How would you control guns?

How should we regulate guns?

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Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
despite numerous laws and court rulings prohibiting a national gun registration database the BATFE already is compiling one.

every single BATFE firearms transfer form and background check request is required by law to be destroyed within 24 hours of the completion of the request.

The BATFE keeps them. They admit they keep them. They claim the "FORMS" must be destroyed which they totally do, but the data is stored electronically and thats totally different....

they claim it's for "statistical purposes", but as everyone already knows, the BATFE is a criminal organization, and criminals dont obey laws.
You know Gitmo serves delicious cockmeat sandwiches? Too bad I'm vegan. :(

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
No privacy in the Constitution, but we won't have a national gun registry, voter roll or ID card, etc. Not Constitutional.
IAC, you can I can exchange firearms....if your aren't wearing a wire. :)
Ask Fdd how well transactions like that work.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Yeah, it was Obama that did that.... ROFLMFAO!!!

Lets not talk about the fact that the Supreme court ruled on Heller, which allowed it. Obama was in the vicinity at the time so he gets credit...
I bet Obama can see Russia from his Oval Office desk.


Ursus marijanus
No wonder I was thrown! It isn't full-auto, and while a crossbow is perhaps a "bolt gun" it isn't a bolt-action. cn


Active Member
you asserted a false claim, notably, that the biometric gun safety devices work.

i dont have to read your back catalog or subscribe to your newsletter to refute your claims. your claims were nonsense.

you did not state (as you now attempt to imply) that the devices at question were garbage, you in fact made the opposite claim. you further stretched credulity with the on-star style remote disabling claim.

your comments implied a technology that does not exist, and then declared it to be "a step in the right direction" which it is NOT.

"a step in the right direction" would be adhering to our constitution, not creeping regulation designed for the express purpose of ultimately banning all guns and just hoping that everything works itself out.

if you want to live in a gun free zone, dont buy guns. it's that simple.

you have no right to control my actions, you have only the right to control your own.
Again..I agree with you! When i am done typing this I will give you a big "like" because I think you are right on! I also am man enough to admit when I am wrong. I basically just wanted to toss "biometrics" out there to see what people had to say, but me saying it's a step in the right direction was stupid. I shouldn't type shit like that when Im drunk and stoned as fuck. Sorry, lesson learned. I still never said half the stuff your throwing at me. Are you just dwelling on something that has a thousand obvious problems with it that most people already know, just for easy rep? I come from generations of proud,safe, law abiding gun owners, btw, and I have and will continue to pass it down to my children as long as I am capable. Just so my fellow gun owners on here know where I stand, after they read your shit. If there was a technology out there that allowed me to use on my firearms that would keep them out of unwanted hands that could possibly take someones life..i would use it. But there is not. So I will continue to be responsible and keep them locked in my safe that's bolted to a concrete floor. Not convenient or fast..but secure. Now stop coming at me with your bullshit and come up with something that most people don't already know. Should I throw something else out there that's easy to shred and makes you feel smart? You can even twist it and throw a cherry on top. Let me know...


Well-Known Member
The title of the thread is
"how would you control guns"
I always thought the best way to control guns was with proper stance, finger discipline and breath control


Well-Known Member
The title of the thread is
"how would you control guns"
I always thought the best way to control guns was with proper stance, finger discipline and breath control
I would say that my gun is not out of control so there is no current issue.

If my gun suddenly spazzes out, I guess I will have to consider the matter at that time.


Well-Known Member
I would say that my gun is not out of control so there is no current issue.

If my gun suddenly spazzes out, I guess I will have to consider the matter at that time.
When shopping for a gun you need to look at it's pedigree. Due to inbreeding some guns may turn out bad or have other health issues later in life.


Well-Known Member
We need ways to control those guns. Fucking homicidal sons of bitches. SONS OF BITCHES! How dare they lay on a table fully loaded and cause such mayhem!

Yes, that's the anti-gun crowds argument and yes it sounds retarded because it is. Give me one example of a gun picking it self up, loading bullets in it's magazine and proceeding to shoot all that are in the area. Last time I checked it takes a human to do that. But let's not police them. Let's police the inanimate object. GENIUS.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
We need ways to control those guns. Fucking homicidal sons of bitches. SONS OF BITCHES! How dare they lay on a table fully loaded and cause such mayhem!

Yes, that's the anti-gun crowds argument and yes it sounds retarded because it is. Give me one example of a gun picking it self up, loading bullets in it's magazine and proceeding to shoot all that are in the area. Last time I checked it takes a human to do that. But let's not police them. Let's police therzgzkm inanimate object. GENIUS.
You won't laugh when guns get the Skynet chip.