It's a step in the right direction. I believe it could and would save lives. Its instant, the second your skin touches the pad its ready. I also believe we have the technology where law enforcement would be able to deactivate "lock" that weapon wireless. The big problem though "imo" is that if we cant control our borders and imports fully...nothing will matter. Regardless what happens or is solved here in this country. Cant get a gun here? Run over the border. Or it will be "i know a guy".
Biometic gun locks do not work.
dipshjits have been squawking about guns that can only be used by their registered owner for decades, and it still doesnt work.
the closest anyone ever came to a "safe gun" was a ring for the shooter's hand and a short range radio tag reader like those used on credit cards and pets. it never worked on guns because the reader breaks when you shoot the gun.
reading the science fiction bullshit from HCI/brady, and believing it, doesnt make their fantasy FACT any more than buckie's autocratic declarations do.
criminals want gunss, and criminals dont obey laws. unles you can come up with a plan to eliminate every gun in america, and prevent any new guns from being imported or manufactured, the guy who still has a gun will always have the advantage, and criminals will always ignore laws, since it's what defines them.
your bizarre belief that a new law will magically protect people is insane. new york, washington dc, san francisco, chicago and boston have proven for over 100 years now that gun laws only restrict the people who arent criminals.
all gun restrictions are merely workplace safety regulations for criminals. when the potential victims of crime can be expected to bust a cap in the perpetrator, the perps go looking for easier marks, and THAT IS A