FinShaggy's BeanSprouts

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Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
heres around seed run ran through a stress , root bounded em, for about 3 weeks to force early males and hermies or weak genetics to show before i put em in flower
, stress tested . .

in flower, just ready to clip



Well-Known Member
I think you need some pussy Finn , you would find this place to be less interesting even if your google bar is lowered ..
:lol: When did I ever say this place was interesting :lol: :lol: I'm just here to reply to my threads and update my grow :lol: YOU guys are the ones that find this place intersedting because you have "friends" :lol: Which are really just other trolls, and you know likes don't = friendship :lol: :lol: Chewberto or someone was trying to base my failure on my like rate the other day :lol: I'm pretty sure ya'll are the ones that need some pussy :dunce:


New Member
Come on now Fin , just your post counts alone spell no Pussy .. The grizzly adams look went out in the 70s dude .. I am sure most of us in this thread have had more pussy then you will ever know .. I wasnt fucking around the web at your age , nope I was out chasing the women and then married and began a family .. Trust me I dont need pussy , I have all I need with a wife at home


Well-Known Member
Come on now Fin , just your post counts alone spell no Pussy .. The grizzly adams look went out in the 70s dude .. I am sure most of us in this thread have had more pussy then you will ever know .. I wasnt fucking around the web at your age , nope I was out chasing the women and then married and began a family .. Trust me I dont need pussy , I have all I need with a wife at home
:lol: :lol: I don't even worry about pussy now, I got enough when I was 14-17 (I used to drink a lot in Highschool, and always chilled with bitches and they would bring their friends around and when we were drunk it was just like... Fun) , after that I just had steady girlfriends, and now I'm more worried about getting my name out there, because once my name is out there, I won't have to deal with BITCHES any more. I don't worry about pussy anymore because it's attached to a BITCH. But when I get everything done that I want to get done, bitches are going to be coming to me, so I won't have to worry about bitches cheatin or leaving because I won't have just 1.


Well-Known Member
:lol: :lol: I don't even worry about pussy now, I got enough when I was 14-17 (I used to drink a lot in Highschool, and always chilled with bitches and they would bring their friends around and when we were drunk it was just like... Fun) , after that I just had steady girlfriends, and now I'm more worried about getting my name out there, because once my name is out there, I won't have to deal with BITCHES any more. I don't worry about pussy anymore because it's attached to a BITCH. But when I get everything done that I want to get done, bitches are going to be coming to me, so I won't have to worry about bitches cheatin or leaving because I won't have just 1.

failspammy can only get with drunk, underage women who cheat on him or leave him.


Well-Known Member
low grade hash from a world class jackass.
That was when I FIRST started making hash in Colorado. Before making those videos I had never made anything but Acetone hash. That and Alcohol was the only way I knew how to make it when I lived in Texas. But since I've lived in Colorado and tried a bunch of different things I've learned how to make some DANK DANK DANK hash :D The hash I'm going to make is going to be fucking AMAZING :D :p
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