assault rifles are fun to play with


Well-Known Member
Firearm homicide Firearm homicides

  • Number of deaths: 11,493
  • Deaths per 100,000 population: 3.7

this is 2009 facts which is more regardless of laws implemented?
the point is that we have reduced the carnage due to drunk driving with common sense laws that hold idiots accountable and infringe on no one's rights to drink responsibly.

similarly, we can easily reduce the carnage due to gun violence with common sense laws that hold idiots accountable and infringe on no one's rights to bear arms responsibly.

you need to get over that roadblock. you're not on the nose of a well hydrated camel, you're on plain old earth.


Well-Known Member
i am a gun nutt myself, that being said, we need to enforce the gun laws we have now, no need for new ones.
as for a self defence caliber in a hand gun......the lady did her job protecting her life and her kids, just too bad she didnt use a .45 on him, cuzz he would have been DRT....dead right there.
i say that, but my wife and daugther carry a .38, with the .38 plus p hollow points.


Well-Known Member
I agree not pointless, fallacy yes, my mistake i was caught up in the moment i suppose.....Should our energy be directed toward this small ban that will likely reduce a minimal amount of firearm related deaths? or perhaps another solution that can save many more lives? we don't devote this much energy to all the other things that kill children, it just gets lifted into the clouds after distraction sets in.... yes I understand this shit was fucked up to happen to those kids, I have a kid.enough said... I cant even own a gun I'm a felon... regardless, the media is hyping something and creating civil unrest over a ban that is not so much uncalled for, but so minimalistic that it might not be the most important thing to be focusing on....I never go full retard Buck Never....


Well-Known Member
so your saying we dont all ready have laws designed to hold the idiots accountable?

i know in my town we have a firearms ordinance, it is illegal to discharge a weapon in city limits, and that alone has prevented me from taking out a skunk or two. with a .22lr conversion in the ar. it would be no problem, no danger to anyone. but common sense and responsibility win again.. wait no its not either of those, its the extreme hassle i would have to deal with should i choose to ignore it.

so that common sense law really doesnt do anything, just make a criminal out of someone who was just taking care of a pest. sure animal control could do it, and charge me 300$ to do so, or a $0.19 .22 round & a shovel could do it just as easily and much faster.


Well-Known Member
I agree not pointless, fallacy yes, my mistake i was caught up in the moment i suppose.....Should our energy be directed toward this small ban that will likely reduce a minimal amount of firearm related deaths? or perhaps another solution that can save many more lives? we don't devote this much energy to all the other things that kill children, it just gets lifted into the clouds after distraction sets in.... yes I understand this shit was fucked up to happen to those kids, I have a kid.enough said... I cant even own a gun I'm a felon... regardless, the media is hyping something and creating civil unrest over a ban that is not so much uncalled for, but so minimalistic that it might not be the most important thing to be focusing on....I never go full retard Buck Never....
so your saying we dont all ready have laws designed to hold the idiots accountable?

i know in my town we have a firearms ordinance, it is illegal to discharge a weapon in city limits, and that alone has prevented me from taking out a skunk or two. with a .22lr conversion in the ar. it would be no problem, no danger to anyone. but common sense and responsibility win again.. wait no its not either of those, its the extreme hassle i would have to deal with should i choose to ignore it.

so that common sense law really doesnt do anything, just make a criminal out of someone who was just taking care of a pest. sure animal control could do it, and charge me 300$ to do so, or a $0.19 .22 round & a shovel could do it just as easily and much faster.
i give you guys articulate arguments, and you give me this meandering blather?

and people wonder why i just troll the shit out of you folks.


Well-Known Member
im stoned, and wondering how high my max bid on the ar should be....

sorry, i stopped paying attention to this debate a long time ago, i just trollitup. if i wanted meaningful discussion id go to GLP, thank you very much....

i tried to find the answer, is it proper form to conjoin synonyms meander/blather into a single statement?


Well-Known Member
hahahaha, ur deff one of the personalities on RIU i enjoy, i dont agree with everything you say, but ur a funny muthafukr for sure...


Well-Known Member
i give you guys articulate arguments, and you give me this meandering blather?

and people wonder why i just troll the shit out of you folks.
your not trolling me as much as side stepping the root cause of all of these problems all the sudden your sad and want tighter gun laws, give me a break... And you using the word mitigate 1 out of 4 comments isn't articulate.. mundane yes...u haven't argued as much as you tried to fabricate your position on gun laws using facts about alcohol and common sense laws..I only used knives and alcohol as a few examples what have u expressed that is original thought rather than regurgitated shit we all know? different better solutions is what i was aiming for but your stuck on a few clips and gun models.. your solution still is weak IMO so, can you expand on why this post will be meandering blather to you? grab your dictionary folks here it comes


Well-Known Member
your not trolling me as much as side stepping the root cause of all of these problems all the sudden your sad and want tighter gun laws, give me a break... And you using the word mitigate 1 out of 4 comments isn't articulate.. mundane yes...u haven't argued as much as you tried to fabricate your position on gun laws using facts about alcohol and common sense laws..I only used knives and alcohol as a few examples what have u expressed that is original thought rather than regurgitated shit we all know? different better solutions is what i was aiming for but your stuck on a few clips and gun models.. your solution still is weak IMO so, can you expand on why this post will be meandering blather to you? grab your dictionary folks here it comes
you brought up drunk driving laws and you brought up knife massacres. i simply pointed out the obvious.

you can do better than a wall of meandering text.


Well-Known Member
I brought up alternative murders that are committed with stuff other than firearms, to express a concern, a concern for the direction the minds of americans are lead into involving gun rights...think for yourself is all i am saying....jumping on the bandwagon only gets a few toes ran over till people realize its time to get off and find another subject of transportation... P.S Why point out the obvious if you are trying to have an articulate argument...


Well-Known Member
Im tired now plants are fine just feed them...I agree with you Buck, still there is more to be agreed upon that you will admit....

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
you could take out 3 or 4 classrooms of small children with a 120 round drum.
How come you are so into talking about killing small children..........And being the face of romney?.........After people voted for the biggest gun salesman known to man, I have been collecting guns..........I think today I am going to add a M14 and two thousand more rounds of 7.62 ammo to my collection..........The 7.62 turned out to be my favorite..........nitro..


Well-Known Member
its not all about the assult rifles.... there some bad ass guages out there too and hand guns... smith and wesson 500 magnum... taurus judge{revolver that fire shotgun shells} thenmachine pistols are bad too... chec. scorpian.. ect...

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
its not all about the assult rifles.... there some bad ass guages out there too and hand guns... smith and wesson 500 magnum... taurus judge{revolver that fire shotgun shells} thenmachine pistols are bad too... chec. scorpian.. ect...
I have a made in russia 12 gauge.....It's a nice weapon................nitro..


Blue Wizard

Well-Known Member
I'd like to get one of these, but they are pretty damn expensive for what they are.
