Obamacare punishes smokers...


Well-Known Member
Hey all you tobacco junkies... Better start saving up cause under Obamacare, your rates are allowed to be 50% of non-smokers.

You all have fun with that...

WASHINGTON (AP) — Millions of smokers could be priced out of health insurance because of tobacco penalties in President Barack Obama's health care law, according to experts who are just now teasing out the potential impact of a little-noted provision in the massive legislation.The Affordable Care Act — "Obamacare" to its detractors — allows health insurers to charge smokers buying individual policies up to 50 percent higher premiums starting next Jan. 1.

For a 55-year-old smoker, the penalty could reach nearly $4,250 a year. A 60-year-old could wind up paying nearly $5,100 on top of premiums.

Younger smokers could be charged lower penalties under rules proposed last fall by the Obama administration. But older smokers could face a heavy hit on their household budgets at a time in life when smoking-related illnesses tend to emerge.

Read more: http://nation.foxnews.com/obamacare/2013/01/25/obamacare-makes-smokers-pay-5100-more-year#ixzz2J19wsGeD


Well-Known Member
I can honestly say I am glad I quit smoking cigs almost 3 years ago, definently one of the better choices I have made.

My sense of smell and taste are back to normal. I actually had forgotten just how good a glass of iced tea tastes.

I smoked cigs since I was 12, was chewing red man chew at the age of 9, one dip of copenhagen at the age of 11 and have not touched it since (damn, I was one sick little kid) ...lol:spew:

Not to mention that cigs are an incredible waste of money. I would rather spend it on fishing gear and growing gear now :-P




Well-Known Member
Hey all you tobacco junkies... Better start saving up cause under Obamacare, your rates are allowed to be 50% of non-smokers.

You all have fun with that...

You don't think that private insurance companies haven't been doing this for some time now?


Active Member
I don't see the problem in this. If you are going to do things that cause health problems, you should pay more. Why should we have to pay for someone who is intentionally harming themselves? I think people who are obese should pay more, if they are fat through no fault of their own then they shouldn't pay more. I think thrill seekers should pay more. Why should we have to pay more for a fuck nut who jumps bikes for a living and breaks his bones that has no ins, or some skater that keeps spranging his ankle or repeatedly breaking his arm that has no ins? Whether we have obamacare or not we will still be on the hook for the bill, but through obamacare now those fucknuts will contribute to their own medical mishaps.


Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
I don't see the problem in this. If you are going to do things that cause health problems, you should pay more. Why should we have to pay for someone who is intentionally harming themselves? I think people who are obese should pay more, if they are fat through no fault of their own then they shouldn't pay more. I think thrill seekers should pay more. Why should we have to pay more for a fuck nut who jumps bikes for a living and breaks his bones that has no ins, or some skater that keeps spranging his ankle or repeatedly breaking his arm that has no ins? Whether we have obamacare or not we will still be on the hook for the bill, but through obamacare now those fucknuts will contribute to their own medical mishaps.

Racists are pissed about your ethnic wife, so you have a greater chance of getting shot. Your hood has lots of gangs, you should move to Beverly Hills for the best rates. Your house is painted purple, and studies show purple houses get into more accidents. For the best rates, paint it green.

Fuck you and your communist fucktard meddling ideas. I can live my life my way. Your only concern is if I'm harming YOU!

Do gooding POS.


Active Member
I am not necessarily for government run healthcare, but no one should go bankrupt over unforeseeable sickness, and healthcare cost has been an rising for a long long time and has always been in issue. But one of the beliefs of the conservative party is personal freedom without harming other in the process. Well somebody's personal freedom is bothering my pocket book and if they want to partake in activities that voluntarily put them in harms way, then they should pay more.


Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
I am not necessarily for government run healthcare, but no one should go bankrupt over unforeseeable sickness, and healthcare cost has been an rising for a long long time and has always been in issue. But one of the beliefs of the conservative party is personal freedom without harming other in the process. Well somebody's personal freedom is bothering my pocket book and if they want to partake in activities that voluntarily put them in harms way, then they should pay more.

That's only a problem when government meddles. Without government, you pay for real problems, not preventative care.

Preventative care has nothing to do with preventing, other than preventing your provider paying. They're tests used in hopes you'll not abide the conditions in the results and get slapped with higher rates and forced medication you pay 20% and a co-pay, along with more money for office visits with a co-pay.

The health care industry, other than a few private doctors, love Obama's Anal Rape Care.


Well-Known Member
I don't see the problem in this. If you are going to do things that cause health problems, you should pay more. Why should we have to pay for someone who is intentionally harming themselves? I think people who are obese should pay more, if they are fat through no fault of their own then they shouldn't pay more. I think thrill seekers should pay more. Why should we have to pay more for a fuck nut who jumps bikes for a living and breaks his bones that has no ins, or some skater that keeps spranging his ankle or repeatedly breaking his arm that has no ins? Whether we have obamacare or not we will still be on the hook for the bill, but through obamacare now those fucknuts will contribute to their own medical mishaps.

You dont see a problem with it????

The US government is now FORCING you to pay for health care. If you are a smoker they are going to FORCE you to pay more.

What happens when they decide that overweight people are costing the system too much? They FORCE them to pay more?

How soon before the government decides drug users are costing the system too much and demand MANDATORY DRUG TESTING and FINES if you have anything illegal in your system??

Yeah, you dont care cause you are not a smoker... However, you do not realize what this means down the road...

Do you have a health club membership??? MORE FINES!!!

Do you eat red meat??? MORE FINES!!

Do you drive over the speed limit??? MORE FINES!!!

I am glad you feel so peaceful about all of this....


Well-Known Member
I just had my taxes done last night and the lady showed me and the wifey the penalty for not having health care would cost me $624 next year and it doubles every year after that if you still dont have it.

I have pretty damn good insurance, but I know a ton of folks who simply cannot afford it.

I can see this going over like a fart in a space suit next tax season. Going to get bad for alot of good people thats for sure.

Peace and piss on obamacare penalties


my j

well after being double taxed on my money (taxed before i get and taxed on that same money whenever i purchase anything with it) i feel we should get free health care in the U.S.they waste so much money its really sad.they get free health care and plumber Joe gets the shaft once again.those old foolish men are going to bankrupt us just like they did S.S.my great grandchildren will still be paying off their blunders...:finger:


Well-Known Member
Not even close - heart disease lingers as does emphysema and even many cancers. They may die relatively young but it isn't cheap.
With a simulation model, lifetime health-care costs were estimated for a cohort of obese people aged 20 y at baseline. To assess the impact of obesity, comparisons were made with similar cohorts of smokers and “healthy-living” persons (defined as nonsmokers with a body mass index between 18.5 and 25). Except for relative risk values, all input parameters of the simulation model were based on data from The Netherlands. In sensitivity analyses the effects of epidemiologic parameters and cost definitions were assessed. Until age 56 y, annual health expenditure was highest for obese people. At older ages, smokers incurred higher costs. Because of differences in life expectancy, however, lifetime health expenditure was highest among healthy-living people and lowest for smokers. Obese individuals held an intermediate position. Alternative values of epidemiologic parameters and cost definitions did not alter these conclusions.

theres a couple of different studies (as i can remember) but smokers cost less per lifetime

the initial effect if everyone stopped smoking right now would be less costs in the short term but increased in longterm

EDIT found another study
Conclusions[/h] If people stopped smoking, there would be a savings in health care costs, but only in the short term. Eventually, smoking cessation would lead to increased health care costs.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
I just had my taxes done last night and the lady showed me and the wifey the penalty for not having health care would cost me $624 next year and it doubles every year after that if you still dont have it.

I have pretty damn good insurance, but I know a ton of folks who simply cannot afford it.

I can see this going over like a fart in a space suit next tax season. Going to get bad for alot of good people thats for sure.

Peace and piss on obamacare penalties

This will be the biggest tax increase on the poor known to man..................imo..............nitro...

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
Worse, they refused me - now where exactly do you suppose that provision is for placing people in jail for not going with Obamacare?
They aren't going to throw anybody in jail.........But they will have a lean on your tax returns for life...................nitro..


Well-Known Member
So I have a question to those who are not working, under employed.. cant afford private insurance work p.t .. from my understand they will be "given" free health care, is this correct? and if so.. since they will be getting Federal Government mandated ins will they test for drug use tobacco and alcohol use?

(not attempting to swing this topic either way )

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
So I have a question to those who are not working, under employed.. cant afford private insurance work p.t .. from my understand they will be "given" free health care, is this correct? and if so.. since they will be getting Federal Government mandated ins will they test for drug use tobacco and alcohol use?

(not attempting to swing this topic either way )
Oregon and some other state not sure which,...has already implemented Obama care and the diffrent price packages you can get.....I will post a pic of the prices....people that were on the oregon health plan , which are people that couldn't get Ins had until Dec 31 of 2012 to choose which package you wanted to purchase and after that date you cannot change your package again......It was a life time decision........Starting dec 31 2013 everybody will be on Obama care......

The testing could happen....I think if you are on welfare they might be testing.........Poor people that have kids are going to have alot of trouble paying.......imo.......nitro

And these's are monthly prices.........I don't think anything is free unless you sign up for welfare....