Monsanto cannabis yes or no? The DNA Protection Act of 2013

Genetically Engineered Cannabis yes or no?

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Pray good sir, do tell us what these "problems down the line" potentially are, if you can?

Apples are gonna grow teeth and take over? The United States of Granny Smiths shall rise?

Shall there be red versus green racism??

Was it not Monsanto that at one time claimed Agent Orange was safe?

A couple decades later, thousands of insane US troops coming home from Vietnam disproved that.


Sorry if I don't trust a profit driven company with a track record of dishonest "science" to be fucking with my food. The incidence of diabetes in the United States has doubled since the 1970's. Is there a genetic link to this, or is it due to the food we are consuming? Either way, I don't want to be their test study.
what exactly is genetically engineered cannabis?

exactly, it's a MacGuffin, a strawman, a fiction created to advance the agenda of the anti-GMO crowd despite their lack of evidence of harm.

by declaring wild doomsday scenarios, you should be so overcome by unreasoning fear that you simply agree with whatever they say.

if you do not agree, or are not paralyzed with urine drenched terror, then youre part of the conspiracy.
Was it not Monsanto that at one time claimed Agent Orange was safe?

A couple decades later, thousands of insane US troops coming home from Vietnam disproved that.


Sorry if I don't trust a profit driven company with a track record of dishonest "science" to be fucking with my food. The incidence of diabetes in the United States has doubled since the 1970's. Is there a genetic link to this, or is it due to the food we are consuming? Either way, I don't want to be their test study.

ansd i dont think scientific agendas should be set by scary campfire stories, spooky tales of "Bloody Mary" and chain letters.

evidence wins out over baseless allegations and ominous predictions every single time.
ansd i dont think scientific agendas should be set by scary campfire stories, spooky tales of "Bloody Mary" and chain letters.

evidence wins out over baseless allegations and ominous predictions every single time.

I don't disagree with that, but is the verdict already in? Is it not plausible that the side effects from GMO's are still inconclusive, and could paint a different story down the line than what you're suggesting?
I don't disagree with that, but is the verdict already in?* Is it not plausible that the side effects from GMO's are still inconclusive, and could paint a different story down the line than what you're suggesting?

* double negative and a statement disguised as a question.
No, the verdict is NOT in. as yet there is NO conclusive proof (or even verifiable indications) that GMO's are a hazard to anything but targeted pests and diseases.
This entire thread has been one wild claim after another, and each claim has been supported with ZERO evidence, merely more wild claims.
Not a single allegation made in opposition to GMO's has been supported by any repuatble research, experiment or evidence.
The allegations are CRAZY, inconsistent, illogical and unsupported by any evidence.
More allegations do not prove the previous allegations true.

while certainly someday science may provide evidence that GMO's are an unwise line of research, but until harm is proved, prohibiting GMO research is not only unwarranted, but un-american.

someday all the doomsayers and fearmongers may be proved correct...
and in some distant future science may prove that Scientology was right all along.
with the alien ghosts, Galactic Overlords, Space Opera and everything.

science could prove one day that smoking is good for you, chocolate cures cancer, and drinking your own urine gives you superpowers.

but i think ill wait for proof before i start my day with a steaming mug of piss.
you're asserting that something is true (that GMO foods have no dangerous or undesirable side effects) because of lack of evidence to the contrary. that is called argument from ignorance.

who knows if it will take 35 years for us to slap our heads and say "oh, shit. these GMO carrots make us shoot lasers out of our eyes, and the potatoes make us crack addicts".

the point is that GMO technology is very young and not that well studied. my only political position on them so far is that i want all GMO food labeled so that consumers may make informed decisions. otherwise, the jury is still out.

well lets just put aside the appeal to emotion wrapped in argument from ignorance "maybe it will take 35 years for us to slap our heads and say "oh, shit. these GMO carrots make us shoot lasers out of our eyes, and the potatoes make us crack addicts" stance

and lets even put aside the gmo part because it does not matter how the food came into being it is the end result (the offspring/ grain) that is what we're really talking about

now we've put all that aside what have we got?

a novel food source and how might we best go about seeing if its safe to eat?

well the first thing they did was analyse it's content for toxins, nutrient content, or any other baddies that it might contain

you then have data which you can easily compare to say a parent lineage see how they match up together

oh look they've matched now what step do you take?

well you could feed both groups to test animals and see compare the 2 of them for toxins, nutrition growth etc and see what the difference is

well as the feedstock being given to the animals is the same guess what you get the same results between the animal groups

looks like theres evidence that this novel food group is safe

this novel food source has now had more testing than any other new food source and that includes novel naturally bred crosses

the people who are against GMO as an ideology have again and again tried to find dangerous results while studying GMO and the only way they can do it is with cherry picking results or downright shoddy experimentation

the argument that maybe just maybe in 35 years we'll all die a horrible death from GMO is an argument from ignorance and its an argument against the the data we have at hand

but for the ideologues none of that matters because "monsanto = pure evil" in their eyes even tho they cannot even give a realistic reason why its true
exactly, it's a MacGuffin, a strawman, a fiction created to advance the agenda of the anti-GMO crowd despite their lack of evidence of harm.

by declaring wild doomsday scenarios, you should be so overcome by unreasoning fear that you simply agree with whatever they say.

if you do not agree, or are not paralyzed with urine drenched terror, then youre part of the conspiracy.

You have some issues.
exactly, it's a MacGuffin, a strawman, a fiction created to advance the agenda of the anti-GMO crowd despite their lack of evidence of harm.

by declaring wild doomsday scenarios, you should be so overcome by unreasoning fear that you simply agree with whatever they say.

if you do not agree, or are not paralyzed with urine drenched terror, then youre part of the conspiracy.

What? who is declaring doomsday scenerios?
What? who is declaring doomsday scenerios?

the OP of this very thread, his crowd of anti-GMO bandwagon riders, and in fact all the anti-GMO cassandras in this thread.

DOZENS of nightmare scenarios
DOZENS of doomsday prophesies
DOZENS of cries that SOMETHING be done to protect us from an imaginary threat

ZERO evidence to support their claims.

read this thread and youll learn all you need to know.
My compliments to Kynes, and Ginja, and the others who are fighting the valiant battle to push back the dark shroud of ignorance and superstition. I have insufficient patience to join you in the fight. Please carry on.
My compliments to Kynes, and Ginja, and the others who are fighting the valiant battle to push back the dark shroud of ignorance and superstition. I have insufficient patience to join you in the fight. Please carry on.

No problem man, they're on Monsanto's payroll so they're on company time.
No problem man, they're on Monsanto's payroll so they're on company time.

oh no letting people know how wrong they are is a pet hobby of mine

of course ideologues like yourself who harbour irrational hatred for monsanto will never change your minds

but at least anyone else reading will see theres a rational side to this
oh no letting people know how wrong they are is a pet hobby of mine

of course ideologues like yourself who harbour irrational hatred for monsanto will never change your minds

but at least anyone else reading will see theres a rational side to this

rational to me seems to include the willingness to concede that we don't know yet everything there is to know.
rational to me seems to include the willingness to concede that we don't know yet everything there is to know.

ok i've conceded that we dont know everything there is to know

now what i am i supposed to be doing with that information?

lock myself away in my house scared to go out because i cannot possibly know everything that will happen when i step outside the door?

see i've been out before and it was identical to all the other times i've been out but now apparently theres some mysterious undefinable thing that might possibly happen

the line you just gave was one i heard many many times from the nutcases who thought the world was going to end in 2012 "we don't know yet everything there is to know."
ok i've conceded that we dont know everything there is to know

now what i am i supposed to be doing with that information?

lock myself away in my house scared to go out because i cannot possibly know everything that will happen when i step outside the door?

see i've been out before and it was identical to all the other times i've been out but now apparently theres some mysterious undefinable thing that might possibly happen

the line you just gave was one i heard many many times from the nutcases who thought the world was going to end in 2012 "we don't know yet everything there is to know."

for one, advocate for GMO labeling so consumers can be informed. i for one notice a definite difference when i have peas out of my own garden versus when i have GMO based crap, which more and more food is becoming.
for one, advocate for GMO labeling so consumers can be informed. i for one notice a definite difference when i have peas out of my own garden versus when i have GMO based crap, which more and more food is becoming.

im not worried enough to spend my time advocating for that just as i see no point putting a sign on the inside of peoples front doors telling them how dangerous its is to scare them unnecessarily without evidence to support doing so

and dont forget this thread is specifically about banning it outright

the beans from your garden is no proof either as theres many factors contributing to the taste

the main one is the very short amount of time it takes going from plant to your plate