What distance from plant to sodium light


Well-Known Member
Will I fry my plants if i put a 12 inch plant under a sodium with only 10 inches space? see pic. (this is for flowering)as it grows will it burn the plant at all as it closens the bulb?

my sodium lamp is 400 w?



Well-Known Member
first thing, get the CFL horizontal for optimum light use! second thing to do, get that damn tin foil out, that is no freakin turkey you cookin there!

To the HPS, the distance depends largely on the power of it, if it is well ventilated and got a glass shield in between the bulb and the plants.
since i can't see a fan nor glass shield on your 400W you have to stay at least a more then a foot away from the plants.

good way to determine the needed distance: hold your hand above the plant tops and keep it there for few minutes at that level, if it gets hot you now the distance is to short;) (don't use your strong side for this test!;))


Well-Known Member
Behind the balast is an extractor fan...and the covering isnt foil its the stuff you rap people up with who have hypothermea etc.....


Well-Known Member
Behind the balast is an extractor fan...and the covering isnt foil its the stuff you rap people up with who have hypothermea etc.....
ems blankest, not much better, even glossy white paint would be better then that. get flat white room paint for your box and you are fine;) those blankets reflect only about 45-55% of the light back since the are single layered only, you can look thru them really:twisted: make cool shades for sure:mrgreen: the crinkles of it will give you heat spots in the grow, burning the plants! so i guess you are roasting a turkey there, i will come for dinner;) if you want cheap mylar go to a dollar store and search for it in the wrapping section, the sell it as gift wrap;) but i can ensure you that flat white paint is just fine and less hassle since you have to get the mylar perfectly flat and un-crinkled to the walls which his a damn hassle!:roll:


Well-Known Member
I read that with tin foil and cfls, hotspots wont present a danger, I have also heard it does; personally I dont think so. A hotspot is a spot that gets hot because of concentrated light. cfls dont produce enough lumens for that to be a problem. I used tin foil, and just kept it very very flat... but I ditched it and im now using layers of white printer paper.


Well-Known Member
I read that with tin foil and cfls, hotspots wont present a danger, I have also heard it does; personally I dont think so. A hotspot is a spot that gets hot because of concentrated light. cfls dont produce enough lumens for that to be a problem. I used tin foil, and just kept it very very flat... but I ditched it and im now using layers of white printer paper.
it does, even with cfl, and tin foil if crinkled up will concentrates light in spots sufficient enough to do it;) and as higher the ratio lum/room-volume gets the worth it will come:twisted:

you know, flat white paint is even better then the printer paper, won't mold that fast with high humidity, won't be ripped of by the fan an is more easy to handle do to this. also it reflects better then tin foil, and paper:D


Well-Known Member
With a cabinbet that small, and a 400 watt setup......the last thing on your mind punarnee, should be lost lumens. You don't have any! lol j/k
Circulation and exhaust sould be your main concerns. Yes they are two different things. You are going to have to "control" them plants in that growbox, get out yr coat hangers, and get creative.
I think if you control these 3 things, you'll do pretty good dude.