Brobo's Thread for the Bro's (and Sisters, too)...

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Speaking of fans, I really need to get an oscillating fan again. Since my last one burnt up and now using a stationary fan, I can see where the leaves on the plants that don't get much/any breeze are getting burnt a little from the light. They get a little crispy and are curling inward

......dicing up the purple kush x sweet afghani delight this morning :)


Well-Known Member
See. I get over here ;)
I know when you come around... there is a stronger presence in the Force :D

Speaking of fans, I really need to get an oscillating fan again. Since my last one burnt up and now using a stationary fan, I can see where the leaves on the plants that don't get much/any breeze are getting burnt a little from the light. They get a little crispy and are curling inward

......dicing up the purple kush x sweet afghani delight this morning :)
Oh man, you are just going to keep teasing me with that one, huh? Post some bud shots when they're all ready to go so I can drool some more. You can always post over here, too, btw. . . ;)

been learning a load of little tips off the old hands at the game this week.

have a good weekend Brobo
Isn't that just the best way? Makes you feel good to have such a good support community over here... so you already to rock with the DWC bucket then? Will have to go check things out over at your pad :)

Just watered the girls over here. Scrog is really starting to fill out, and grow up... I'm seeing some uneven canopy, though, which I was kind of expecting... but now will have to manage at some point. Maybe throw in some trellis netting here before too long so I don't realllly screw myself, lol.

Was going to mix up some soil today, but too much shit going on. I've been up since 630 running around doing stuff, and not too much time to stop and smell the roses. Oh, except except for checking in here with a little bowl of some XJ. . .

puff puff passsss

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
exactly mate standing on the shoulders of giants eh.

hell yeah the bucket is ready to rock, i'm just waiting to take snips off the dogs and try and just hope i A pick a good one and b not a male ;)that will be a real gutter.
i had a bit of a panic yesterday when i counted up the numbers. went para crazy and killed a couple i was unsure about keeping. once there's actual space to put the bloody huge bucket i'll crack on.

put 2 layers of net in, 1 for later for them massive colas ;)


Well-Known Member
All I wanna do is dance!

What a classic fucking movie. My wife and I were just talking about it the other day. If it were cold and snowy outside I'd be watching it, too. Hell, I might go watch it anyway, lol.

Day is done. Just took a rip of XJ and Girl Scout Cookies... a great combo bowl if I do say so myself. Enjoy the movie Don!


Well-Known Member
Oh it was?? I'm glad you enjoyed it. A great one to get stoned too... mainly because everyone in it is stoned! :lol:


Well-Known Member
That's the movie that was on the TV the very first time I smoked pot. I fell asleep lol. Probably seen it 20 times since then.

Nice line bobo. My favorite is: I get older, they stay the same age.


Well-Known Member
That movie is just chalk full of them... gotta love the brilliant script writing :lol:

Might have to do a little update later in Boboland... gotta run the dog first, though.


Well-Known Member
Lights off already :( I ate something bad for lunch... have felt super nauseated all afternoon... so not fun.

I'll do one tomorrow morn, promise. I wanted to do one today, too. Wish I wouldn't have eaten this Croque Madame...


Well-Known Member
Dude, I know its a LITTLE early for you but Im jonesing :shock: lol I know you got plenty to tend to in life. Hope all is well :peace:


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys. Feeling much better today. Never eating a sandwich like that again, lol.

Moving right along. Here's a little update from the land of scrog. Tomorrow marks day 14 in flower. We are seeing quite a bit of stretch, and I'll be installing that netting this week probably.


The seedlings weren't getting enough airflow and started getting droopy. I could literally see their little leaves standing back up in front of me after I' opened up the tent and readjust the fan that had fallen (luckily not onto anyone below). Transplant soon.


Gotta run. Talk soon.


Well-Known Member
I know, huh? I've run out of places to bob and weave to, lol. Just growing straight up.

Will be interesting to see how some of the shorter stalks will do. At 4 weeks you think I'm gonna be in here pruning some stuff back? I have a feeling I'll be doing something to cut back on the amount of larf there is, or will be. I could be wrong though. First scrog, so I'll learn soon enough, lol. :peace: