cannabis prohibition has gone through many stages, which the knowledgeable potheads understand. this shit is BASIC and incredibly important, not just that you know HOW it was prohibited but WHY that method was used.
in 1925 the US Congress drafted the Uniform State Narcotic Act. this Act had no power of enforcement as the Congress has NO POWER to do anything to people but tax them under the constitution. yep. thats it. just taxation. the goal of this Act was to encourage the STATES to pass their own prohibition laws and provided a proposed framework for those laws.
in 1937 the feds, being disappointed in the cool reception their silly Act received. decided to employ the only power they held to control anything, they passed the Marijuana Tax Act. this act required Cannabis to be taxed by the stamp, and then they decided to not sell any stamps. the US Supreme Court beat them about the head and arms for this, and told em, you gotta sell stamps or this law is invalid. the law severly curtailed the availability of weed but did not stamp it out.
in 1970 the congress passed the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act, which featured a rider called the Controlled Substances Act as Title 2. The Congress handed off the power to enforce the CSA (which they never had to give) to the DEAA and other bureaucratic organizations and the prohibition of cannabis as well as the prosecution of the violators (as well as all other federal laws) was distributed to REGULATORS.
And this is how it has been ever since. The Congress has NO POWER to enforce criminal law save the statute on TREASON (the only criminal law in the constitution), they simply appointed bureaucrats to do it for them, using the authority they do not posses, to confer authority onto others, who likewise posses no real constitutional authority.
as such there is NO legislative prohibition on cannabis from the federal government or the congress. cannabis is prohibited by REGULATION which is what you might call a constitutional "grey area" in that it all falls under the "commerce clause" and the "general welfare clause" which in reality provide no constitutional authority for criminal prosecutions or federal lawmaking outside laws binding on the states. the constitution provides only TREASON as a cause for federal prosecution. all other regulatory and legislative powers of the congress deal with the states and the states alone.