Why are people on disability or umemployed treated like shit?


Well-Known Member
After working 36 years I was laid off. No fault of mine, I worked in the utility constuction business, placement of transmission lines, main feeder systems. Anyway, I applied for unemployment and received, during this time I applied in my field, with housing slow, no utilities needed, also out of state companies underbid work very low, with low cost help. Had interview and basically hired by the state, But, because of my "prescribed" meds, their policy said no, equip operator was the job, even with written letter from my doctor, taking responsibilty of my actions while on meds, my doctor has been in business over 30 years. 1 1/2 year ago was in vehicle accident, I was at red light, was rammed from behind by a truck, new back injuries revealed in hospital. After 3 months I realized I would not be able to do what I could do, after 36 years of working. With my medical records, I was approved disability in 45 days. Pretty quick. Anyway, I payed into this system for 36 years. I didn't think this was a hand out, you had to have work history and work credits to receive disability, not any joe blow can walk into social security and ask and get this, I thought. I know there's people out there seeking this by lying, but it's not easy. Anyway, I see quite often on this site, people always talking down about these programs, disability and unemployment, like some welfare system. Don't understand, some people have had some bad luck, actually thousands have. But to bad mouth people on or in these 2 programs, I don't understand. Just speaking out. Disabled after 36 years,sorry.


Well-Known Member
I haven't had a job in about 2 years....when my children's friends parents always ask what I do i tell them "nothin" then that convo ends I feel it distances me from other people but not treated like shit.just do your thing, ignore the haters.(sorry u can't work anymore)

edit: maybe it been 3 years since I worked I don't remember lol


Active Member
I am of the school of thought that any tax money that goes back to actual taxpayers is a good thing.


Staff member
because there's always those people who piss in the pool and ruin it for everyone, there are of course legitmate people who cannot work but then theres the asshole who decides he just doesnt want to work and sadly theres a lot of them, and they ruin it for everyone


Well-Known Member
Stopped working myself over 2 years ago now... been working since the age of 13.. Chronic pain (back shoulder knees) forced me into early retirement.
I found the ones who treat you the worse are the ones who are suppose to be helping you get better..

if your still on the narcotic's get off if ya can..


Well-Known Member
Yea, I know about pain meds, while laid off, decided, with help from my doctor to get off. took about month and 1/2 to finally feel normal, but the emotional ride lasts longer, mood swings etc. But the day I felt good , body wise, the truck slammed me into another vehicle, after 2 weeks, pain worsen and worsen. No choice, either minumun,good and bad days with meds or complete pain. Smoke helps, but ya never know.


Well-Known Member
was on the narco's for 22 years... medibles saved my AS$ getting off all the narco's
being retired is pretty boring, takes awhile for you to get use to the idea you wont be working again..
Get a routine going this helps a bit..

try medibles so much more effective on pain then smoking is... last much longer and use less MMJ (most people only need about .25g for 4-8 hour's of relief)


New Member
After working 36 years I was laid off. No fault of mine, I worked in the utility constuction business, placement of transmission lines, main feeder systems. Anyway, I applied for unemployment and received, during this time I applied in my field, with housing slow, no utilities needed, also out of state companies underbid work very low, with low cost help. Had interview and basically hired by the state, But, because of my "prescribed" meds, their policy said no, equip operator was the job, even with written letter from my doctor, taking responsibilty of my actions while on meds, my doctor has been in business over 30 years. 1 1/2 year ago was in vehicle accident, I was at red light, was rammed from behind by a truck, new back injuries revealed in hospital. After 3 months I realized I would not be able to do what I could do, after 36 years of working. With my medical records, I was approved disability in 45 days. Pretty quick. Anyway, I payed into this system for 36 years. I didn't think this was a hand out, you had to have work history and work credits to receive disability, not any joe blow can walk into social security and ask and get this, I thought. I know there's people out there seeking this by lying, but it's not easy. Anyway, I see quite often on this site, people always talking down about these programs, disability and unemployment, like some welfare system. Don't understand, some people have had some bad luck, actually thousands have. But to bad mouth people on or in these 2 programs, I don't understand. Just speaking out. Disabled after 36 years,sorry.
This is why my old man taught me to prepare prepare prepare. You never know.. Tomorrow, you could be hit by a car and be crapping in a diaper. I took it to heart. Enjoy life, disabled or not. Disabled doesn't mean you're out of the game. I see 1 legged olympic skiers.

As far as the job thing with a medical clearance and signed waiver for meds.... It all comes down to a liability issue. If you're in that machinery and you screw up.. It is the employers ass not yours.

Personally, I wouldn't let a damn thing get you down. Some employers work with people, some don't. Don't get discouraged.

Just my 2 cents, but, I wouldn't disclose a damn thing until you absolutely need to. If you say shit, you disqualify yourself. Let them disqualify you, don't saw your dick off for the sake of honesty.


Active Member
workcomp docs say no work. ssdi saysim denied. wtf do i do now......i have kids!!!! married and my love has to work extra to keep tings a gwaan. born and raised american..........and DENIED!
in appeals again! no supplemental or unemployment either. Denied ....BULLLSHIT! I even contacted the district congressmans office......oh welll. thats the fuckin answer...Sorry ...those are the only benefits available for meeeee. wtf!


New Member
also if you drink enuff clean urine the day before your test you will pee clean.

(sorry wrong thread,:bigjoint:)


New Member
workcomp docs say no work. ssdi saysim denied. wtf do i do now......i have kids!!!! married and my love has to work extra to keep tings a gwaan. born and raised american..........and DENIED!
in appeals again! no supplemental or unemployment either. Denied ....BULLLSHIT! I even contacted the district congressmans office......oh welll. thats the fuckin answer...Sorry ...those are the only benefits available for meeeee. wtf!
Depending on the system to have a safety net in place for you was your first mistake. Don't you know that the system is designed for worthless sacks of shit and not the middle class working man? Are you new to America or what? The worthless sacks of shit get more benefits than the people actually working.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
36 years you put in, thats longer than I've been on this earth, no I think you deserve everything they give you
I agree. You have a legitimate need and are using the resources available to you. No need to let the haters get you down. Live your life and enjoy what you can. That's all that matters.


Well-Known Member
What's funny is, I look at most employed folks as fools...working for someone else and paid less than they are worth.

Now imagine that same person growing, let's say 99 plants annually making solid six figure income.

So quit your jobs and create your own economy.:-P


Well-Known Member
Earlier post,fine today,shitting in diaper tomorrow, 100% correct. My friend for 48 years,childhood, was a professional truck driver,got his 2 year cdl physical, told everything good,fine. This on a Friday, next day Saturday, dead, heart attack. 100% correct on that statement.


New Member
Last job I had was for an IT temp agency contracted to a call center.

Double shit whammy (temp agency + call center).

One employee got fired for saying "fuck" in an instant message to another employee that the "manager" happened to walk by and see. It wasn't directed at the company or the "manager" himself or anything like that. The instant message just said "fuck I forgot my lunch, can I borrow some money?".

That employee had never been written up before.

Then, that employee tried to go get unemployment, and the temp agency tried to fight it (at the urge of the same "manager" that fired the employee).

The other employees wrote letters explaining the situation, that "manager" and that "manager"'s boss got bitched at by a judge over the phone, and the employee got the unemployment.

Despite that, the "manager" was allowed to keep his job.

Then, the "manager" fired all the employees who wrote those letters, which was about 90% of the crew, saying "the temp agency ran out of money and we have to downsize, sorry!" (the temp agency did NOT try to fight unemployment for those employees).

It was pretty fucked, the "manager" even waited until the end of the day on a Friday to do it, total "Office Space" style.

The very next Monday that "manager" had a dozen interviews and hired a whole new crew.

Dirty, dirty shit.


Well-Known Member
Last job I had was for an IT temp agency contracted to a call center.

Double shit whammy (temp agency + call center).

One employee got fired for saying "fuck" in an instant message to another employee that the "manager" happened to walk by and see. It wasn't directed at the company or the "manager" himself or anything like that. The instant message just said "fuck I forgot my lunch, can I borrow some money?".

That employee had never been written up before.

Then, that employee tried to go get unemployment, and the temp agency tried to fight it (at the urge of the same "manager" that fired the employee).

The other employees wrote letters explaining the situation, that "manager" and that "manager"'s boss got bitched at by a judge over the phone, and the employee got the unemployment.

Despite that, the "manager" was allowed to keep his job.

Then, the "manager" fired all the employees who wrote those letters, which was about 90% of the crew, saying "the temp agency ran out of money and we have to downsize, sorry!" (the temp agency did NOT try to fight unemployment for those employees).

It was pretty fucked, the "manager" even waited until the end of the day on a Friday to do it, total "Office Space" style.

The very next day that "manager" had a dozen interviews and hired a whole new crew.

Dirty, dirty shit.
They always fire people on Friday's, usually paydays so that it doesn't give accounting a payroll headache.


New Member
What's funny is, I look at most employed folks as fools...working for someone else and paid less than they are worth.

Now imagine that same person growing, let's say 99 plants annually making solid six figure income.

So quit your jobs and create your own economy.:-P
I like your style.

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
Clearly because if you can't work you are useless and not considered worthy of anything.

Maybe you should stop being disabled and should have knew layoffs were coming.
