even beyond taste, flushing a medium and water starving a plant is just another subjectiver way to respond to your own enviroment, not all techniques will apply to every consistent situation in growing . . . . .i feed just a little over what my girls need and i flush, for fade effect for about ten to fourteen days on avg
if the people who enjoy your bud say its good then no worries . . .. . taste and perception on unsmokable bud is not subjective . .. bad taste is bad taste . .. a flavor i dont like is something else . . .
read the words he uses, and a week is just fine time to dry if it is done properly, wont be cured but the cleanliness of the buds smoke will be instantly noticeable, i like to go 10 days total with a de-steming trim and have had plenty of tasty dank right of the branch as well, within that time period
here a review by Tony Green Hand of some stuff i flushed for 16 days . . . . got a decent yield too 330, 7 gallon pot
heres a faded shot berfore harvest
Date: 28 November, 2012
Time: 3:00 pm PST
Strain: Predator AKA H
Physical Examination
Visual appeal (visual appeal of the buds from 1-10 unappealing - excellent)
Visible trichomes (visible trichome content from 1-10 none - totally covered)
Colors present in the buds ( on a scale from 1- 10 light - dark)
Green: 3 Green: 5 Orange: 4 Yellow: 5
Bud density (Bud density on a scale from 1-10 airy - dense)
Aroma description: (on a scale from 1-10 upon freshly broken bud where 1 indicates subtle presence and 10 indicates pronounced presence )
First: Sour: 5 Hash: 6 Pine: 1 Then: Anise: 3 Funk: 4 Sour: 4 Kush: 1
Aroma appeal (Aroma from 1-10 repulsive - delightful)
Aroma intensity (Aroma intensity from 1-10 subtle - overwhelming)
Were there seeds present in the sample?(Y or N)
Did the flowers show inter-sex expression? (Y or N)
Overall appeal ( from 1-100 where 1 is frightening and 100 is majestic)
Additional comments:
The bag appeal of this sample was really nice. It was dense and caked in trichomes, it had a nice air about it like it was some true top shelf smoke. Just breaking off a little .1 bowl unleashed a sour funk that stunk my room up like I just took an oil rip. There was a funky sour overtone that really made my nose twist and turn with every whiff. The Calyxes were stacked up very tightly and were a nice shade of yellow/gold inside.
Smoke Test
Utensils - 1' 2" bong with one perc
Taste description (use numbers from 1-10 that apply to the taste where 1 is a subtle presence and 10 is a pronounced presence)
Grape: 1 Sour: 4 Funk: 4 Hash: 4
Taste pungency ( pungency of taste from 1-10 light - heavy)
Taste impression (impression of the taste from 1-10 unpleasant- scrumptious)
Moisture level (1-10 wet-dry where 5 is ideal)
Harshness (1-10 smooth-harsh)
Smoke expansion (smoke expansion in the lungs from 1-10 stable-explosive)
Smoke test comments:
The smoke of this sample was not very harsh but a bit heavier on the expansion then average, it left me coughing and with staggard breaths. The taste was great, there was a medley of funk, sour and hash overtones with a delightful artificial grape undertone that had me smacking my lips. As the bowl progressed I got less of that grape flavor and more of just a good weed flavor.
Follow up Questions
- 0.3 grams
Effect onset: ~ 3 minutes & ~ 15 minutes until Full Effect
Potency (from 1-10 none-devastating)
Effect length
~ 3 hours
Usability (from 1-10 where 1 indicates the worst time of the day to consume this strain and 10 represents the ideal time of day)
Morning/wake up: 4 Day/work: 5 Evening/relax: 9 Night/sleep: 8
Effect (what effect did the strain have write P if it had a POSITIVE effect and N if if had a NEGATIVE effect, next to each selected area please rate the intensity of effect from 1-10 where 1 would be a subtle presence and 10 would be a pronounced presence)
P - 6 :Ability to rest or sit still
P - 5 :Anxiety relief
P - 5 :Appetite
P - 6 :Audio perception
P - 3 :Humor perception
P - 5 :Imagination/creativity
P - 4 :Memory
P - 5 :Mood
- :Ocular relief
P - 5
ain relief
P - 4
aranoia relief
hysical awareness
P - 4 :Sex drive
P - 5 :Sleep
- :Speech
- :Taste perception
P - 3 :Thought process
N - 4 :Visual perception
Overall rating from 1-100:
Final comment:
I began to feel the effects of this this strain before my 4th hit, I had a feeling like my skin was being filled with bees, or as if I was next to a passing train. I could feel my vision elongating and plateauing. I began to feel heavily sedated throughout my entire body. My head and neck seemed to become very relaxed. My thinking style changed from a moving stream to a ticking clock, I was only able to think of one thing at any one time. When the high reached it's peak I was completely enveloped in my surroundings. When I tried to play a video game my eyes had trouble with fast moving objects and I didn't seem to be on target as usual. My body felt like this for seemingly hours with long lasting pain relief qualities, and had an extremely gradual decline from it's peak into sobriety. My house was pretty cold and that helped me sober up some, but this was a pretty intense smoke every time I partook in it. I found that it had good night time effects and it was excellent for winding down just before bed.