heres a little grow porn for you guys, scroll down post #295
heres a little grow porn for you guys, scroll down post #295
when has our current president shit all over of the constitution? was it when he went to war without full authorization of congress based on lies? or was it when he enacted the patriot act? or was it when he made torture legal? or was it when he authorized the use of drone surveillance domestically? ( Bush did these things. Where were you when he did this? ) Racist.
you can tell this kid is an Obama entitlist dick rider ! You and Uncle Buck should spoon together.
ZOMG everybody run!
Or maybe they are legitimately using the ammo? We use ammo all the time. The type of ammo order is apparently "standard issue" from several sources upon googling the situation. Any time anyone is issued a fire arm for law enforcement purposes I would like them to have thousands of practice rounds used up before they ever have to use a round in action. For every bullet used in a real life and death situation I hope their are thousands of wasted practice rounds that helped prepare that officer to be calm and accurate during crunch time.
Please take this conspiracy crap to the Politics section!!!
Amen, brother. Amen.
damn if nothing else started a hell of an arguement! im not a conspiracist but im beginning to think that some of you even if you were being hauled away to a camp you STILL wouldnt get
Drolove, whatup with both the conspiracy threads? Probably could have done both in one, they seem to have played out the same way. Same trolls even.
I thought it was fun, anyone else?![]()
lol because i wanted some discussion on both matters. tried posting the link in this one but everyone was to busy arguing. now its just 2 somewhat off topic threads running wild.
like 99.999999% of RIU
Hollow points are mainly used by the military.They don't expand hardly @ all upon impact on a target. Here if you hunt you're not allowed to use H.P. ammo. Reason why; militay uses beacuse, you end up with more wounded soldiers & it takes about 2-3 people to help a wounded soldier, which is why they don't allow you to hunt with H.P. ammo, over here.