So how about banning all semi-automatic weapons?


Well-Known Member
It really sounds sometimes like he is trying to set one up. There are logic bombs in this picture. Can you find them all?

- no responsibility in the 2nd, save that of govt.
It is a Right. And you are irresponsible to preach it's infingment.

- seems to think....but to you that is actionable? LAUGH.

- magically exempt?? who are you trying to kid but yourself?

(there are more logic bombs. can you find them all?)

...the nattering nay-bobs of negativism...Where else does it say, Right shall not be infringed?
We are exempt. Not magically. Constitutionally.

Originally Posted by canndo
Is there any 2nd Amendment hard core who would disagree with the notion that with any right comes a set of responsibilities? and yet 2nd Amendment folk seem to think that their particular right is magicaly exempt from the rules that govern all others?



Well-Known Member
i could point out the inherent hypocrisy of righties blaming all muslims yet calling it a just a few bad apples on the other side of the equation.
NBC admitted today that Adam Lanza did not use the AR15 to shoot the kindergardeners....

But hey, let's ban scary looking black weapons anyway...


Well-Known Member
Well, do it then.bongsmilie
pointing out the hypocrisy of righties who can't even spell is too easy. i would rather point out that no one is being condemned for gun ownership by itself, but rather being irresponsible and letting your assault rifles fall into the hands of mentally ill people.


Well-Known Member
so the XM15 bushmaster assault rifle was of no use?
As NBC admits in the video above, four handguns were used to carry out that despicable atrocity. This directly contradicts other reports.Pete Williams, who is NBC’s chief Justice correspondent, reported the following in the video posted above:

This continues to be a very complex investigation and there is a lot of contradictory information out there, but we have some new information this morning (one month ago) from a couple of federal officials and state officials.
They say now that there were actuallyfour handguns inside the school, not just two as we were initially told. Four handguns and apparently onlyhandguns that were taken into the school.
We knew that Adam Lanza, the man said to be the gunman here, also had an ‘assault-style’ AR-15 -style rifle that he had had taken to the school, it was in the car he drove there, his mother’s car, but we have been told by several officials that he had left that in the car.


Well-Known Member
pointing out the hypocrisy of righties who can't even spell is too easy. i would rather point out that no one is being condemned for gun ownership by itself, but rather being irresponsible and letting your assault rifles fall into the hands of mentally ill people.
Well, except in New York...

You seem to have ADD....


Well-Known Member
in the interest of preserving the majority of their rights to not be raped, i propose all women should give it up more often.

by increasing the availability of consensual sex, rape would naturally decline based on the greater sleepiness and general desire for a nap and a sandwich in the male (Raper) population.

this simple "common sense", "sensible solution" could be easily accomplished by establishing a National Slut Registry, where women who are willing to "take one for the team" can make themselves available for use by those who need a bit of the tuna.

if the National Slut Registry doesnt get it done, then we could perhaps institute a "draft" of sorts, since women have been immune from compulsory military service since time immemorial, its time they did their "Fair Share".
women between the ages of 18 and 24 could be drafted into the National Hookup Service, with a their own "GI bill" (i propose we call it the Hoe-I bill), a cabinet level post for the Secretary of Bootycalls, and the Joint Chiefs of One Night Stands.

any woman who opposes this forced conscription into prostitution is a proponent of RRRRAPE!! and a RRRAPE enabler.

im all for anything that reduces the number of raapes in this country, and if getting a little government sponsored pussy prevents even one rape, then it's worth it.
Great idea, except that rape has nothing to do with the perp getting his rocks off ....... dumb ass. :-(

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Debunked what NBC said? Or did they change their story for the 3rd time?
i believe bucky is attempting to claim he has impeached that entire website and all who write for it by finding a misspelled word or a punctuation error somewhere in their publications.


Well-Known Member
Debunked what NBC said? Or did they change their story for the 3rd time?
At about 9:35*a.m., using his mother's*Bushmaster XM-15,[SUP][18][/SUP][SUP][19][/SUP]*Lanza shot his way through a locked glass door at the front of the school.[SUP][20][/SUP][SUP][21][/SUP]*He was wearing black clothing, earplugs and an olive green utility vest carrying magazines for the Bushmaster.[SUP][22][/SUP][SUP][23][/SUP]*

Not an assault rifle. cn
this is my hunting rifle. i hunt small game with it, varmints if you will.
