Need serious help with first time grow!!


Well-Known Member
Seedling issues are more or less permanent and with this situation you may be better off starting over if you have seeds. Anyway, it looks like lockout or environmental issues. Take down the tin foil, create airflow, measure humidity (seedlings like it warm and moist), stop watering until the top inch is dry, less is better. What do you have in terms of meters?


Active Member
iam getting tired of newbees wanting us to hold their hand. you need to do some reading in the newbe section. you have major starting issues. Soil, dont see any perlight, ph, air, no foil. just for starters. Sorry...Get to work before wasting our time.
Seriously, Im new here too, But you were new to this at one point and I guaruntee you had questions even after reading all you could. If you dont have anything productive to say, then dont chime in. If its really such a big deal to answer the OP's question then dont. I know there are plenty of people on her who are willing to help. Honestly what is a forum for? To have a place to go to answer questions. Everyone has different issues with things, clearly the OP is trying to figure it out by changing his watering techniques and the lights. So hes not wasting anyones time. If your time is too valuable to take 30 seconds out of your time to answer someone, then butt out. You obviously had time to complain about it, so I just assume you need to complain about something. The Op doesnt need it, give him some slack. Im a pyrotechnician, been doing it for 9 years, and i still have questions left and right, yet others dont look at me bad for it. Knowledge is everything in life my friend and getting upset with the OP trying to better understand something is BS.


Well-Known Member
If its showing new growth watch it carefully. But you should get some new soil and transplant and create better airflow. good luck.


Well-Known Member
If it helps any, the two single set leaves are the only ones that had the yellowing. The fourth set of leaves are now coming in and they look healthier than ever. i will post more pictures soon.
Click like on this comment when you post new pictures, itll show up on my likes page so i can come check out how theyre doing. Im glad to hear theyre doing well bud, keep up the good work and reading. Smart dads grow healthy kids :)


Thanks for the feed back. I am pretty much positive it is simply lack of nutrients. Do you have any recommendations on the best nutrients to use...for a good price:lol:?


I men't to add something to the last post. It seems to be spreading up the plant now and is attacking my healthy leaves:sad:. I cant post pictures due to my camera fucking up but i can try to explain whats happening. It does not look serious right now at all but that shits moving quick(nothing on leaves this morning and there is now), there are just tiny little rusty looking dots, and the leaves only 1 or 2 are dark at the tips.SHOULD I GET SOME NUTRIENTS OR DOES IT SOUND TOO LATE NOW?? I'm a bad dad..:shock: (it is crazy though because the one in the bigger pot is just growing like no other. its fourth set is already out!) leafs are slightly droopy too but theres no way its due to no water because i just watered them yesterday.


Well-Known Member
No doubt in my mind, that is light burn. Remove the tin foil, move the lights 4-6 inches up, mist and fan plants more regularly. Don't worry, a burn like that has nothing to do with your soil quality although I would recommend a soil like fox farms ocean forest for your next grow with 20-30% perlite mixed in. With proper care and treatment those seedlings should be fine. If this had anything to do with nutrients the yellowing would only be on the outer edges of the leaves rather than through the center like in your pictures. Please I beg of you DO NOT add any nutrients to your soil for at least another 2 weeks. Here is a picture of light burn so you can see.View attachment 2494966


Thank you so much ill let you know how they do. Should i replace the foil with anything or should it be fine for now??


i have a thermometer.. most likely not accurate and not humidity meter, nor ph meter. I just use tap water and let it sit for 24 hours.


Well-Known Member
I men't to add something to the last post. It seems to be spreading up the plant now and is attacking my healthy leaves:sad:. I cant post pictures due to my camera fucking up but i can try to explain whats happening. It does not look serious right now at all but that shits moving quick(nothing on leaves this morning and there is now), there are just tiny little rusty looking dots, and the leaves only 1 or 2 are dark at the tips.SHOULD I GET SOME NUTRIENTS OR DOES IT SOUND TOO LATE NOW?? I'm a bad dad..:shock: (it is crazy though because the one in the bigger pot is just growing like no other. its fourth set is already out!) leafs are slightly droopy too but theres no way its due to no water because i just watered them yesterday.
Over watering can lead to droopy leaves, so can under. Since you just watered id say over. Was the container light when you watered?


Well-Known Member
Seedling issues are more or less permanent and with this situation you may be better off starting over if you have seeds. Anyway, it looks like lockout or environmental issues. Take down the tin foil, create airflow, measure humidity (seedlings like it warm and moist), stop watering until the top inch is dry, less is better. What do you have in terms of meters?
Do not start over!! These are your first plants, they are your learning plants. Every day you have them you learn more about them, the more mistakes you make the better you become. Heres my first plants for some inspiration grab some good soil an pearlite for transplant and you should be rockin in no time.



Well-Known Member
That is solid advice. I was wrong, don't start over but get a meter today. Those dots sound like insects or Calcium lockout, The Ph is likely to blame. Look closely with a 40x lens for mites on the bottom of the leaves. Time is of the essence.

Noob grower1

Active Member
iam getting tired of newbees wanting us to hold their hand. you need to do some reading in the newbe section. you have major starting issues. Soil, dont see any perlight, ph, air, no foil. just for starters. Sorry...Get to work before wasting our time.
This is newbie cental right? There's other forums u knw ;) this is where real experienced growers help, if u want drama u can go to this site, ( ;)


Well-Known Member
Thank you so much ill let you know how they do. Should i replace the foil with anything or should it be fine for now??
I personally use mylar emergency blankets in my greenhouse. They are super cheap (you an buy a 4 pack of 52" x 84" for 5 bucks on amazon) and they are light an easy to work with. Being that you do not have a constant source of airflow though, I would suggest not replacing it with anything for now.