Fan Leafs. Blockers of Light Or Energy Producers???

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Active Member
Misleading......lolipopping cuts off the lowest buds so that is misleading compared to defoliating. Not only that, but others here are saying after lollipop, defoliating etc that the lowest buds grew. Well,.they were getting older so that's misleading as well. If a leaf isn't attached to a bud site then it can be cut without worries. Trim a leaf from a buds base and you're causing the buds to get less because more will be used to repair the site. Think of your skin when you get a cut. It scabs then heals. A plant is the same. I trim nothing above 8-10 nodes at most. Below that point I take the largest leaves that grow from the main stem at each branch. If you do that then the lower buds will push right thru any other leaves in the way.
I am not trying to be misleading I am just saying everything I did to increase density. Had I not told you about the lolipopping and claimed defoliation was the only factor that would be misleading.


Active Member
Exactly, and what an excellent, down to earth white paper. Wanna bet not one person here (but you) bookmarks that link for future reference? :)

Been talking about those issues for decades.

Yeah, who ever wrote it it great. I got the new iPad.. totally wroth it.. it have an application where you can save pdf files n a bookshelf.. i carry it with me all the time.. whenever i'm bored i don't even need online access

Bud Brewer

Well-Known Member
That is correct. You need to give up this forum myth/paradigm. I explained the psychology. Go back a page and open up my Trainwreck. The lower part of the plant is shaded, at least by forum "standards" it is. Do you see ANY leaf yellowing? It's only a couple of weeks from harvest too. ;)

Here's an outdoors O. haze that got nothing but a 18-4-9 slow release food during its life, March - Nov. I'll try to dig up a photo to show you the lower leafsets. Why did I use such a high N food? Because that's what they wanted (as opposed to forum hearsay or some stupid snake oil vendor's grow chart scripted for noobs...... recommending a bunch of blathering nonsense).

View attachment 2498311

View attachment 2498312

What's amazing is how they came thru daily sustained high winds that always precede our cold fronts. We're talking in the 30's. They just got their asses kicked by mama nature. 7' tall at harvest.

Try sustaining a pure sativa indoors for 6 - 8 months of its entire life like I did with a Dalat Vietnamese. Now, if I had used the typical nute profile common with most RIU gardeners, they would have been gone by the 4th month. Still lost quite a bit but that sure wasn't because of a lack of light. One plant had a 600W HPS all to herself, plus blinding white side reflectors. (see the attached)
The last one self defoliated it knew better the first are also defoliating themselves your not making your point

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Yeah, who ever wrote it it great. I got the new iPad.. totally wroth it.. it have an application where you can save pdf files n a bookshelf.. i carry it with me all the time.. whenever i'm bored i don't even need online access
Remember how many posts I've done rebutting the lack-of-light=popcorn-buds drills, what I call a forum paradigm? That paper confirms my position:

Apical Dominance - the tip of a growing shoot (apical bud) produces auxin that inhibits the growth of lateral buds below the apical bud.

Again, the top part of the plant is gonna get all the goodies which means it's gonna give it up to the apical areas. That's why I always do a double harvest, "picking the apples as they ripen." Even outdoors I will take out the bulked up colas first and leave the lower part to bulk up some more, coming back in say.....3 weeks to get those buds.


Well-Known Member
No wonder you manually defoliate. You're just beating the plant to what is gonna be its final outcome - fan leaf necrosis. I'm not here to put you down, but those leaves do not look healthy. What foods are you using? Uhhhhh, let me guess. You've been using some "cannabis specific" snake oils like Advanced Shysters or Humboldt that is low in N and too damn high in K. Did I guess it right, get the prize?

This is what you should aim for - an abundance of medium to dark green, healthy fan leaves. Plants were a couple of weeks prior to harvest. This plant was crammed into my indoor garden with many others, and, guess what kiddies? Notice the bottom SHADED buds, like 20" down from the top, are FAT and DENSE! It flies right into the face of your practices and supports the botanical fact that a shaded apple is sum mightee fine eatin'! :hump:

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And just for shits and grins, here's an outdoor sativa that was topped for 4 main colas. Those colas are a foot wide, at least. The one in the foreground about 18" wide due to the weight of the buds. And yes, the 4 colas were staked the best I could do.

View attachment 2498191

As an aside, I've been noting my observations for years - noobs (and some veteran gardeners) often embrace the (dysfunctional) romance they have with the minority of gardeners who defoliate. Why? Because they have not yet learned what makes a plant tick, mastered practices required to retain healthy leaves until harvest, so, they spin their shortcomings, sour grapes style, to protect their egos. Simple Psychology 405....

maybe you should re-read your own post, at which point were you offering any help? at which point did you offer a solution to the necrosis? seems to me you just wanted to blow your own horn, so i stepped back and allowed you to do so. your question, amidst all the befuddlement was a rhetorical one, you know, a question asked when the answer was never really wanted. at the end of the day im learning at my own pace. yes i have jorge's book, ed rosenthal's book and several others, do i grow tomatoes oranges and pineapples? no. does that make me less of a grower? so. i dont care about those things but for some reason, if you go back to all the (unsolicited by the way) rude and out of place comments you've made to me, they have all included some reference to tomatoes or artichokes, i care about growing cannabis better than i am doing now. that is it. if you dont know how to curtail your "advice" to cannabis, then have fun commenting but don't expect me to continually banter away with you.much ado about nothing.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
2 observations - (1) you dodged my question and (2) regarding "greenest run" comment, it doesn't surprise me as I'm sure I hit the nail on the head with my educated guess.

Was willing to help, but I see there's no use trying. (Another reason why I've unsubbed to many RIU threads, including my own. Some just don't get it.)

Good luck,
i understand. I mean you have unsubbed from THIS thread twice. just like a herpes you keep coming back.
thank you. goodbye

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
maybe you should re-read your own post, at which point were you offering any help?
By asking you a simple question regarding the foods you used which would have resulted in a followup.

Look, go about your business and good luck. I'm through with you.

Uncle Ben


Well-Known Member
Yeah it does. Did you view the Trainwreck plant profile? Post #1239, Look at the lower part of the plant. There is actually a broad flare up of intense flowering buds at the bottom. They are actually wider than above. Pretty strange, eh?
i favor the sweet tooth in that 'cross breeding' . In the wild the tops fall over, that bitch got great jeans lol. The waxy leaves are a protective response? I have them on some of my girls now, along with cupping over.

researched the net, found a post of yours from 2005. Goodonya.

got something to share with you ganja farmers, thought press releases might be of interest to you guys.


Well-Known Member
By asking you a simple question regarding the foods you used which would have resulted in a followup.

Look, go about your business and good luck. I'm through with you.

Uncle Ben
this is how a person who REALLY wants to helps sounds " hey man you got a necrosis, thats comes from Mg deficiency, you should XYZ to fix it" what you and other cyber-bully's like to do is make others feel low, to bring yourself up, hence the picture, no knowledge to pass on just a "my dick is bigger than yours" picture
perhaps suggesting a different food choice for the plants, im almost positive even neanderthals have some manners when addressing strangers.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
i favor the sweet tooth in that 'cross breeding' . In the wild the tops fall over, that bitch got great jeans lol. The waxy leaves are a protective response? I have them on some of my girls now, along with cupping over.

researched the net, found a post of yours from 2005. Goodonya.

got something to share with you ganja farmers, thought press releases might be of interest to you guys.
The Trainwreck X Sweettooth#4 cross I grew was gifted to me by a friend many years ago. It is easy to grow, bulks up well, has a longer flowering period than most but only fair potency. Another words, it's a 5 hitter, not a 2. The dark green leaves came from blood meal plus other stuff I guess.


Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
this is how a person who REALLY wants to helps sounds " hey man you got a necrosis, thats comes from Mg deficiency, you should XYZ to fix it" what you and other cyber-bully's like to do is make others feel low, to bring yourself up, hence the picture, no knowledge to pass on just a "my dick is bigger than yours" picture
perhaps suggesting a different food choice for the plants, im almost positive even neanderthals have some manners when addressing strangers.
Don't preach to me boy. I tried to help, you don't want it and that's OK.

Me said:
I'm not here to put you down, but those leaves do not look healthy. What foods are you using? Uhhhhh, let me guess. You've been using some "cannabis specific" snake oils like Advanced Shysters or Humboldt that is low in N and too damn high in K. Did I guess it right, get the prize?
And you STILL dodge the question LOL.

Gawd, are we a nation of whiners and over sensitive neurotics or what? :)


Well-Known Member
This is the most unfounded, utter bullshit I have read to date. And is so fucking far off from fact its beyond comical...just confirms UBs statement on passing blame...

ROLLITUP: We need the ability to change accidental "likes".... Sorry fella (OP), I was not concuring with Alexander, and sorry to Alexander for the false hope. A.S. man, your responce would lead folks to believe you have not been around these parts much ;) Keep reading!


Active Member
I'm wondering if defoliation has been presented by any fellow who actually grows in hydroponics.. Seems like abscisic acid presence its greater diminished by the amount of water roots drive into the plant. Which means... the healthier your root system is.. the less the effect of inhibiting growth from this hormone in our buds.


Well-Known Member
jeez this thread is killing me.

Riddle me this batman... when I put my hand up to block the sign from my eyes is it a light blocker? Uh kinda, but the light is still hitting my arm so my body is still producing vitamin D.... Same thing with the plants!!! Now someone please close this thread!

Bud Brewer

Well-Known Member
those plants will do that will very little " help" from you. You are doing it as a an adjustment not as a method to improve yield.

instead of reflecting the sweet spot I would lower the bulb so that it is shining on the plants.
No they wouldn't fill in as dense if I didn't help it create more branches by defoliation your missing the point of doing it in veg because you have never seen the regrowth for yourself.
I got these from a friend who grew them in hydro his were not nearly as dense or as large he didn't do any defoliation during veg just flower.

The bulb is within a foot of the plants the bottom is parallel to the to the average tops below the main cola I have no space to drop it between they are too fat.
I maintain the bulb in the same position relative to the shield the sweet spot I just move it all up as needed it works great. The only problem is to work in there I raise the light and shield to the ceiling and crawl under I got a 3 foot space with everything raised and can stand up.

I could have made it bigger this will be reused for vegging same idea but made into an octagon with the 45 degree top for the nine clones I will be doing defoliation experiments with three as controls I'm willing to sacrifice the loss of yield on those in the name of science. Three will be defoliated every week or two in veg then after stretch and 45 days flowering the last three are not as healthy as the six so they are just going to be single experiments one just defo in veg one just in flower and the other all the time.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
jeez this thread is killing me.

Riddle me this batman... when I put my hand up to block the sign from my eyes is it a light blocker? Uh kinda, but the light is still hitting my arm so my body is still producing vitamin D.... Same thing with the plants!!! Now someone please close this thread!
Just when I present real world facts AND back them up with photos of real world plants someone comes along and wants to have it closed?

Actually, this thread should be pinned so that the next lazy mother fuckin' noob who doesn't lurk first or know how to do a search on defoliation, lollipopping and other stupid butchering practices can refer to it easily. :wall:

Recommend you un-subscribe, like I did before. :)
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