cops in the driveway


Well-Known Member
Your fire department must hate the homeless with there barrel fires.. And visa versa the feeling must be mutual

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
To whom would his room vent? Think they would raise a stink? cn
Well since I'm out of the biz for now. I can only vent my spleen and that's usually when I pissed at the old man and even then he pays me no mind.

Edit: slow on the uptake tonight. I don't know to whom the room would vent to? But I guess they would be wearing blue and they would be following the stink.

Can you believe Alabama?


New Member
which thread is this winter woman, cause I dont see it. i thought u were talking about the neuter/spay animals thread..but that cant be it

and dont be a bitch no one should be scared


Well-Known Member
Definitely a barricade situation. Fill up the tub with water, my man. Push all of your furniture against the doors and windows. THEY'RE NEVER TAKING YOU ALIVE!!!!!


New Member
Definitely a barricade situation. Fill up the tub with water, my man. Push all of your furniture against the doors and windows. THEY'RE NEVER TAKING YOU ALIVE!!!!!

how about the guy that chopped his shit b/c the cable guy was at his house.He was proud he handled the situation calm n that thread.?lol


Well-Known Member
how about the guy that chopped his shit b/c the cable guy was at his house.He was proud he handled the situation calm n that thread.?lol
LOL! That must have happened in my absence. Sounds hilarious though.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
well if the cop is physically in your driveway, you can FORCE them to move. That is illegal for the cop to be there for no reason in the US.

Just tell him my driveway isn't state property, its private.

i came dangerously close to getting arrested over something like this. i had a job with an extremely inflexible attendance policy and i was in a rush (and tired and hungover) and there was a cop parked next to me in the driveway partially blocking the sidewalk and another slightly blocking me in from the street (if the cop wasn't IN my driveway so close to my car i could've gotten out diagonally). there were about 5 cruisers on the street. so i run up to the first cop i see standing there and ask if the guy blocking me in could move, but he was up in an apartment somewhere. so i ask who's car is in the driveway and instead of offering to move he just says, "that's me" and goes back to doing some computery shit on some hand held thing.

so then i got a little snippy with him and told him i'm in a rush, and he actually told me to "wait a minute" and he'll "try to find" the guy who's blocking me in from the street. i was in no mood so i screamed, "WHY THE FUCK CAN'T YOU JUST MOVE YOUR FUCKING CAR SO I CAN GO TO FUCKING WORK??" so he starts the whole "you better calm down" routine so i get in my car and start laying on the horn and screaming about how someone needs to move and if this was a better neighborhood they wouldn't pull this shit. i realize this sounds like an overreaction but the company's policy was no joke and the money was good. also i fucking hate cops.

suddenly all these cops have the time to come over to my car from out of nowhere and tell me how i'm gonna get arrested if i don't stfu. so i start taunting them and daring them to come onto private property to arrest me and telling them to move some fucking cars since they clearly have nothing better to do (at this point i was in full tantrum mode). they proceeded to come onto the property and explain that i'm making a disturbance and "being disorderly" and they can arrest me no matter whose property i'm on. by now there was an audience of people laughing and cheering and yelling at the cops to move. they were fucking chanting "MOVE YOUR CAR" which would have been glorious if i wasn't on the verge of a coronary event. the cops must've sensed that an actual incident was brewing (it's one of "those" streets) so someone moved the car in the street and i left. i was 2 minutes late but not late enough for a warning and i was in a foul mood for the rest of the day.

tl;dr fuck the police and their entitled cunt attitudes