Monsanto cannabis yes or no? The DNA Protection Act of 2013

Genetically Engineered Cannabis yes or no?

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what happens when that fish breeds with wild salmon disrupting the food chain and mutating the local population? what will the effects be off a mutated salmon not designed by nature on the food supply? also farmed salmon tastes like crap and is even worse for the environment than wild troll caught salmon.

We have wild trolls a-plenty here, so where are all the fish!? cn
in the other sides defense under present law Monsanto could sue you for planting your hybrid seeds if they can prove it was pollinated by there plants, even if it was by nature or unintentional. im not really that concerned with health side effects at this point because there is no evidence on either side. it does disturb me that you can be sued because nature pollinated your plants with someone else s genetics that happens to have their patented gene. if your natural property is near a Monsanto farm you have no legal way of competing with them with natural genetics because of cross contamination. ironically you can't sue them for contaminating your natural crop, instead they get to sue you. also with certain plants and animals it could alter the indigenous species dna such as salmon with gmo salmon resulting in unpredictable consequences over time and in the evolutionary processes

the wind blown pollen cases were thrown out with prejudice.

the whackadoo econaut press machine ignores the fact that the courts have already rejected that bullshit.
Unpredictable and unintended consequences. Remember the professor (Jeff Goldblum) on Jurassic Park? It's a great analogy.
Unpredictable and unintended consequences. Remember the professor (Jeff Goldblum) on Jurassic Park? It's a great analogy.

a lawyer gets eaten on the toilet, and NEWMAN dies.

are you arguing against creating jurrasic park?

cuz im not seeing the downside.
the wind blown pollen cases were thrown out with prejudice.

the whackadoo econaut press machine ignores the fact that the courts have already rejected that bullshit.

are you one of the Monsanto provacatuers? debunkers?

you don't know what happened to Percy Schmeiser????

what courts...? mr Schmeiser was destroyed by Monsanto .....??

anyone that takes the side of genetically manipulated Monsanto 'franken'-corn either works for them or is brain damaged like a majority of the population in the US we are now seeing from eating that shit----?

excito-toxins....neuro-toxins.....holes in cell walls in stomachs.....fertility rates in rats fed with that stuff.....
---3rd generation rats fed GMO are sterile byrussian scientists research--they don't want it there
europe has mandatory labeling!......and most reject's synthetic food?

ould you spray round up on your salad and eat it?
you support Monsanto controlling every aspect of cannabis genes like food???

you must support the NWO----?
and all it represents...

you sir sound like the Dr of an evil agenda!
its possible that an asteroid could strike out of nowhere tomorrow

the "what if" gambit is nothing without evidence

and its not anecdotal there should be real data there to show a spike if GMO is bad

i'll make my grand entry into this thread by pointing out that a lack of evidence so far does not disprove the theory that GMO food could potentially be harmful.

might as well make the "missing link thus evolution is crap" argument.
and to anyone wondering, dr. kynes has a way with words but not with science.

he's one of them "bircher" types. they're the group that says water fluoridation is an evil communist conspiracy.

he's also got a leg up on the world's scientific community with respect to anthropogenic climate change, yet he has collected no rewards for his endeavors, no worldwide accolades, not even a legion of adoring fans like alex jones.

just a rhetorical flourish that plays well with the eternally stoned crowd.
are you one of the Monsanto provacatuers? debunkers?

you don't know what happened to Percy Schmeiser????

what courts...? mr Schmeiser was destroyed by Monsanto .....??

anyone that takes the side of genetically manipulated Monsanto 'franken'-corn either works for them or is brain damaged like a majority of the population in the US we are now seeing from eating that shit----?

excito-toxins....neuro-toxins.....holes in cell walls in stomachs.....fertility rates in rats fed with that stuff.....
---3rd generation rats fed GMO are sterile byrussian scientists research--they don't want it there
europe has mandatory labeling!......and most reject's synthetic food?

ould you spray round up on your salad and eat it?
you support Monsanto controlling every aspect of cannabis genes like food???

you must support the NWO----?
and all it represents...

you sir sound like the Dr of an evil agenda!

In 1997, Percy Schmeiser found Monsanto's genetically modified “Roundup Ready Canola” plants growing near his farm. He testified that he sprayed his nearby field and found that much of the crop survived, meaning it was also Roundup Ready.[SUP][2][/SUP] He testified that he then harvested that crop, saved it separately from his other harvest, and intentionally planted it in 1998
.[SUP][2][/SUP] Monsanto approached him to pay a license fee for using Monsanto's patented technology without a license. Schmeiser refused, claiming that the actual seed was his because it was grown on his land, and so Monsanto sued Schmeiser for patent infringement.

Percy Schmeiser knew exactly what he was doing it wasn't a case of innocent "wind blown pollen"
i'll make my grand entry into this thread by pointing out that a lack of evidence so far does not disprove the theory that GMO food could potentially be harmful.

might as well make the "missing link thus evolution is crap" argument.

and without evidence that GMO is harmful its kinda a moot point

very low quality studies have been done in a attempt to show GMO is the worst thing ever yet everytime they have used very questionable methods or the results were not repeatable

there isnt anything novel in the gmo plant nutrition that we havent eaten before there are no new chemicals or proteins produced by the plants that we havent eaten before

anti GMO has become an ideology that knows GMO is so very bad but cannot for the life of them come up with a reason why
and without evidence that GMO is harmful its kinda a moot point

very low quality studies have been done in a attempt to show GMO is the worst thing ever yet everytime they have used very questionable methods or the results were not repeatable

there isnt anything novel in the gmo plant nutrition that we havent eaten before there are no new chemicals or proteins produced by the plants that we havent eaten before

anti GMO has become an ideology that knows GMO is so very bad but cannot for the life of them come up with a reason why

you're asserting that something is true (that GMO foods have no dangerous or undesirable side effects) because of lack of evidence to the contrary. that is called argument from ignorance.

who knows if it will take 35 years for us to slap our heads and say "oh, shit. these GMO carrots make us shoot lasers out of our eyes, and the potatoes make us crack addicts".

the point is that GMO technology is very young and not that well studied. my only political position on them so far is that i want all GMO food labeled so that consumers may make informed decisions. otherwise, the jury is still out.
and to anyone wondering, dr. kynes has a way with words but not with science.

he's one of them "bircher" types. they're the group that says water fluoridation is an evil communist conspiracy.

he's also got a leg up on the world's scientific community with respect to anthropogenic climate change, yet he has collected no rewards for his endeavors, no worldwide accolades, not even a legion of adoring fans like alex jones.

just a rhetorical flourish that plays well with the eternally stoned crowd.

this thread needed more mindless fearmongering and ad hominen attacks.

now the circle is complete.
My opinion is Monsanto already has made a Begomovirus for Cannabis. All they need is an outbreak and a resistant strain and in a few years all weed would be Monsanto's.

Percy Schmeiser knew exactly what he was doing it wasn't a case of innocent "wind blown pollen"

tut tut tut.

the fact that real cases involving windblown pollen have been thrown out of court, and only those cases where the defendant was proved to be essentially copying GMO crops for resale were actiually prosecuted is irrelevant.

it's the seriousness of the charge that matters.

CERN should be shut down because some whackadoos think it will create a "mini black hole", and saying they're crazy means you're part of the 7 foot lizard alien conspiracy from the 9th dimension.
9/11 was an inside job, because of "nano-thermite" and somebody saying "pull it". if you disagree you are most definately part of the conspiracy. (and probably a member of a CIA Psy Ops team.)
Wild accusations of being a "bircher" means that everything you ever said is discounted, cuz sodium fluoride is really a health potion.
Nuclear power should be abandoned because ummm... Chernobyl! the danger is too great!
The Apollo program is a fraud, and if you think it was real, then youre part of the cover-up!

wild eyed loons have such a marvelous record of helping society and technology advance, why would anyone ever doubt them?
Virus can be transmitted from plant to plant from just smoking infected plant mater. Very few growers disinfect themselves after smoking.
My opinion is Monsanto already has made a Begomovirus for Cannabis. All they need is an outbreak and a resistant strain and in a few years all weed would be Monsanto's.

there have as yet been zero reported cases of mosaic virus in cannabis.

you may as well hold the opinion that the feds have contracted with space aliens to develop a weed death ray.

there is just as much evidence for either hypothesis.
Virus can be transmitted from plant to plant from just smoking infected plant mater. Very few growers disinfect themselves after smoking.

mosaic viruses are universally transmitted by insect vectors such as aphids and whiteflies.

there is a fungal spore which is harmless on tobacco but which can infect tomatoes, devastating entire feilds. as a result some tomatoe farms do not allow smoking on their property.
this has caused the rumor you are repeating, but even then, it is UNBURNT tobacco which spreads the spores, not the smoke.

smoke is free from pathogens, since it is a result of combustion.

in brief,

its a tobacco bourne fungus
it infects only tomatoes and a few varieties of peppers, not dope.
it is from unburnt tobacco
it is not a mosaic virus
it is not transmitted by smoke, but as a side effect of smoking.
it was not developed by monsanto, it was developed by nature.
Pray good sir, do tell us what these "problems down the line" potentially are, if you can?

Apples are gonna grow teeth and take over? The United States of Granny Smiths shall rise?

Shall there be red versus green racism??

Yep, apples with teeth.

Or perhaps it could lead to potatoes that take control of your mind, leading to an uncontrollable urge to drink, turning all of Ireland in to insufferable drunks.

Ohh, wait .....