If they come for your guns, do you have a responsibility to fight?


Well-Known Member
well lets make this simple since this is a perfect society and all we could just pass a law that robbers and other bad guys cant use guns and that way after we give our gun rights away then it will be a equal battle field makes perfect sense RIGHT ? this is what we're faced with people that believe a piece of paper will protect you a law a document or how ever mandated .... now i ask how many have been faced with a situation that had no way to resolve but with a firearm military weapon or not if you really think melee combat will save you from armed bad guy lets watch you catch that bullet odds are it'll be in the chest and not turn out how you imagined


Well-Known Member
well lets make this simple since this is a perfect society and all we could just pass a law that robbers and other bad guys cant use guns and that way after we give our gun rights away then it will be a equal battle field makes perfect sense RIGHT ? this is what we're faced with people that believe a piece of paper will protect you a law a document or how ever mandated .... now i ask how many have been faced with a situation that had no way to resolve but with a firearm military weapon or not if you really think melee combat will save you from armed bad guy lets watch you catch that bullet odds are it'll be in the chest and not turn out how you imagined

If someone is shooting at you, just refer them to the federal policies that prohibit them from doing so. Order will prevail and everything will be fine.


Well-Known Member
If someone is shooting at you, just refer them to the federal policies that prohibit them from doing so. Order will prevail and everything will be fine.
you're right.

and since murder laws don't stop murderers. why have those either?

speeding laws don't stop sppeders, let's get rid of speed limits, right?

your logic is retarded.


Well-Known Member
you're right.

and since murder laws don't stop murderers. why have those either?

speeding laws don't stop sppeders, let's get rid of speed limits, right?

your logic is retarded.
Those laws are against behavior which is logical, the law you want to impose is against property. Property which by itself can produce no action.


Well-Known Member
Those laws are against behavior which is logical, the law you want to impose is against property. Property which by itself can produce no action.
I am sure Buck will come up with an appropriate picture to argue against your irrefutable logic...


Well-Known Member
you're right.

and since murder laws don't stop murderers. why have those either?

speeding laws don't stop sppeders, let's get rid of speed limits, right?

your logic is retarded.

Your idea of preventing crimes from stupid ass regulations on a piece of equipment is as retarded as the guy in your avatar.


Well-Known Member
you see what im sayin atleast taking the guns away wont stop criminals from committing crimes it will just turn law abiding citizens into criminals thus lining the pockets of big brother further funding the war on freedom


Well-Known Member
you're right.

and since murder laws don't stop murderers. why have those either?

speeding laws don't stop sppeders, let's get rid of speed limits, right?

your logic is retarded.
your so right you and obama are on the same page why didnt i think of that ....... guns dont kill people bullets do
remind me never to be in the same room with bullets its to likely that bullet will jump up and attack me


Well-Known Member
your so right you and obama are on the same page why didnt i think of that ....... guns dont kill people bullets do
remind me never to be in the same room with bullets its to likely that bullet will jump up and attack me
If you are ever in a room with bullets be very quiet. Any sudden loud noises might scare them and make them go off...


New Member
And, btw, the most violent place in the civilized world, where records are keep, is Australia. Leading with rape. They forced the return of almost all guns, in the mid-90s
You got some figures on that coz I call BULLSHIT!

Maybe check your facts, US & UK per capita numbers are higher than Australia (for reported cases), in all violent crimes including rape.

In 2010, UN data for rape statistics shows 27.3% per 100,000 or 84,767 in the US & 8.1% per 100,00 or 1,828 in AUS.

Any other retarded assumptions you'd like me to clarify?


Well-Known Member
Those laws are against behavior which is logical, the law you want to impose is against property. Property which by itself can produce no action.
"to own" is a verb, just like "to murder" or "to rape".

if you don't actively own that property in a responsible manner, bad things can happen, as it is a tool for killing.

cars kill by accident, whereas the purpose of a gun is to kill.


Well-Known Member
Your idea of preventing crimes from stupid ass regulations on a piece of equipment is as retarded as the guy in your avatar.
cars are not even pieces of equipment meant for killing, but we do our best to separate hazardous drivers from equipment that could kill. and our common sense DUI laws (regulations :cuss: ) prove that we can deter, mitigate, and prevent a lot of deaths that way.

a gun is a right and a responsibility, it is only common sense that we legislate them thusly.


Well-Known Member
your so right you and obama are on the same page why didnt i think of that ....... guns dont kill people bullets do
remind me never to be in the same room with bullets its to likely that bullet will jump up and attack me
remove the penis from your oral cavity and attempt once more, brethren.


Well-Known Member
"to own" is a verb, just like "to murder" or "to rape".

if you don't actively own that property in a responsible manner, bad things can happen, as it is a tool for killing.

cars kill by accident, whereas the purpose of a gun is to kill.
if used properly a car is a VERY effective weapon