Well-Known Member
im not worried enough to spend my time advocating for that just as i see no point putting a sign on the inside of peoples front doors telling them how dangerous its is to scare them unnecessarily without evidence to support doing so
and dont forget this thread is specifically about banning it outright
the beans from your garden is no proof either as theres many factors contributing to the taste
the main one is the very short amount of time it takes going from plant to your plate
i had no idea that my pointing out the inability to know all there is to know yet and the obvious physiological differences i feel when consuming local over GMO was akin to hanging a paranoid sign in your house by the front door.
small, organic farmers here in the US just got shafted in the fiscal cliff negotiations while larger, monied interests who are completely reliant on GMO kept their subsidies. have you heard them crying about it?
if anything, we'd subsidize what we know is healthy until the jury is out on GMO. it is what it is, but my voice is going to the proven underdogs over the GMOs. an examination of how our farming has evolved over the last 50 or so years can be alarming. a lot of change in a short time, with little real knowledge about its long term effects.