80;s tunes that bring you back!


Well-Known Member
^^^Not available in my country(usa)^^^ I feel like I'm missing out.:sad:



Well-Known Member
When the video to this came out I remember there was a big fuss about it and mtv wouldn't play it because it too sexual. My, how things have changed since then.



Well-Known Member
I can see them. It was just that one that wouldn't play. I've seen it happen before. It is usually when the copyright is owned by Sony music corp. that they sometimes block certain videos from playing in specific countries when embeded in forums.:-P


Well-Known Member
Awesome thread, people. This seems to be a great way to rediscover those lost classics.

Keep 'em coming. I got to go for now, so....Talk to ya later...



Active Member
I can see them. It was just that one that wouldn't play. I've seen it happen before. It is usually when the copyright is owned by Sony music corp. that they sometimes block certain videos from playing in specific countries when embeded in forums.:-P
I noticed that when trying to watch certain videos on yt i usually goggle it then watch it on another site