Monsanto cannabis yes or no? The DNA Protection Act of 2013

Genetically Engineered Cannabis yes or no?

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in a free country, you cannot legislate a prohibition of something based on your feelings, you must PROVE the thing you are attempting to legislate against is undesirable.

Really is that what happened when they prohibited Cannabis/Marijuana ??????? You arrogance and ignorance is showing
Farm hand is a long way from running a chicken & cattle ranch that houses over 8000 head of chicken and 6000 head of cattle and raising 100's of acres hay, tobacco and soybeans... ect... Some under contract of Campbell Soup,... for many yrs..... Which sorry is Not Gardening

if you raised cattle you should know why glyphosate is used, how soon after application you can re-enter the field, and why you need to go back in as soon as the PCA clears you.

Yes, Manager, and Why would a field be shut down after application if it is safe........??? More BS! from the farm hand

the PCA has to shut down a field if you spray ANYTHING except water on the area.

even organic fertilizers.

you aint no farmer. you definately aint no rancher.

glyphosate is as safe for people and animals as DDT is. and thats pretty fucking safe.
if you raised cattle you should know why glyphosate is used, how soon after application you can re-enter the field, and why you need to go back in as soon as the PCA clears you.

the PCA has to shut down a field if you spray ANYTHING except water on the area.

even organic fertilizers.

you aint no farmer. you definately aint no rancher.

glyphosate is as safe for people and animals as DDT is. and thats pretty fucking safe.

BS!!! they do shut fields down, you can not return for at least 4 hours after and no Sorry. I May have gotten Cancer from it. I was first Diagnosed with cancer in 1995, and it has spread 5 times. I have had surgery 4 times... and
Really is that what happened when they prohibited Cannabis/Marijuana ??????? You arrogance and ignorance is showing

cannabis prohibition has gone through many stages, which the knowledgeable potheads understand. this shit is BASIC and incredibly important, not just that you know HOW it was prohibited but WHY that method was used.

in 1925 the US Congress drafted the Uniform State Narcotic Act. this Act had no power of enforcement as the Congress has NO POWER to do anything to people but tax them under the constitution. yep. thats it. just taxation. the goal of this Act was to encourage the STATES to pass their own prohibition laws and provided a proposed framework for those laws.

in 1937 the feds, being disappointed in the cool reception their silly Act received. decided to employ the only power they held to control anything, they passed the Marijuana Tax Act. this act required Cannabis to be taxed by the stamp, and then they decided to not sell any stamps. the US Supreme Court beat them about the head and arms for this, and told em, you gotta sell stamps or this law is invalid. the law severly curtailed the availability of weed but did not stamp it out.

in 1970 the congress passed the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act, which featured a rider called the Controlled Substances Act as Title 2. The Congress handed off the power to enforce the CSA (which they never had to give) to the DEAA and other bureaucratic organizations and the prohibition of cannabis as well as the prosecution of the violators (as well as all other federal laws) was distributed to REGULATORS.

And this is how it has been ever since. The Congress has NO POWER to enforce criminal law save the statute on TREASON (the only criminal law in the constitution), they simply appointed bureaucrats to do it for them, using the authority they do not posses, to confer authority onto others, who likewise posses no real constitutional authority.

as such there is NO legislative prohibition on cannabis from the federal government or the congress. cannabis is prohibited by REGULATION which is what you might call a constitutional "grey area" in that it all falls under the "commerce clause" and the "general welfare clause" which in reality provide no constitutional authority for criminal prosecutions or federal lawmaking outside laws binding on the states. the constitution provides only TREASON as a cause for federal prosecution. all other regulatory and legislative powers of the congress deal with the states and the states alone.
BS!!! they do shut fields down, you can not return for at least 4 hours after and no Sorry. I May have gotten Cancer from it. I was first Diagnosed with cancer in 1995, and it has spread 5 times. I have had surgery 4 times... and

yep, but i didnt have to look it up.

see i was a PCA for several years, it was my job to use that stuff as well as many other herbicides pesticides and whatnot.

you imply that i said that glyphosate does NOT require fields be evacuated. in fact i said the opposite. the feild MUST be evacuated, but the feild must be evacuated if you apply worm castings, sulfate, diotemaceous earth or dolomite lime.
glyphosate (and ddt) are nearly harmless to people and animals. you may BELIEVE you got cancer from roundup, but you could just as easily gotten cancer by having a genetic predispition, exposure to other chemicals, or getting to much sun on your holiday in Miami Beach.

if roundup caused cancer, PCA's willing to handle it would be as rare those willing to handle asbestos, radioactive materials and biological waste from a VD clinic.

not even a good try.
cannabis prohibition has gone through many stages, which the knowledgeable potheads understand. this shit is BASIC and incredibly important, not just that you know HOW it was prohibited but WHY that method was used.

in 1925 the US Congress drafted the Uniform State Narcotic Act. this Act had no power of enforcement as the Congress has NO POWER to do anything to people but tax them under the constitution. yep. thats it. just taxation. the goal of this Act was to encourage the STATES to pass their own prohibition laws and provided a proposed framework for those laws.

in 1937 the feds, being disappointed in the cool reception their silly Act received. decided to employ the only power they held to control anything, they passed the Marijuana Tax Act. this act required Cannabis to be taxed by the stamp, and then they decided to not sell any stamps. the US Supreme Court beat them about the head and arms for this, and told em, you gotta sell stamps or this law is invalid. the law severly curtailed the availability of weed but did not stamp it out.

in 1970 the congress passed the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act, which featured a rider called the Controlled Substances Act as Title 2. The Congress handed off the power to enforce the CSA (which they never had to give) to the DEAA and other bureaucratic organizations and the prohibition of cannabis as well as the prosecution of the violators (as well as all other federal laws) was distributed to REGULATORS.

And this is how it has been ever since. The Congress has NO POWER to enforce criminal law save the statute on TREASON (the only criminal law in the constitution), they simply appointed bureaucrats to do it for them, using the authority they do not posses, to confer authority onto others, who likewise posses no real constitutional authority.

as such there is NO legislative prohibition on cannabis from the federal government or the congress. cannabis is prohibited by REGULATION which is what you might call a constitutional "grey area" in that it all falls under the "commerce clause" and the "general welfare clause" which in reality provide no constitutional authority for criminal prosecutions or federal lawmaking outside laws binding on the states. the constitution provides only TREASON as a cause for federal prosecution. all other regulatory and legislative powers of the congress deal with the states and the states alone.

REALLY??? may be why I built this site

Marijuana Madness & this had is how they did it Elkhorn Manifesto - R_ William Davis.htm
yep, but i didnt have to look it up.

see i was a PCA for several years, it was my job to use that stuff as well as many other herbicides pesticides and whatnot.

you imply that i said that glyphosate does NOT require fields be evacuated. in fact i said the opposite. the feild MUST be evacuated, but the feild must be evacuated if you apply worm castings, sulfate, diotemaceous earth or dolomite lime.
glyphosate (and ddt) are nearly harmless to people and animals. you may BELIEVE you got cancer from roundup, but you could just as easily gotten cancer by having a genetic predispition, exposure to other chemicals, or getting to much sun on your holiday in Miami Beach.

if roundup caused cancer, PCA's willing to handle it would be as rare those willing to handle asbestos, radioactive materials and biological waste from a VD clinic.

not even a good try.

sorry it was you who implied they didn't need to be shut down. i quote
Originally Posted by DiverseSanctuary
Yes, Manager, and Why would a field be shut down after application if it is safe........??? More BS! from the farm hand

where I asked you, why if it was safe as you claim, why shut fields down?????

Is the pot once again calling the kettle black and twisting things????????

if you raised cattle you should know why glyphosate is used, how soon after application you can re-enter the field, and why you need to go back in as soon as the PCA clears you.

the PCA has to shut down a field if you spray ANYTHING except water on the area.

even organic fertilizers.

you aint no farmer. you definately aint no rancher.

glyphosate is as safe for people and animals as DDT is. and thats pretty fucking safe.

While you were declaring how safe the shi# is
REALLY??? may be why I built this site

Marijuana Madness & this had is how they did it Elkhorn Manifesto - R_ William Davis.htm

so, would you assert that i am WRONG vis a vis the lack of Legislative Prohibition of cannabis?

cuz its pretty unclear whether you understand the fact that the DEA FDA FBI IRS and BATFE et al are all just bureaucratic mandarins exercising authority they do not possess, granted them by a congress who had NOT the power to give them in the first place, to enforce laws which are OUTSIDE the congress' purview.
getting to much sun on your holiday in Miami Beach.

Proof you assume way too much. Never had that vacation and skin cancer isn't an issue for me sorry. Obviously, I think I know what I was doing when I got ill and you have obviously never really looked at the real stats of those being treated........
sorry it was you who implied they didn't need to be shut down. i quote
Originally Posted by DiverseSanctuary
Yes, Manager, and Why would a field be shut down after application if it is safe........??? More BS! from the farm hand

where I asked you, why if it was safe as you claim, why shut fields down?????

Is the pot once again calling the kettle black and twisting things????????

i had to shut down feilds during and for 4 hours after the application of Diotemaceous Earth. that stuff is INERT. it cannot harm you unless you drown in it. if federal regulations become the new measure of safety, then chlorine bleach is a delicious soft drink, but beer is a dangerous drug.

even helpless children can buy potentially lethal bleach, but only those over 21 may acquire BEER. beer must therefore be more dangerous than bleach. or liquid plumber, or Lime Away

there are no age restrictions on the purchase of Gopher Bombs which are pretty much just poison gas grenades, yet cigarettes are strictly controlled...

holding up regulations as your evidence of anything's safety or danger is ridiculously specious.

im proud to be a hard workin farm hand, the disdain you attach to that title makes clear to all what you think of people who work for a living.
so, would you assert that i am WRONG vis a vis the lack of Legislative Prohibition of cannabis?

cuz its pretty unclear whether you understand the fact that the DEA FDA FBI IRS and BATFE et al are all just bureaucratic mandarins exercising authority they do not possess, granted them by a congress who had NOT the power to give them in the first place, to enforce laws which are OUTSIDE the congress' purview.

One of the few things you have said, I agree with
im proud to be a hard workin farm hand, the disdain you attach to that title makes clear to all what you think of people who work for a living.

I have labored and Managed and labored more as a Manager Sorry

it was you who implied I was a lowly gardener and a Twat TALK ABOUT SHOWING YOUR DISTASTE for people
well you for damned sure werent pca, farm mananger, feild hand or propagator. Anyhone who does those jobs already knows how safe glyphosate is for the user and how long the feild has to be shut down after application.

Spending an afternoon in your community garden twice a month doesnt make you a farmer.

see your superior attitude you accuse me of, mirroring are we?
i have admitted being in error many times, it happens. Admitting you are in error and then sticking your snoot in the air while declaring that youre "better than some people around here" for the simple fact that you made a factual error indicates that you are in fact a twat, much like the op of this hideous abortion of a thread.

Your intimation that i dont admit when im wrong indicates your one of the butthurt bunch who simply believe i am wrong on some issue, however based on your assertion i can conclude that:

A: The subject to which you obliquely refer is a matter of opinion and thus there is no right or wrong answer. In such a case, you would be a fool.
b: You have failed to prove your case on the subject at question, yet still somehow expect those with opposing views to surrender. In this eventuality you would be a retard.

Either way, smells a lot like sockpuppets in here.

Ps. I especially love the way you got your knickers in a twist over somebody simply saying "you are misinformed"
hilariously tender butts get hurt so easily i dont even have to try.

a reminder of your mirroring here