New club house open at GC3.

One thing I think is going to mess up the movement should we ever get our way is this type of thinking. I may stand alone on this but I think we need the $ and the entrepreneurs and business men/women taking the reins. it's nice to be altruistic and help others but if this thing ever opens and becomes legal or the fuzz just lays off the laws that are in place it's going to need business people. money. profits. all the things hippies HATE. Alcohol prohibition wasn't ended by highway clean-ups and clubs cleaning the highway, this prohibition won't be either. it's nice to help out. it's comendable but not any kind of a necessity. making money paying taxes on the income and doing good business with good vendors is the direction not letting everyone in equally so buggy mite clone guy gets to sit next Jorge Cervantes vending side by each. is there any kind of alcohol farmer's market? Meh, if I can't say anything nice...i will have to leave this thread LOL BYE BYE
Usually you hold your own but thats stupid! The first thing they would do is cut corners. Top quality will always come from the mom n pop setups with the time to love every plant!

I may stand alone on this but I think we need the $ and the entrepreneurs and business men/women taking the reins.
Usually you hold your own but thats stupid! The first thing they would do is cut corners. Top quality will always come from the mom n pop setups with the time to love every plant!

And there will still be mom and pop places. again to parallel alcghol there is budweiser that most people drink and like OK and there is Bell's for the rest of us. Both have the same interests in the legalities of alcohol and Bell's benifits from Buds lobbyists. people who want watered down junk and don't have a pallet drink bud, the rest of us drink a good micro brew. You're right, but I am too.
Averages 2500 a day in foot traffic. Lol what a retarded made up stat. So 1/3 of all members come up there daily? When a lot of us live hours away. Only people I see up there daily are the adult children sitting around drinking coffee and mooching free smoke. Never seen any of them buy more than a gram.
And for the record, eyeball is not the owner. There are no "owners" and that's maybe why there are issues. Too many cooks in the kitchen. G3C is a legal non-profit charity. 2 board members make the rules, and then like 20 other people are left to put them into action.

In theory G3C is a good model for a compassion club. It is hard to control and very hard to operate the way they do. I have respect for the initial plan, but not the way it gets implemented.
I knew he wasn't the owner. Dude kept double talking. He is full of shit.
My money says he is a butthurt vendor. Sitting there looking at your dreds and meds
with pure jealousy. Wanted to fuck with you that day and try to make himself feel better.
Owners don't ask why it matters if they are the owner. Owners state it matters cuz they are the owner.
Hahahaha. Are you gonna really go back and forth patting yourself on the back? At least be a bit more creative with the format of the user name.
LOL, this is as funny as the bullshit is deep with this eye guy. SO much a butthurt vendor. So...having never been there; this place is 100% a market? just a farmer's market with some tables and shit, no consignment case or anything like that? nothing but what vendors bring for the day? I read a medicating area somewhere in all this crap, right? And they are a farmer's market market/highway cleaning service in Genesee county? The website wasn't real helpful on that. lots of meetings, some site work needed for sure and a picture of a bunch of high people in yellow shirts. not to make fun, I just went there to see WTF as I never been and this eye-guy is a tool and Rare D is upset. from postings and conversation on here I respect the latter of the two and their opinion. So....just a market? seems like 2 guys are doing that in Jackson in a pole barn better and keeping it real therefore eliminating my reason to leave town if that's all it is.
@ rareD No im actually a regular member, a person who donates his time on certain days of the month. I enjoy hanging around sipping coffee grabbing a good g here n there. After all isn't that what being a member is? Patients enjoying themselves medicating in a safe environment not getting robbed off of craigslist???
C'mon man don't hate appreciate! !
It's 100% a market, not medication area, open use everywhere in the clubhouse. I dig the espresso bar. And they have sarsaparilla soda on tap
What does it matter and why do you care. If you want to know who I am come up to the club and I will introduce myself.
is this a threat? made from a pussy hiding behind a keyboard .let me check my email and see if theres a black eye there.nope .so if your so much of a bad ass tell me who you are and i promise you ill come talk politics with you pussy.. what ya say are you up to it