What's For Dinner Tonight?

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
...no veggies?...... :(

eat more green!

tonight i had edamame and a salad with 2 mini pita pockets!
no veggies :(

I did have a juice made with the juicer earlier today. my buddy's on the whole juicer thing and I was cruising at his house. he made a juice with bananas, carrots, cellery, cucumber, strawberries, and some other things I can't remember. it was pretty good, but looked gross

edit- I love edamame! I eat that all the time

cancer survivor

Active Member
angel hair pasta, homemade sauce with mushrooms,beef,sausage, veal and fresh tomatos, cesar salad and ruffino chianti gold, smoking black hash under glass and snorkeling in the carribian life is PERFECT!


Global Moderator
Staff member
That sounds really good (and quick).

Tonight its venison skeddy & a salad.

I'm cooking the ground meat now in some olive oil & a bit of worstershire.
~waves steam towards monitor~

Can't you just smell that ?


Well-Known Member
im eating all you can eat sushi and a couple of soporo's with hot hot sauce and alot of soy sauce and wasabee
used to do this ^^^ A LOT!!! now we do this VVV A LOT MORE! :)


cancer survivor

Active Member
how do i post pics? im working with a pre pay cell phone? i tried bringing a laptop and real camera last winter and they both died in a month, im on a 25 foot catalina sailboat, i charge the phone on my solar charger and when i run the deisel generator! pics soon!


Staff member
okie its been decided.

steamed broccoli , "crispy meatless finger strip things" (idk why but theyre really good)
and a grilled portabello mushroom with a balsamic reduction sauce, maybe some onions and zucchini

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
no veggies yet again, most likely white refined rice..you eat a lot of shit dude :D
ya. I grew up on white rice, lol. I do like brown rice though. and I do need to eat more veggies. I'm revamping my whole eating style in a few months. gonna try to eat real clean and cut out all the refined and processed stuff


Staff member
ya. I grew up on white rice, lol. I do like brown rice though. and I do need to eat more veggies. I'm revamping my whole eating style in a few months. gonna try to eat real clean and cut out all the refined and processed stuff
you may want to slowly start istead of going for the whole shabang in one go

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Dr green, you'll feel so much better leaving all that processed crap out of your diet. Not to mention the links to cancer from preservatives. And it tastes so much better!

Lookin forward to seeing those pics CS.