Why are people on disability or umemployed treated like shit?


New Member
They always fire people on Friday's, usually paydays so that it doesn't give accounting a payroll headache.
Oh yea, that's why I said "Office Space" style, they explain exactly why they wait til fridays in that movie. Less chance of work related "incidents".


New Member
Oh crap, I forgot the moral of the story.

That was just one tiny story about one little one month period of time in my personal 15 year extravaganza in the IT field.

I've seen employers just absolutely shit all over their employees like it's cool. From whole companies to individual "manager"s, from giant corporate firms to tiny mom and pop shops, from big to little, top to bottom.

So yeah, even if you DIDN'T deserve the money, I'm glad you got on unemployment, I most certainly wouldn't look down on you for it.


"Why are people on disability or umemployed treated like shit"?

Because Americans have become lazy! Too many people apply and receive benifits based on lies! just like the Medical marijuana...,some are legit but most Full Of ShIT!!!
We have become a Nation of Consumers.., We don't Produce anything worth a shit anymore! Why..., because we're LAZY!!!! Greedy Too!!!


Ursus marijanus
"Why are people on disability or umemployed treated like shit"?

Because Americans have become lazy! Too many people apply and receive benifits based on lies! just like the Medical marijuana...,some are legit but most Full Of ShIT!!!
We have become a Nation of Consumers.., We don't Produce anything worth a shit anymore! Why..., because we're LAZY!!!! Greedy Too!!!
I'd respond to this, but what's in it for me? cn


Active Member
Depending on the system to have a safety net in place for you was your first mistake. Don't you know that the system is designed for worthless sacks of shit and not the middle class working man? Are you new to America or what? The worthless sacks of shit get more benefits than the people actually working.
yea thats right.....i been seeing it more and more these days. But wtf...we gotta turn to crime to put food on the table? I spent a many years paying into the system, ended up with a head trauma and had to learn how to fucking talk and think again. Then what do ya know. My heart fuckin starts failing on me. The fuckin knucklehead down the street rides a harley, plays sports out front with his fam, Has parties constantly and collects from the system. His wife dont work either, and she holds up the line at the store with every foodstamp in the book. Plus they have 5 kids. and no he is not a veteran. He moved here from mexico 20 years ago, and worked his way thru the system. How do I know..?. I chatted with him all cool and stuff cuz we have classic cars and bikes in common, and eventually he let it all out.
Dont even get into the ObamaCare that jusdt fucked my family too. We now have to pay for his fams insurance. Our copay went up 20 fuckin bucks this year. And Im still denied.....benefits. Im already deemed disabled by my own docs, but ssdi docs say no to me...I believe maybe cause im still in a work comp case.
By the way...anyone have a copy of "how to sell crack for dummies"?


Active Member
whoa..just read my rant. Bad day yesterday. Even my plants were wilty lookin. Fuck It! Imma Keep Smiling!

Canna Connoiseur

Active Member
I have a few people very close to me that have been on disability for 25 years or so. One of those people only worked like 5 years out of their life. Their entire time on disability has been completely for no reason. They decided to not work and figured if you wrote on a piece of paper that you are crazy you can get money for the rest of your life. That is only one of the people. The rest that I know do the same exact thing. I would assume around 1/2 or more of all people on disability shouldn't be on it.


Well-Known Member
I did the I.T. security/programming/network shuffle for about 18 years. When I had knee surgery for a bad accident the corporation I was with terminated my contract. I filed for unemployment, they fought. I won. Judge lectured their H.R. rep, and told me that "it's a civilly actionable offense to terminate an employee for a medical procedure. If you filed suit, you'd be eligible for damages, and lost wages to compensate for the difference between unemployment and your actual wages."

Now, I'm a seasonal worker. Our company pays in about 2x what FT year-round companies do. I collect through the winter -- if I have to go into work, I could probably get the company to either bank the hours (not pay me for them, holding them until the next season -- not legal, but companies do it) or talk to my boss about being off the books for a while. I just report the hours and lose income for 3 weeks. It sucks, but it's legal.

When people ask me why I don't work, I tell them it's because I'm too emotionally unstable to interact with others in a stressful or hostile environment. That shuts them right the hell up.