Induction Lights? The newest (supposedly) technology in Induction Grow Lights

Ind agro is $795 . Covers a larger area and a 10 year warranty. It has already been proven to produce high quality and yield of mmj.

Lets see some proof salesman. (gordo)
Maybe if you want to grow tomato's but not for weed. Even so if you take a close look at the plants in that gallery of theirs. You can see that even after they obviously photoshopped the images they still look unhealthy and stressed. IMO nothing beats university level research on these gardens where the manufacturer can't twist the results to their favor.
Maybe if you want to grow tomato's but not for weed. Even so if you take a close look at the plants in that gallery of theirs. You can see that even after they obviously photoshopped the images they still look unhealthy and stressed. IMO nothing beats university level research on these gardens where the manufacturer can't twist the results to their favor.

The 'university testing' that iGROW had done was on tomatoes and strawberries.

Can you show evidence that any​ testing has been done on MJ?
Are you high. Lay off the crack. Did you watch the video? Pics looks exactly the same as the video. No photoshop. You are such a hater and a liar. Give up gordo. the only universities that have done mmj research arr oxford university, alabama
university, and university of missourri. Not one of those used an I grow.

Zero mmj reasearch has gone into igrow. You refuse to show any proof. Yet keep arguing. You won't get a
Commission here. Have you figured out that every single person that reads this thread has had something negative about what you have been saying. You personally have turned so many people away from induction light.

You know im right. You won't reply to any of my posts.

SHow some proof dammit!!!!


So far I got a reply from Inda-grow

I-grow have not replied yet but give them a day or 2 more

Here`s a quote

"This phosphor blend is installed in lamps that we have built in China under contract with the one company that has consistently proven they have the capabilities to successfully suspend these phosphors to our specifications. The current restrictions under our Federal EPA in handling phosphors for lamp manufacturing make it prohibitive, if not impossible, to do this work in the USA. Anyone who would tell you that their lamps are made in USA is not being factually accurate."

So as most of us have said there`s no way I-grow are making induction tubes in the USA and if they are ? Well the feds will show up at some point I guess they always do.

and my 200w induction was $100 well I got 2 for £100 plus $100 so thats like what $240 to $300 ?

I have one 5000k now and 1 3000k both 200w and 2 weather proof casings if I want to use them outside but I`m not sure how much uvb the glass screen will rob

Now maybe as a stand alone a 200w inda-grow or I-grow will do better then my 3000k induction but once I take the what $1000 I saved and spend it on leds and nutes and seeds and other gear ?

Hmm I think I`ll end up with more bud for my money ?

Not that it`s not nice for rich foke that like to buy off the shelf stuff that all clips together but I`ve been building stuff since I was a kid it`s part of any hobby of mine and its my day job too I like to build some of my own stuff if I have time.
HA! Built in China! There you have it! Some friggin Chinese metal shop bangin out what they'll call Made in America. too much. I can't believe they were stupid enough to actually tell you that. WTF did they think would happen? factually accurate...what a joke.

My garden will be a true comparison using weed not tomato's. got the seeds coming. 2 weeks tops.
You never even grew with them. Lmfao hahaha. I knew you were so full of shit. We all did. Look up induction lights on epa site. It states how its hazardous and unsafe to build those bulbs and states the legal ramifications.

Inda gro never claimed to be made in america. Igrow is the one that made that false claim

Igrow bulbs are made in china. The whole light is assembled in the U.S. It also turns out University of Ohio never did any testing on I grow.

The only Universities that have done research on induction bulbs are UC Davis; Bryant College in Smithfield, RI; Lebanon Valley College in Annville, PA; and Texas Lutheran University in Seguin, TX. University of Michigan.

Moji Nawab is the professor that conducted most studies. He is at University of Michigan.

P.S. when I google IGROW. The first thing that pops up is INDA GRO

IF you noticed Igrows site they changed made in america to manufactured in america - which means assembled

I emailed Igrow too
I was not going to chime back in on this thread but having been involved in just a few of these 420 lights going in I don't think Inda-Gro ever once represented to me that the lamps themselves are made in San Diego. Although I have seen prototype borosilicate glass projects where they have made their own lamps and to be honest with you it was a thing of beauty what they were showing me they told me there were environmental hurdles that prohibited the full manufacturing of the lamps in the US. If the phosphors could be handled here they'd be doing their own glass work. They do build the housings and drivers in San Diego and do any type of warranty work right there in their shop. I've seen them getting built and they are well made, lightweight and push a lot of energy towards the canopy. If you want to see some happy plants here's a link to their other in house garden that's running a 8 bucket DWC with just 2 of the 420's in a 6 x 10 room. Not weed but you'll get the idea. The area of coverage and lamp:canopy distances @ Day 34 I believe are pretty impressive nonetheless.

And no Gordo those aren't PhotoShop images.
I love on the iGROW website how it says;

"This breakthrough technology will allow...."

Followed by;

"A technology invented by Nikola Tesla 120 years ago..."

Makes me chuckle a little.... which is it? Breakthrough technology, or 120 year old technology?
Beef give it a rest would ya...the technology has been around along time obviously it's the special lamps for plant growth that has been creating quite a stir in the indoor gardening community. Pretty much everyone around these parts is looking forward to switching over to save energy and not have to keep replacing lamps. And nobody believes doubling down on induction lamps from China with the attached xmas tree lights is going to make a bad situation even better no matter what the spamsters say. Don't worry when I get my garden up and running I won't say I told you so!
Beef give it a rest would ya...the technology has been around along time obviously it's the special lamps for plant growth that has been creating quite a stir in the indoor gardening community. Pretty much everyone around these parts is looking forward to switching over to save energy and not have to keep replacing lamps. And nobody believes doubling down on induction lamps from China with the attached xmas tree lights is going to make a bad situation even better no matter what the spamsters say. Don't worry when I get my garden up and running I won't say I told you so!
You want a real opinion on igrow try e-mailing matt goeschke. Dude used to be a rep for igrow, got boned by them and started his own company called ibeam. Thats who the pres of inda gro darryl directed me too when I e-mailed him about this whole igrow vs. Inda gro lawsuit, ehich does not exist by the way. Did not even push his lights once in the convo, pretty stand up guy based on my minor interaction with him. I have just gotten earfuls of bs propaganda from igrow reps, then they tell me how some ballasts have failed but igrow totally fixed em. Cool that they stand behind the warranty but these havent been out that long i would think a failure within a year isnt something to brag about... I live in a non mmj state and they sell these at my local shop. Who the hell would have the money to grow tomatoes on a small scale with a 2 bulb system??
true up! and that was my point to buy American. iGROW completely stands behind their products and will repair any defect. That means alot when you're counting on the light to finish. Not gonna get that with the Chinese repair or warranty brother. They just give you the Chenglish shuffle.
really strange thing I found...yes it is possible to manufacture fluorescent lamps in the USA but it is so complicated and costly to go through the hoops that unless you are GE it is not economically feasible except for the lone Giant GE

Now this lines up nicely with the governments ban of incandescent lamps as the most popular replacement for incandescent lamps are compact fluorescent lamps. pretty much giving GE the monopoly on manufacturing in the US.

Much the same bs lobbying evident in the DuPont Freon scenario

Therefore most fluorescent lamps are manufactured in China and Europe...the only way they can hope to compete with GE

Very significant correlation discovered here and thank you all for helping me find this

It is once again apparent that Corporation $$$ own the government

Beef give it a rest would ya...the technology has been around along time obviously it's the special lamps for plant growth that has been creating quite a stir in the indoor gardening community. Pretty much everyone around these parts is looking forward to switching over to save energy and not have to keep replacing lamps. And nobody believes doubling down on induction lamps from China with the attached xmas tree lights is going to make a bad situation even better no matter what the spamsters say. Don't worry when I get my garden up and running I won't say I told you so!

I bet I outcrop you with LED, 10/10 times.

Have you even grown bud before?
Maybe. They have the same par probably. Most inductions. Are 95% par. I dont see led being much more. 7 umols per watt. That would make a 450 w put out more than the sun. I don't think so tim.Par decreases with distance too.. But led does have more 660. So led would win with chunkier buds. The led will for sure out veg anything.
Here's the story as it was told to me...

After 22 years in the LED business Beef is finally sick of the stress, Beef quits and buys 50 acres of land in Alaska as far from

humanity as possible. He sees the postman once a week and gets groceries once a month. Otherwise it's total peace and

After six months or so of almost total isolation, comes a knock on his door. He opens it and a huge,bearded man is standing there.

"Name's Stan, your neighbor from forty miles up the road. Having a Christmas party Friday night. Thought you might like to come at
about 5:00."

"Great", says Beef, "after six months out here I'm ready to meet some local folks. Thank you."

As Stan is leaving, he stops. "Gotta warn you. Be some drinkin!"

"Not a problem" says Beef. "After 25 years in business, I can drink with the best of 'em."

Again, the big man starts to leave and stops. "More 'n' likely gonna be some fightin' too."

"Well, I get along with people, I'll be all right and, if not, I can handle myself pretty well .....I'll be there. Thanks again."

"More'n likely be some wild sex, too,"

"Now that's really not a problem" says Beef, warming to the idea since he doesn't get laid very often.
"I've been all alone up here for six months! I'll definitely be there. By the way, what should I wear?"

"Don't much matter. Just gonna be the two of us."

(Save your money bro. My garden will speak for itself)
Why do you keep talking shit. If the was in person. You would of got your ass kicked several times.

I grow lies. They are pieces of shit. I would never waste my money. On that . Bulbs are fucking chinese dum ass.THats why igrow changed their site. Im sure they have been reported to epa, ftc, better business bureau. I predict I grow will be out of business in the next year or 2. Or they will sell the company. So long as there are gullable idiots like you gordoba they might have a chance.

Check a couple posts back. I stated the whole truth of igrow and who really does induction research