Monsanto cannabis yes or no? The DNA Protection Act of 2013

Genetically Engineered Cannabis yes or no?

  • Total voters
Once again the Dr. don't know how to read or only reads the parts he thinks applies to him and only the science he provides is reliable... First of all doc, that article explains that in order to check for a calf you must insert your arm in the cows ass and feel for it... despite this being a hands on experience and men thinking they have their finger on it... they are wrong a large percentage of the time. It also give you the percentage of false positives when it comes to early detection.

Cordoba MC, Sartori R, Fricke PM. Assessment of a commercially available early conception factor (ECF) test for determining pregnancy status of dairy cattle. J Dairy Sci. 84:1884-9, 2001.
  • 17 non bred
  • 18 Day 6 embryo flush cows
  • Test sensitivity - 86%
  • Specificity - 4%
  • Positive predictive value - 49%
  • Negative predictive value - 23%
  • False-positive - 96%
  • False-negative - 14%
  • Table

    Which is considered false pregnancy. 96% of the time men are wrong!!!!!!!!!!! do you get that science Dr ?

specious claims about "men cant tell if a cow is pregnant" has NOTHING to do with your even more specious claims of GMO's causing false pregnancies in cows.

which proves that 100% of the time you are wrong!!!!!! do YOU get that science?

so, the seriousness of the charge is more important than providing proof that it's true.

GMO's are NOT dangerous to the eater. those claims are unfounded. only PROOF will change that.
somebody else growing GMO's does not alter your right to not grow GMO's in any way.

there is no GMO dope program.

you can still grow all the dirt weed you want, monsanto is not hiding under your bed waiting for the perfect moment to jump out and take your dope.

"GMO's are NOT dangerous to the eater."

Do you have evidence to support this claim?
"GMO's are NOT dangerous to the eater."

Do you have evidence to support this claim?

the best evidence in the world.

i have eaten GMO's and am not dead.

i even ate a couple Flav 'R' Savr tomatoes with no ill effects. sure they were crap, but they were only slightly crappier than the sshit commercail tomatoes that spend 4 weeks in a refigerated truck to get to the "ripening house" where they are bathed in alene gas to make them look like they are edible.

so yeah.
GMO's are SAFE for the eater.

Dude. you knew this was coming.
gmo has been eaten by americans for over a decade now

there has been no health problem spike associated with that consumption

that and no ones grown 3 eyes and 6 legs from eating it

A decades worth of anecdotal evidence means the case is closed?

Could it not be possible that problems could still arise down the line?

There are plenty of examples of where we were assured of somethings safety only to later find out otherwise.
A decades worth of anecdotal evidence means the case is closed?

Could it not be possible that problems could still arise down the line?

There are plenty of examples of where we were assured of somethings safety only to later find out otherwise.

its possible that an asteroid could strike out of nowhere tomorrow

the "what if" gambit is nothing without evidence

and its not anecdotal there should be real data there to show a spike if GMO is bad
A decades worth of anecdotal evidence means the case is closed?

Could it not be possible that problems could still arise down the line?

There are plenty of examples of where we were assured of somethings safety only to later find out otherwise.
Pray good sir, do tell us what these "problems down the line" potentially are, if you can?

Apples are gonna grow teeth and take over? The United States of Granny Smiths shall rise?

Shall there be red versus green racism??

The salmon on top grows twice as fast on half the food input, thanks to genetic engineering. This idiotic piece of proposed legislation would make it illegal for this fish to be alive within the borders of California.
what happens when that fish breeds with wild salmon disrupting the food chain and mutating the local population? what will the effects be off a mutated salmon not designed by nature on the food supply? also farmed salmon tastes like crap and is even worse for the environment than wild troll caught salmon.
that is an extreme exageration... just lawsuits buddy, and as far as know its only in america

monsanto attempted to sue india's smallholders and family farmers for the sin of "saving seed" but that was rejected by india's courts.

monsanto cant sue anyone in india over their "intellectual property", but that doesnt stop the wahackos from continuing to assert that monsanto can, has, does and will sue inidan smallholders till they commit suicide.

it's all part of the big lie.

the american lawsuits were in some cases utterly rejected (wind blown pollen = stolen technology)
in some cases upheld (deliberately breeding the patented crops to sell the seeds)
and in some cases just perplexing (demanding royalty payments if your crop contains patented genes in any amount)
in general monsanto's success rate in the US and canada with these lawsuits (moar like lolsuits, amirite?) has been abysmal. in my opinion it's time to give judges the power to compel the plaintif to cover all costs incurred by the defendant if the case meets a reasonable threshold of stupidity.

monsanto is tone deaf in their dealings with the people who's asses they should be kissing. if monsanto got behind the small farmers, small farmers would be a huge voice for monsanto's defense against these specious claims, but their lawyers and executives are dumbasses.
what happens when that fish breeds with wild salmon disrupting the food chain and mutating the local population? what will the effects be off a mutated salmon not designed by nature on the food supply? also farmed salmon tastes like crap and is even worse for the environment than wild troll caught salmon.

thats one place i agree.

ambulatory, self willed creatures who could escape into the wild population should be TIGHTLY controlled.
also, farmed salmon does suck, but farmed trout shrimp and other seafood is awesome.

salmon are unique in their lifecyles, but overfishing, poaching and invasive species (european brown trout for example, rleased by US fish and game) have reduced the native salmon population considerably.

for all we know, the GMO salmon might help give the native salmon a leg up on their competition and help get the wild (slightly GMO'ed) salmon population a chance at recovery. nobody can say for sure, but caution is always a virtue.

the OP's outright ban is not caution, its foolishness.
i grow my own vegetables.
some farmer growing GMO corn 5 miles away doesnt change my vegetable growing ability.
the very worst thing somebody else growing GMO corn might do to my garden is pollinate my shit with their shit.

and all that will do is make the seeds in my plants different than the cultivar i planted this year if i save seeds and plant em next year.

most home gardeners (and ALL farmers) buy their seeds from seed banks, so they know exactly what cultivar they are growing and how it will act. even dope growers poreferr seeds from seed producers, since seeds from your dope may or may not be any good. only experimentation can reveal the results of the pollination process, and it's the same with GMO's.

shit son, if a stray grain of pollen from ditchweed rides in on your trouser cuffs and gets loose in your dope patch, youll get 1 seed, and if you plant that seed, it might favour the ditch weed and be crap, or the resulting plant might favour your white widow and be awesome, or it might be an autoflowering plant with OK dope, or, who knows, maybe you will have accidentally created the highly potent SUPER WEED the government has been claiming we got since the 1970's. thats the randomness of sexcual reproduction, but either way it doesnt change the characteristics of the parents at all. just the offspring hidden in a seed.

a granny smith apple tree pollinated by a bee who just left a Macintosh apple tree doesnt produce hybrid apples. it produces hybrid SEEDS within the completely un-altered granny smith apple.
when you drop a load of jism into your old lady, does your jism transform your old lady into a hybrid of your two genetic codes, or does it create a THIRD related organism?

use your head bro, i can tell youre not stupid.

also, no, you do NOT know about terminator genes. they are not yet available, and when they finally are released, they just produce sterile seeds in the ordinary completely un-altered crop.

if terminator seed technology gets into your dope, all that will happen is your bagseed wont germinate. it will not destroy Herbies seed bank, or put the guys from Dutch Masters in the poorhouse. you would have to CHOOSE to buy terminator seeds, and those seedbanks who sell normal seeds will get all the people who prefer normal non-gmo dope. it's the same in agriculture.

some farmers want GMO's, some dont. but niether side has the right to demand the other guys submit. thats un-american.
in the other sides defense under present law Monsanto could sue you for planting your hybrid seeds if they can prove it was pollinated by there plants, even if it was by nature or unintentional. im not really that concerned with health side effects at this point because there is no evidence on either side. it does disturb me that you can be sued because nature pollinated your plants with someone else s genetics that happens to have their patented gene. if your natural property is near a Monsanto farm you have no legal way of competing with them with natural genetics because of cross contamination. ironically you can't sue them for contaminating your natural crop, instead they get to sue you. also with certain plants and animals it could alter the indigenous species dna such as salmon with gmo salmon resulting in unpredictable consequences over time and in the evolutionary processes