Let's get organized and do this. Metro Detroit.

The Growery

Active Member
Lots of interest in a farmers market downtown Detroit it seems. Let's get organized, lets get some people established who want this and have money to back it up. Let's plan it, seek out buildings, lets have some monthly meetings to cement costs that are voted on by the people involved. Don't have to have money to help, if you live downtown, you could maybe help us out by looking for available commercial properties, getting lease details, ect.

Would be great to get it started with some well known, reputable growers and vendors, you know who you are.

We can make it progressive and different - fundraisers for patients who are in dire need but cannot afford, and things along those lines.

Bring it back to being about the patients. A patient perspective approach to farmer's markets. Let's hear some ideas, PM me if you would like to attend monthly meetings about this in the coming months as we get a solid plan laid down.
Detroit may be more friendly following the last vote. Keep us posted on available locations you find. There has to be a ton of industrial type space going for peanuts somewhere in the D.
I only said that because the county is empty I know the place in fowlerville I think it was got closed down. I thought maybe since it was farmish the way it is a place in livingston might be a good idea. Btw I was waiting to see if I'd see you at g3c yesterday.
With farm land areas, you often find cowboy type LEO and you never know what kind of bad news is to come of that :eyesmoke:

I showed up at G3C for the last few minutes and then met up with HomeLessBeans locally for a while bongsmilie I likely just missed ya more than once ;)
there's a reason that county is empty.. F' ville was hit twice to make an example and it worked.

has anyone considered Ypsilanti or edges of Washtenaw County?
eastern market area allready has 2-3 clubs within 5miles...and now the marijuana ranch cafe...

nobody pays attention to online stuff .....??

12 new clubs on 8mile.....12! new ones

whatever you do keep it ....

1.private/members only....
3.off the radar...

when I got my 're-cert' in Ann arbor a guy was telling us about a 'rving' market that he'd been to at hotels---said it was a different place each time he went....told us they rented a whole floor and you went room to room...something to ponder

also Godzilla(Dtroit) has plenty private industrial/warehouse empty space...
just pay the piggies in whatever precinct your thinking and keep them on payroll or working security in their down time---NP!

---few dopeboi spots I been to after hours work just that way...

and don't forget to include the hookers or their pimps will pay you a visit---

good luck and may the force be with you

i personally like the rainbow style underground out in the middle of the woodz type barter square ...barter circle mad max type tribal shit...

just call it barter circle and throw down in the woods somewhere or private campground....monthly
make it underground genetics farmers market--secret/private call it a 'fire' market....fire only!

how much for memberships?

I like to pay extra and get the VIP/fuk you pass
12 new clubs on 8 mile alone!!? With those numbers, most of your customers would be fuckers you don't want there.
Not cool.
So I've always wondered about finding some cheap homes in Detroit. I figured that if I had a tour guide to show me around that there must be some nice pockets in there somewhere? Cheap homes, not gonna get robbed in my yard? From what I read the whole damn city is a ghetto? I suppose the fact I've never seen the nice part is a good sign there isn't one. Are these clubs opening up "legal"? Or are they just renting spots and waiting to get busted? There is so much empty space down there it seems like a complete waste, I saw a guy on tv a few night ago who bought a 60,000 sq ft warehouse in Detroit for 10,000 just because the city would have to pay more to tear it down. I'm sure there are lots of places like that. You would think with everyone wanting to make some money that some of these ghetto ass citys would do the math. Give me a location and one year I bet I could make all kinds of places profitable. Well, unless I get shot in the parking lot...... fuckin ghettos!
We could pick up the former St. Stanislaus Catholic Church off I 94 for $79,000 :o


... heads up on the $5000 per month heating bill :o
We could pick up the former St. Stanislaus Catholic Church off I 94 for $79,000 :o


... heads up on the $5000 per month heating bill :o

Funny... I'm helping out a buddy right now and I'm only letting him setup a new light every couple weeks so I don't have another huge power bill 60 days before harvest. But, I bet you wouldn't need much heat with 40 1000's runnin!
just took the wife downtown to eat at traffic jam & snug. going down canfield is a cobblestone street with some absolutely beautiful gothic style homes or victorian i guess. either way lots and lots of gems still
Palmer Park is a highend hood w mostly mansions. its the only area that's somewhat safe IMO. cld make for a hella coop style grow. heat w 40 1000's, half on day other half night. Most homes are 4000-5000 sq ft. for @ 100k. little less Mad Max, more Hugh Hefner, growshow on a budget, at edge of ghetto.