Well-Known Member
I think people need to read and understand the 2nd amendmennt.
"A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed"
Now you need to understand the word regulated, which simply means to control or supervise... No one is taking away your right to bear arms but it can be regulated in what and which type of arms you bear.
Yeah, and the supreme court ruled recently that it means weapons in common use.
Of course, what does that mean? The military has heavy weapons that are in common use...
I have no problem where the line seems to be drawn now. No access to area of attack weapons (grenades, missiles, nuclear bombs). Access to semi-automatic pistols and rifles should not be infringed, nor the high capacity magazines.
It took the cops 20+ minutes to get to that Connecticut elementary school. Nothing that is being proposed currently that would have stopped the shooting.