New club house open at GC3.

It seems the people who are having all of these problems trying to vend in the G3C are people who haven't even volunteered to even help with a highway cleanup or how about feeding the homeless at the soup kitchen. I bet you don't even know about the countless members who donate their time to the community, not just donate 20-40 bucks and expect a spot and then leave only to come back only when they got meds ready. O I know you don't see it like that do ya?
are you the same guy-

on teh other site sayin how hes the best in the west and shit. been to every club in the cali and all that? just wonderin.

glad im not the only who thought most of the meds at that place where yucky dried out bullshit. :)
are you the same guy-

on teh other site sayin how hes the best in the west and shit. been to every club in the cali and all that? just wonderin. No I'm not

glad im not the only who thought most of the meds at that place where yucky dried out bullshit. :)
And that's your opinion as far as you think the quality of product but as far as you phrase yourself in your quote just shows your ignorance thank you. G3C wasn't started on the basis of kicking people out of tables to replace someone with a better product as this other idiot is suggesting.
What I'm suggesting is maybe some members, or boardmembers or employess, maybe you? I don't know? May have an interest in keeping there own low quality meds in stock while keeping competition at bay. I was told the first time I came in by a patient to look around. He said most of these people are here every day, so am I. Right now they hate you (me) they know I'm gonna give someone the money and today it is you. Does this help it make any sense? Don't worry though, sooner or later someone else will have another market and those people will have a choice. LOL

And that's your opinion as far as you think the quality of product but as far as you phrase yourself in your quote just shows your ignorance thank you. G3C wasn't started on the basis of kicking people out of tables to replace someone with a better product as this other idiot is suggesting.
Huh? Isn't the objective to provide the highest quality possible meds?
There are a lot of quality meds at the G3C but occasionally we have complaints from a select few who can't get a table Becuase of the ammount of reservations that are taken. My advise too you is too wait patiently for your chance to vend and have the patient choose what they want.
its corporate america .what does quality matter to these people ? not jack shit from the sounds of it .after hearing these product reports i really hope those who visit this place go home and disrobe and wash your asses before visiting your gardens ....never no whats crawling and lurking around such places
And that's your opinion as far as you think the quality of product but as far as you phrase yourself in your quote just shows your ignorance thank you. G3C wasn't started on the basis of kicking people out of tables to replace someone with a better product as this other idiot is suggesting.

Why not? Why let someone with gross weed hog a space that could be filled by someone with something worth smoking? Why not have a quality check before letting someone take that space? And if it doesn't meet the standard, too bad for them. I've seen weed at clubs and dispensaries that's not even close to being as good as some midgrade commercial weed on the street. I think you're just used to smoking on crap, that's why your standards are so low.
sounds like to me mr eyeball over here is going to great lengths and battleing all contestants to defend the GC3.... hmmmmm... shouldnt the goal here to be to work with people to find a solution to the obvious problem... if 17 different people are giving you the same argument there may be a problem need solved... just my opinion tho
eyeball guy is market pubic relations guy. he needs help making sense of his reality.
since we are here, perhaps we can help him fix his problem.
is he a good listener...?

not sure about the good listener part abe but got to give a man the benifit of the doubt i guess... hopefully he will be able to take something positive out of the situation...
not sure about the good listener part abe but got to give a man the benifit of the doubt i guess... hopefully he will be able to take something positive out of the situation...

The only situation we seem to have is people who can't follow a set of rules that have been in place for close to 4 years. It is a never ending complaint process. If there seems to be a problem with the way G3C is treating patients or caregivers outside of the rules they enforce, take it up with the board. If you've never even been to the G3C before and don't know the process then please don't comment on this thread. Keep it respectful. All these F bombs only prove the ignorance of the person posting.
I went looking for some F bombs? Maybe I'm high, well yeah I'm high. But I don't see any at all. Whats your point. I'd like some good shit that makes me see some F bombs, maybe I've been wrong all along?

All these F bombs only prove the ignorance of the person posting.
Anyone else think me dropping F bombs made me look ignorant, or was I justified telling this guy to get fucked for making personal attacks on my appearance, attitude and intentions?