FinShaggy's BeanSprouts

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Well-Known Member
if you still haven't bought the timers, you can probably get by without them, i sure do. just set your phone or other alarm to a convenient time for you and get into a routine.

might save you a bit of money to spend on other grow goodies.
I bought the timers already. But my last two grows I actually did set alarms on my phone and turned off the lights manually at 12am and 12pm. 2 grows.


Well-Known Member
In the video you said the bottle said 1 tablespoon per gallon. That's the same as 1/4 tablespoon per quart, which is what you said you fed them in your video. Then you added maybe a cup or two of water. That only dilutes the solution to like 3/4 strength. I dunno, maybe I'm tripping, but that's what I thought you did in the video in the first post of this thread.

Am I tripping? I'll watch again...woot! One more view for your videos!
I totally forgot I'm not using a gallon jug... :lol:


Well-Known Member
I do have a serious question though. How are you planning on transplanting them if the roots are all tangled together? Are you just gonna guess and take a chance at cutting the roots up?


Well-Known Member
I totally forgot I'm not using a gallon jug... :lol:
So you might benefit from a flush if you fed your babies full strength, fin. Believe it or not, I'm pulling for you. Despite our differences I bet we can both agree that marijuana is so amazing it transcends pesky disagreements. I really think no one should pay for bud if they have the ability to grow.


Well-Known Member
With over 10,000 combined views.
Fin i actually hope that with all those views that someone sends you some equipment and some beans so you can throw away that garbage and start over again. I would love to watch you fail again with all the right stuff. At least when you realize that your just not cut out to grow anything besides athletes foot, you can sell the equipment and buy yourself some smoke and your mom some flowers so you dont have to grow them yourself.:wall:


Well-Known Member
Also quick question, this grow is being done in you room right? May I hear your plan to prevent light leaks?
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