise a typical suburban garden of tomatoes, carrots, onions, sweet corn, etc using "organic" methods.
2. Raise the identical garden using non-organic methods (fertilizers from petroleum, etc).
3. Conduct a taste test by feeding the produce picked fresh from each garden to willing participants and have them judge which is "organic" and which is "non organic". My prediction is that the judgments by participants will be completely random, i.e. no statistical difference between the gardens.
from your own citation, the only part which pertains to GMO's at all.
"A connection between Bt maize and CCD was raised in experiments conducted in Germany that were described on the Internet but never published in a scientific journal. In these studies honeybees were fed Bt maize pollen and, although healthy bees had no acute or chronic toxic symptoms, in one experiment where bees were infested with parasites, the study was aborted because Bt pollen appeared to accelerate the bees’ decline. Although not repeatable in subsequent experiments, Bt in GE corn pollen thus became a possible cause of CCD.[SUP][138][/SUP]

However, there are no data in the scientific literature supporting direct or indirect damage to bees caused by currently approved GE crops engineered to make Bt proteins. For example, in 2008 a meta-analysis[SUP][139][/SUP] of 25 independent studies assessing effects of Bt Cry proteins on honeybee survival (mortality) showed that Bt proteins used in commercialized GE crops to control lepidopteran and coleopteran pests do not negatively impact the survival of honeybee larvae or adults. Additionally, larvae consume only a small percent of their protein from pollen, and there is also a lack of geographic correlation between GE crop locations and regions where CCD occurs.[SUP][138][/SUP] "

only captive bees FED pollen could establish the link between GMO's and bees.

bees however do not eat corn pollen. bees visit flowers to collect nectar, and the pollen adheres to their bodies to be deposited on the next flower they visit, and random mixed pollen is stored in the hive to be converted into a fungal mass for protein. bees have no interest in corn pollen. even their pollen collection is a secondary action behind the collection of nectar for honey production.
the bees had to be FED corn pollen since in the wild bees do not interact with corn. corn pollinates via large (rice sized and larger) pollen packets which fertilize the leaf internodes to develop ears of grain. corn tassels do not provide nectar, and thus lack the primary attractant to make bees want to bother with corn. corn pollen is too large to adhere to bees, the packets are too large to be carried home by bees, and bees have less interest in corn than they do in marble statuary of kids pissing into fountains. the entire "GMO corn = bee colony collapse syndrome" hypothesis is ridiculous on it's face.

publishing this kind of twaddle gets journals laughed into obscurity, this is why it was never actually published, just shopped to eco-websites where dipshits who dont know how corn grows will accept this story as fact and repeat it to their gullible pals at "occupy" rallies.

So the FDA was thinking of you and me when they re-introduced a banned pesticide?
Ummm, i think id do just fine without your GM products, ya, weve growen our own food for years and its not hard so i dont think my "fat ass would starve". I dont eat hot pockets by the way, id rather eat all these....I dont need your GM food, i dont need your monoculture, and nobody needs your BS monsanto hitler ;)

yep. farming is easy as fuck. thats why everybody does it. all those amish assholes who survive outside modern society are just trying to conceal how truely easy their shit is. they spend most of their time in the titty bar hidden under the barn.

yep. you grow ALL your own food. you got a rice paddy, beef cattle, a dairy barn, chicken coop, slaughterhouse, herb garden, wheat field, sugar refinery, corn field, potatoe field vegetable garden and a salt mine all on your back porch, and it produces all year round.

i bet you havent even seen the inside of a supermarket in decades right?

i guess youre just the modern grizzly adams.


you get crazier every time you flap your meat-hole.
I would like to see this experiment done.

Here is another experiment I would like to see done:

1. Raise a typical suburban garden of tomatoes, carrots, onions, sweet corn, etc using "organic" methods.
2. Raise the identical garden using non-organic methods (fertilizers from petroleum, etc).
3. Conduct a taste test by feeding the produce picked fresh from each garden to willing participants and have them judge which is "organic" and which is "non organic". My prediction is that the judgments by participants will be completely random, i.e. no statistical difference between the gardens.

and i would love to see scarlett johanson naked in my bed tonight, but that's not really the topic of discussion.

i think anyone capable of scoring not worse than two standard deviations below average on a WAIS-IV could tell the difference between corn that came out of 180 bushel per acre, roundup ready, GMO mega farm like nodrama's (not to mention the gubbmint welfare checks they get!) and corn that came from a small, organic farmer in the foothills of cornelius.

it's like comparing a cheese log with an actual log.
So the FDA was thinking of you and me when they re-introduced a banned pesticide?

which pesticide?
when was this supposed to be?
whats your source?

re-launching a previously banned pesticide is hard as fuck. youre gonna have to show your work there bro.
One minor correction: "Everyone" is not against Kyne on this one, just the morons. Kynes has so thoroughly cleaned your clock on this topic that you ought to resign from RIU and never post on the internet again.
So when i post evidence he asks for its time for me to resign?? Baaahahahahaa your a funny man :lol:the evidence doesnt lie and it stinggggs doesnt it. BURN
i'm not even gonna google to see if there are any studies. but if you're trying to tell me there is no difference between 1000 calories worth of mcdonald's GMO fed, antibiotic ridden, packed in like sardine beef and 1000 calories worth of grass fed, free range, hormone and antibiotic free beef, i'll go ahead and proudly proclaim that no human being who is capable of looking at their own feces should need a study to tell the difference.

In my instance, the two have been the same. I feel no better eating "well" than I do eating the same sort of food after a drive-thru. Anecdotal, i know, but no worse than what you're bringing to the table. I am stating that you're trying to present an argument from emotion as fact. cn
Nice spin, so are you denying that farmers have been sued into submission by monsanto? Do you deny that theres many, many farmers that would rather spit on monsanto employees rather than save them from drowning?

your have published proof of it or it doesnt count argument is getting pretty weak, because everyone knows you cant publish against monsanto genetic engineering without millions to spend on lawsuits. We see through your smoke show :):):)

"everybody knows that..."

"When i was in cambodia as a part of the SOG team..."

"yeah baby im a millionaire playboy jetfighter pilot with a twelve inch cock and a bentley..."

"no, dude im totally not a cop, if i was a cop i would have to tell you..."

"of course ill still respect you in the morning..."

"nah man, you give me the cash and ill go get the dope from my guy..."

lies! lies! lies! all lies!
So when i post evidence he asks for its time for me to resign?? Baaahahahahaa your a funny man :lol:the evidence doesnt lie and it stinggggs doesnt it. BURN

desertdouche likes to exalt himself (symptom of the senility, i would guess) but he has proven he can't even analyze straightforward scientific data right in front of his eyes with any degree of accuracy whatsoever.*

it's one of those psychological phenomena whereas someone decides first then justifies later.

a good example of desertdouchery can be found here:*

kynes is not exactly a steward of science either. he's still convinced that water fluoridation is an evil commie plot and that he has PWNT the world scientific community with respect to anthropogenic climate change.

decide first, justify later is how these people operate.

not a good way to go about things.
and i would love to see scarlett johanson naked in my bed tonight, but that's not really the topic of discussion.

i think anyone capable of scoring not worse than two standard deviations below average on a WAIS-IV could tell the difference between corn that came out of 180 bushel per acre, roundup ready, GMO mega farm like nodrama's (not to mention the gubbmint welfare checks they get!) and corn that came from a small, organic farmer in the foothills of cornelius.

it's like comparing a cheese log with an actual log.

If Scarlett did show up in your bed you'd just hug her and cry, Buck. Why put yourself through that humiliation?
In my instance, the two have been the same. I feel no better eating "well" than I do eating the same sort of food after a drive-thru. Anecdotal, i know, but no worse than what you're bringing to the table. I am stating that you're trying to present an argument from emotion as fact. cn

really? you are really telling me that you notice no difference between a mcdonalds cow and a free range, grass fed cow?

i guess you're not a foodie. my condolences.
Whew, this is an enormous thread, my head hurts.

If I may interject here. The average age of an American farmer/rancher is crowding 60 years of age and the amount of new ones are on the decline at an ever increasing rate. They are taking AG out of the schools with gross precision. Within the next 15 years 90%+ of the produce grown inthis country will be done by government run facilities and they will use nothing but GMO products. So it is coming whether we wish it to or not.

If you want non gmo produce, I would suggest trying to procure some non gmo seeds and learn to grow for yourself....just a thougth to ponder

Peace and to hell with gmo's
